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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ N ] / Nish

Nish tradutor Espanhol

63 parallel translation
I know and this will fi nish him off.
Coja el dinero y compre leche.
- Well, if he doesn't fi nish his last meal...
Si no termina la última comida...
Besides, all the good k'nish is already on the beach.
Además, las chicas bonitas ya están en la playa.
Why don't you fii nish packing?
Escucha. Termina de empacar.
Ah, nish, tussock, flip and fourpence.
Ah, rayos, centellas y carámbanos.
It's probably Nish'ta.
Seguramente sea Nish'ta.
- Nish'ta does have an Achilles heel.
- El Nish'ta tiene un talón de Aquiles.
But you'll have to let the Nish'ta spread through all your tissues or it'll regain a stronghold.
Pero tendrán que dejar que el Nish'ta invada todos sus tejidos, de lo contrario, se fortalecerá.
We must wait to be sure the Nish'ta has permeated their tissues.
Debemos esperar a estar seguros de que el Nish'ta ha penetrado en sus tejidos.
Well, Denise, you can fil nish the research we started on your own.
Puedes terminar tú sola la investigación que iniciamos.
You know, the book that I said I came down here to fii nish... it's actually done.
¿ Sabes? Ya terminé el libro que te dije que había venido a terminar aquí.
- I have to f | nish my game.
Debo terminar el juego.
You could f | nish the game.
Para terminar el juego.
Just allow him to f | nish this one game.
-... que sea campeón mundial. - Permítale que termine el juego...
Slobodan Milosevic in Nis.
Slobodan Miloshevic en Nish.
I am the ogre, Nish.
Soy Nish, el ogro.
Nish, hurry up.
- I am the ogre, Nish.
- Nish, el ogro.
Man-nish and you don't like loneliness, gluttonous, capricious, calm emotional and love for the people...
Eres masculina y... no te gusta la soledad. Glotona. Caprichosa, tranquila...
Hey, it's Nish. Question... Do you guys keep records of who you take home?
Hola, es Nish una pregunta, ¿ ustedes guardan registros de a quienes llevan a casa?
Nish, it's Veronica.
Nish, es Veronica.
I trust Nish as far as I can throw her, but I can't throw those frat boys very far either.
Confío en Nish tanto como lo lejos que podría tirarla pero tampoco puedo tirar muy lejos a los chicos de esa fraternidad.
I'm a devious old man, Nish.
No puede hacerlo. Soy un viejo taimado, Nish.
- Yeah. Or Nish just wants to scare girls away from the frat blowout.
O Nish no quiere que las chicas vayan a la fiesta de la fraternidad.
And look who wrote it.
NISH SWEENEY Y mira quién la redactó.
- Hey, Nish.
- Oye, Nish.
Just let me nish the setup, okay?
Sólo déjame terminar la historia. - ¿ Vale?
One of them, Nish, was the editor of the newspaper, when O'Dell fired her she swore he'd regret it.
Nish, era la editora del periódico. Cuando O'Dell la despidió juró que él se arrepentiría.
Nish was not with us when we egged the dean's office.
No. Nish no estaba cuando "hueveamos" al decano.
When you were outside throwing eggs at his window where was your friend Nish?
¿ Dónde estaba ella? ¿ Cuando lanzaban huevos a su ventana dónde estaba su amiga Nish?
Do you two ever watch the news? Nish.
¿ Ustedes nunca ven las noticias?
You were egging buildings the night the dean died.
Nish. Lanzaban huevos la noche que murió el decano.
Your buddy Nish said specifically that she egged the dean's Volvo.
Tu amiga Nish dijo que "hueveó" el Volvo del decano.
So Nish is lying?
¿ Entonces Nish miente?
Nish says she egged the dean's Volvo on campus the night he was murdered.
Nish dice que vio el Volvo del decano en el campus la noche que lo mataron.
One of them, Nish, was the editor at the newspaper.
Una de ellas, Nish, era la editora del periódico.
And Nish.
Y Nish.
Nish was not with us when we egged the dean's office.
Nish no estaba cuando arrojamos huevos al despacho del decano.
When you were outside his office, throwing eggs at his window, where was your friend Nish?
Cuando estaban fuera de su oficina, tirando huevos a su ventana, ¿ dónde estaba su amiga Nish?
Nish, you were out egging buildings the night the dean died, but you weren't with them when they egged the dean's office.
Nish, estuviste fuera arrojando huevos la noche que el decano murió, pero no estabas cuando arrojaron huevos a la oficina del decano.
Your buddy Nish said specifically that she egged the dean's volvo, But according to the report, the dean was driving the minivan.
Tu colega Nish dijo concretamente que arrojó huevos al Volvo, pero según el informe, el decano conducía el monovolumen.
So, nish is lying?
Así que, ¿ Nish miente?
- Yo soy Mrs. Plornish... Plooor-nish.
C " mon, finish up.
listo, termina.
Ferdinand got a diarrhea in Nish.
Ferdinand se agarró diarrea en Nish.
You got nish, and you know it.
No tienes nada, y lo sabes.
Nish. Look. Vodka, black label.
Nish, mira, Vodka, etiqueta negra.
She taunts him for lacking the guts to finish the job.
Ella se bura de él por no tener agallas y terminar el trabajo.
Parker, hi, I'm Nish.
Parker, hola, soy Nish.
I have to finish her off.
Debo encargarme de ella.
And Nish. No.
Y Nish.

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