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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ N ] / Not that i can think of

Not that i can think of tradutor Espanhol

241 parallel translation
Not that I can think of.
No se me ocurre nada ahora.
Not that I can think of.
No se me ocurre nada.
No, not that I can think of.
No se me ocurre nada.
No, not that I can think of.
Que yo sepa no.
- Not that I can think of, no.
- No se me ocurre nada, no.
No que yo sepa.
Not that I can think of.
No se me ocurre.
Not that I can think of, but, then again, we just moved here.
No se que decir Nosotros nos acabamos de mudar aquí.
- Not that I can think of.
- Nada que se me ocurra ahora mismo.
- No, not that I can think of.
No, no que recuerde.
- Not that I can think of.
- No se me ocurre nada.
Not that I can think of.
No que me pueda acordar.
Not that I can think of.
Pues no se me ocurre nada...
Not that I can think of.
No es que pueda imaginarlo.
Not that I can think of.
No, no que yo recuerde.
I like nice, more coupons that the other disciples, fishermen, farmers, people of all, But you're committed, think you're smart, you can not expect anything from this adventure.
Me caes simpatico, vales más que los otros discípulos, pescadores, campesinos, gente de nada, pero, tú estás comprometido, piensa tú eres inteligente, no puedes esperar nada de esta aventura.
We might have fallen asleep in the movie and not waked up... but the best one I can think of is that Papa had better be asleep when we get there.
Podríamos habernos dormido en el cine y no habernos despertado... pero lo mejor que se me ocurre es que esté dormido cuando lleguemos.
And I do not think the city of Paris is so rich in legal talent that it can so casually lose the services of a gifted and honourable attorney.
Y no considero que la ciudad de París esté tan sobrada de talento legal como para perder a la ligera los servicios de un abogado capaz y honorable.
Having conferred with my learned friend and Mr. Peter Carter, the father of the girl in question, I hope you will not think I am slighting this court or shirking my duty in any way at all in seeking to avoid the prolongation of an ordeal that, however the case might end, can only have a bad psychological effect on the child herself.
Habiéndose concertado con mi distinguido colega y el Sr. Peter Carter, el padre de la chica en cuestión,... espero que no vayan a pensar que estoy menospreciando a este tribunal,... o eludiendo mi deber de algún modo u otro tratando de evitar la prolongación de una experiencia muy dura,
No, of course you can't, so being a gentleman, you offer her your dressing gown while her dress is drying, and that I think places you quite definitely one up, if not more.
Por supuesto que no. Como un caballero, le ofrece su bata mientras el vestido de ella se seca, y eso creo que supone un punto más para usted, o incluso más.
It's not that I think I can talk any better than the others, but I think we often underestimate the intelligence of people.
No es que me crea más persuasivo que los otros, pero solemos subestimar la inteligencia de la gente.
I think the emperor's heard enough A mind full of pedicast When God set down tons of fire upon the heads of christ apostles so that they can speak the many languages of the world that they knew not before
En pentecostés Dios envió a los apóstoles lenguas de fuego... para hablar todas las lenguas
I think these two forms of society are, right now, antiquated and that what we are seeing and will see is the construction of new structures be they for a socialist or for a, not capitalist, but a liberal economy, that can come up with solutions...
Creo que estas dos formas de sociedad están, ahora mismo, pasadas de moda y que lo que estamos presenciando y presenciaremos es la construcción de nuevas estructuras sean para una economía socialista, sean para una, no capitalista, digamos liberal, que sea capaz de aportar soluciones y, ¿ por qué no?
I'm so inexplicably close to the feeling of this existence, that if a leaf falls, you're can think only of autumn being around the corner. Similarly I'm forgetting the magistrate work which is waiting for me in Milan, which you can imagine, I do not like.
Estoy tan absorto en sentir esta existencia, en la que al ver una hoja, sólo pienso que viene el otoño, que olvido el puesto de magistrado que tendré en Milán, y que, como sabes, no me gusta.
I know that triffids can be very nasty in parts of the world where they're not controlled, but I think here they're a limited problem.
Se que los trífidos pueden ser un problema en partes del mundo donde no están bajo control, pero creo que aquí el problema esta limitado.
I do not think that Mr. Seymour can be in Southampton. For he stopped my servant this morning at Radstock to ask after me. And on the understanding that I had some hope of seeing you was according to my servant, more than pleased.
Mr Seymour no podría estar en Southampton, pues ha preguntado por mí esta mañana en Radstock y, sabiendo que yo esperaba veros, se mostró más que encantado.
- Leonardo, on the other hand, -.... Now that I think can not be ignore the opinion of Claudia.
Leonardo, por otro lado, ahora que lo pienso, no se puede ignorar la opinión de Claudia.
I'm not leaving you now I can't go with you, they're taking me to the temple tonight to be the prime sacrifice somehow I don't think mom would like that too much I have no intentions of being chopped up,
Creo que tu madre no le gustaría. No tengo ninguna intención de ser asesinada. Voy a quemar el templo contigo adentro.
I do not think that he can do this kind of matter
- Era un poco travieso, pero no creía jamás que llegaría a hacer eso.
- Not that I can think of.
- No que yo sepa.
And if there was probably a childhood trauma that I had... other than the Dodgers leaving Brooklyn... which if you think about it is a reason why some of us are imbued with a cynicism... that we never recovered from, obviously you're not a Mets fan... and you can't possibly be a Yankee fan.
