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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ M ] / Mims

Mims tradutor Espanhol

105 parallel translation
That is, Mrs. Mims and I have hired the coach to take us to Bisbee.
Es decir, la Sra. Mims y yo hemos pedido que nos lleven a Bisbee.
- Mrs. Mims?
- ¿ Sra. Mims?
Patrick, I want you to meet Mr. Willard Mims.
Patrick, quiero presentarte al Sr. Willard Mims.
Mrs. Mims and I, we...
La Sra. Mims y yo, nosotros...
Mrs. Mims, you'd better try and got some sleep.
Sra. Mims, será mejor que intente dormir.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Mims.
Lo siento, Sra. Mims.
Now you listen to me, Mrs. Mims.
Escúcheme, Sra. Mims.
No, Mrs. Mims, we've got until your father gets here tomorrow, that's all.
No, Sra. Mims, sólo tenemos hasta que su padre llegue aquí mañana.
They're going to kill us, Mrs. Mims.
Van a matarnos, Sra. Mims.
Mrs. Mims, you're a liar.
Sra. Mims, es una mentirosa.
Yes, I married Willard Mims because I couldn't stand being alone anymore.
Sí, me casé con Willard Mims porque no soportaba más estar sola.
Why didn't you tell me about the new guard on the gate?
¿ Por qué no me hablaste de la vigilante nueva de la puerta? Te preocupas demasiado, Mims.
You worry too much, Mims.
Me encargaré de ello.
Well, when I first heard the alarm, I told Mrs. Mims to stay put. And then later, I could see no reason why she should be taken hostage.
Cuando oí la alarma le dije que no se moviera, y luego... no quise que a ella la cogieran como rehén.
Were you really worried about us, Mary, or did you just mistake Mrs. Mims for me in the dark?
¿ Estabas preocupada por nosotras o la confundiste conmigo al no ver?
¡ Mims!
Mrs. Fletcher, how did you know that something was going to happen to the grocery lady?
Sra. Fletcher, ¿ cómo sabía que le pasaría algo a Mims?
Somebody had to cut the power so Gates could knife Mims.
Alguien cortó la luz para que pudiera matar a Mims.
The warden must've hired Mims to make the hit, and then gave her the pass keys to get away.
La alcaidesa pagó a Mims para hacerlo y le dio la llave... para que se fuera.
Only instead, she got trapped by us, so Gates killed Mims to keep her from talking. Yeah.
Pero nosotras la cogimos y la alcaidesa... mató a Mims para que no hablara.
- Mims was the only outsider in here.
- Mims era la única de fuera.
Just tell me, have you matched the prints... on the morphine vial with Mrs. Mims's? How could we?
¿ Han comparado las huellas del frasco de morfina... con las de la Sra. Mims?
I'm afraid the doctor was selling off her drug supply, just as you were selling off the kitchen supplies to Mims.
Creo que la doctora vendía suministro de drogas. Igual que usted le vendía víveres a Mims.
You're forgetting Mims, the grocer, who didn't leave a suicide note.
Mims no dejó nota de suicidio.
So Mrs. Debs had her own accomplice cut the power, and then she knifed Mims in the dark.
Ella y su cómplice cortaron la luz para poder matarla.
Come on, Mims.
Vamos, Mims.
- Mims, see?
- Mims, mira?
- Where's Mims?
- Dónde está Mims?
- Mims!
- Mims!
- Mims!
Hey, Mims, you're crazy.
Mimí, estás loca.
Mr. Mims, your answer was "Look on the front page?"
Sr. Mims, usted respondió : "¿ Se mira en la primera página?".
Seniority, Mims, seniority.
Antigüedad, Mims, antigüedad.
I gotta go, Mims, I got to.
Debo colgar, Mims. Tengo que hacerlo.
The Creeks boxed up about 400 or 500 people at Fort Mims and massacred every one of'em.
Los creeks sitiaron a unas 500 personas en el Fuerte Mims y las masacraron a todas.
Look at you.
¡ Mims!
- Fun. - Well?
¡ Mims, no seas ridícula!
Meems, you get in there and enjoy yourself, ok?
Mims, entra allí y diviértete ¿ sí?
Huh, well, I hate to break it to you, Meems, but Jerry might be into dudes.
Bueno... odio tener que decirte esto, Mims... pero creo que a Jerry le gustan los tipos.
Curtis mims.
Curtis Mims.
I love her, Mims.
La quiero, Mims.
You got that Mims?
¿ Lo has pillado Mims?
Sorry, Mims, I just can't remember it.
Perdona, Mims, no lo recuerdo
Who was that, sweetie pie? It's me, Mims.
¿ Quién era esa, cariño?
Mims, you should find another man.
Mims, búscate otro hombre.
Fucking MIMS?
MIMS Cojida?
Mrs. Mims.
Es la Sra. Mims.
Mims, don't be a turd!
Nena... ¡ No me toques!
Mims no tiene a nadie.
It's George, your daughter's husband.
Soy yo Mims.

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