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Nr tradutor Espanhol

330 parallel translation
The meeting of the Menshevik fraction is in Room 16
Sesión de la fracción de los mencheviques en la hab. Nr. 16
SociaI-RevoIutionary fraction meets in Room 20
Los Socialrevolucionarios sesionan en la Nr. 20
Sleep well, girls? - Yes! - Great!
[Skipped item nr. 13]
Have the mail put in # 7.
Haz que pongan el correo en el Nr. 7.
You are in the station for burns, you'll replace nurse Masi, which is responsible for the injured Nr.2 in room 8.
Tú estarás en la sala de quemados, sustituirás a la hermana Masi, que asiste al herido dos en la sala ocho.
- The place is full of men.
[Skipped item nr. 286] - Los hay a montones.
What hotel, he stays on Scanderbeg st, nr. 58.
Qué hotel, vive en la calle Scandeberg, entrando por el bajo del número 58.
" NR-65 KOB-34.
" NR-65 KOB-34.
She couldn't even spell Smith.
[Skipped item nr. 193]
[Skipped item nr. 232]
¿ Qué tal? Ven con nosotros.
[Skipped item nr. 234]
Ah no, que me enfado, ¿ eh? Así, un dedo.
You're bad! He thinks you're good!
[Skipped item nr. 1006]
- Nr. 29, the two windows on the second floor.
La 29, aquellas dos ventanas del segundo piso.
[Skipped item nr. 673] He say to me,
Me dice,
You say that because you were afraid to wait.
[Skipped item nr. 267]
What do you want with me?
[Skipped item nr. 427]
[Skipped item nr. 110]
[Skipped item nr. 110]
Where do you think
¿ Alguna vez trabaje en una oficina? Skipped item nr. 467
- Maybe table nr. 15?
- ¿ La mesa 15, tal vez?
Nr 1, 2, 3 will be the main fortresses and Nr 3A will be the spare fortress.
No 1, 2, 3 seran la fortalezas principales y la 3a sera la fortaleza de repuesto.
You have time to read.
Podrás leer. Cierto. [Skipped item nr. 194]
No, nr 213, sir.
No. La número 213.
Pick up your exercise books ; exercise nr 145.
Abran sus libros de ejercicios. Ejercicio número 145.
- Sweaters aren't allowed. - He has something for you.
[Skipped item nr. 565]
Don't believe those fairy tales ; he never killed a German.
[Skipped item nr. 581]
She gets real serious and he tries to smooth things over... by telling her it's not about sex, just an evening together.
[Skipped item nr. 649] Le dijo que no se trataba de ir a la cama, sino de cenar juntos.
[Skipped item nr. 192]
- Adiós, Francesca. - Adiós. - Adiós.
"Due to proved infringement of the building code laws nr. 765 and 517..." "Manzo Odoacre, head of Tiburtense Construction, is sentenced to..." "18 months detention, a fine of 3,220,000 and trial expenses."
Comprobada la infracción de la ley de urbanismo, en los artículos 765 y 517, se condena a Odoacre Manzo, presidente de la empresa constructora Tiburtense, a 18 meses de reclusión y a una multa de 3.220.000 liras, así como al pago de las costas del proceso.
- A. KAVALEROV. Yevstigneyev - A. DOROZHKO Kasymov
[Skipped item nr. 35]
Regular battery inspection, rule number 8.
Vino a realizar el examen médico, por la norma Nr. 8. No hay pulgas.
- Thank you. - Not so fast. Save some for Margaret.
[Skipped item nr. 401]
Flight Air France nr 704, gate 17.
Vuelo Air France Nº 704, puerta 17.
- Which one is a clamp? - There.
[Skipped item nr. 405]
- Who's a she? - He is.
[Skipped item nr. 273]
I'm guilty. That's my explanation.
[Skipped item nr. 320]
Oh, he ain't got no friends.
[Skipped item nr. 397]
"Tram nr 18"...
"Tranvía Nº 18"...
I'm going to Pierre Maury's. His wife died. You should come with me
[Skipped item nr. 294]
- You seem terribly upset - For good reason
[Skipped item nr. 369]
Otherwise, how could I run for office?
[Skipped item nr. 437]
I'd like you to meet two of my friends. This is Bob Dwight.
[Skipped item nr. 224]
- I am your replacement. Is this the injured Nr.2?
- ¿ Es el herido número dos?
The Captian speaks only greek, italian, russian and turkish, Monsieur.
[Skipped item nr. 417]
- I haven't had any bad...
[Skipped item nr. 416] - No he tenido ningún mal...
[Skipped item nr. 225]
No hay...
[Skipped item nr. 227]
¡ Stop!
[Skipped item nr. 230]
¡ A ver si paráis, niños!
[Skipped item nr. 231]
- Hola. - Hola, Marcel.
[Skipped item nr. 233]
Rápido, que no tengo tiempo.
It's order nr. 248.
¿ Porqué tocan nuestras cosas? Explico :
Oh, well, I'm here in plenty of time.
Skipped item nr. 1157 Oh... Oh, pues bien, La i está aquí en lo suficiente de tiempo.

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