Y probablemente si tuve algún trauma infantil... aparte de que los Dodgers se marcharan de Brooklyn lo cual, si te paras a pensarlo es una razón para que algunos estemos imbuidos en un cinismo del que no nos recuperaremos. Evidentemente no eres fan de los Mets ni de los Yankees.
I mean it's not like you think you're gonna wake up one morning and find out that he shaved his head and tattooed the entire third act of Henry IV on it and then just gone off to live in some commune in Brazil where they worship a giant butterfly named Fred and then two years later, he sends you a note and says he can't come back because he's allergic to psychics, is it?
Es decir tú no crees que un día te despertarás y descubrirás que se afeitó la cabeza y se tatuó el tercer acto de Henry IV en ella e irá a vivir a una comuna en Brasil donde adoran a Fred, una mariposa gigante. Para que dos años después te envíe una nota diciendo que no regresará porque es alérgico a los psíquicos, ¿ no?
Well, I'm not callin'you a liar, but - but I can't think of a way to finish that sentence.
- No es que crea que miente, pero... - No sé cómo terminar la oración.
I think that regardless of whether or not you can trust me or I can trust you, when I am not with you and we trust ourselves, it doesn't mean that we just can right now.
Creo que a pesar de que puedas o no confiar en mí o yo en ti, o en nosotros mismos no significa que tengamos que terminar.
I can read. I think that most know the meaning of the figures œ10,000, whether they can sign their names or not.
Y creo que mayoría entiende el significado de la cifra 10.000 libras, sepan o no sepan firmar con su nombre.
regrets... everyone wants to be a perfect parent but... I'm not, I do the best I can I can't say it's the worst part of me that I go out such a lot because I don't think it hurts them it's a completely different lifestyle that I've got compared to my mum and dad
Arrepentimiento... todos quieren ser los padres perfectos pero... yo no lo soy, hago mi mayor esfuerzo no sabria decir si lo peor de mi es que salgo tanto porque no creo que eso los perjudique es un estilo de vida completamente distinto al de mis papás
Well, I can't think of anything that's not really gross, so...
Pues, no se me ocurre nada que no sea asqueroso.
As yet, I think, we are not brought so low... but that between us we can kill a fly... that comes in likeness of a coal-black Moor.
Aún no hemos caído tan bajo. Podemos matar una mosca que tanto se parece a ese negro moro.
I think you can say with safety that nowadays, women have finally acknowledged their position of not liking men.
Creo que se puede decir con seguridad que en la actualidad, las mujeres han reconocido finalmente su postura de que no le gustan los hombres
I feel that you're going to the world of being complacent, but I'd rather stay, Think about it, We can not stay,
Presiento que van a un mundo donde podrán descansar. Tomársela con calma. Pero preferiría que se quedaran.
What I think we can say of President Clinton is that he was not guilty but responsible.
Yo pienso, que el Presidente Clinton no fue culpable sino responsable.
I can't think why I would ever want to. No, I would not do that. Maybe if Debbie wants a bit of a change or whatever.
no se me ocurre por qué no lo quise hacer nunca no, no lo haría quizá si Debbie quisiera probar algo nuevo o tal, ya sabes
Basically, for quite some time now, all I can think about in the car is being a survivor, and there are a couple of things that I think decisions can be made on. ( thudding ) Not... potholes.
Básicamente lo único en lo que pienso en el auto es sobre Survivor y hay un par de cosas de decisiones que debo tomar no de baches..
"There are men of whom it can be said they can charm birds from the trees. " But not so many, I think, that can charm a dinosaur.
Hay hombres que pueden encantar a las aves pero muy pocos, pueden encantar a un dinosaurio.
Well, I'm not going to dignify that with a response... because I can't think of one.
Bueno, no voy a dignificar la respuesta \ ~ que... porque no hemos pensado en todo.
I would like to think that the kind of leadership that I would exercise in Washington is not the kind of leadership that I would pretend that i can solve all the problems I've been discussing here but that together, you and I can...
retomar el control de su propio destino lejos de una elite remota en Washington me gustaria pensar, de que el tipo de liderazgo que ejercerla en Washington no es el tipo de liderazgo en el que yo pretenderia que puedo resolver todos los problemas que he estado discutiendo aqui
The way of the Tories must be... that they're not at the moment conveing a sense of grip in being at control, and unless they can do better than that, I think they're going to lose...
El tema era vulgar y encima odiaba a Estados Unidos. Se había vuelto un pesimista con los seres humanos En los años 20, se recluía los veranos en los Alpes.
I think if you want to get the truth of the situation, you the truth of the situation, you just can look in someone's eyes. just can look in someone's eyes. That's not just like, that's not
No es como---no es como " Ooh!
I can not think of anything more arrogant than that.
No puedo pensar en nada más arrogante que eso.
It can't be. So I think we can say... beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it's not gonna happen.
Pienso que podemos decir... sin ninguna duda, que eso no va a pasar.
Assuming that we can rise to the minimal, moral, level that I mentioned earlier - if we are not hypocrites in otherwords - then some consequences follow about other acts of retaliation and preemption, but that's too obvious Well that's 1985 - the peak year of international terrorism in the Middle East. to talk about, so I will just leave it for you to think about.
Asumiendo eso podemos elevarnos al mínimo nivel moral que mencioné antes - si no somos hipócritas empedernidos en otras palabras - entonces vendrán algunas consecuencias sobre otros actos de represalia y prevención, pero eso es demasiado obvio para hablar de ello, así que solo lo dejaré para que lo piense.

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