Oiled tradutor Espanhol
342 parallel translation
Nails has got some pretty handy boys with their gloves all oiled.
Nails tiene unos muchachos bien entrenados.
You didn't keep it oiled.
No la mantuviste aceitada.
She's oiled, inked and we're both ready.
Engrasada y lista para funcionar.
Maybe it squeaked and someone oiled it.
Quizá hacía ruido y alguien la aceitó.
Say, I oiled up my gun.
Mira, he engrasado mi revólver.
I've oiled it, but I don't see how you'll get the carriage out.
Ya está engrasado. Pero no veo cómo va a sacar ese coche.
Your loyalty's to keep me oiled and polished.
Su lealtad es mantenerme engrasado y brillante.
Last time I saw him, he shouldn't have been driving his cab. He was oiled to the gills.
La última vez que lo vi, no debía conducir, estaba ebrio.
Where do you want to be oiled first?
¿ Dónde te lo ponemos primero?
You're oiled. Have you been drinking?
Pareces borracha. ¿ Has estado bebiendo?
Usted planeó todo, pero cometió un error.
I oiled her up a little.
La he engrasado un poco.
Is it oiled?
¿ Está engrasado?
He's just had his chest oiled.
Le acabo de dar una friegas.
Dogs panting with heat when they could be cool. A useless bit oiled for use.
Perros jadeando de calor cuando podrían estar frescos un cacharro inútil engrasado para su uso
Estaba siendo mimada, halagada, atendida...
I'll keep the presses oiled and waiting.
Tendré la prensa engrasada y esperando.
I sure oiled up an airplane, though. We were all mighty lucky.
Sólo un poco de grasa del avión, aunque... tuvimos todos mucha suerte.
- I oigled it. - Oiled!
¡ Aceite!
But the prisms need cleaning and it's got to be oiled!
Pero, los prismas necesitan de limpieza y tienen que ser engrasados!
And then the multi-hydro nuts on the brakes were all oiled up and the special two-way camshaft was bent.
Y las tuercas múltiples de los frenos estaban aceitadas, y el árbol de levas especial de dos vías estaba torcido.
You'll be oiled, bathed... shaved, massaged, taught to use your heads.
Se os bañará, aceitará... afeitará y masajeará. También aprenderéis a usar la cabeza.
I'm afraid Miss Duval doesn't realize how well-oiled I kept my machinery.
La Srta. Duval no sabe lo bien engrasada que tengo mi maquinaria.
Cleaned and oiled it.
Limpia y engrasada.
And to think before I met Becket, I was like you, a well oiled machine, for belching, whoring and punching heads.
Y pensar que antes de conocer a Becket yo era como vosotros, una máquina bien engrasada, para eructar, ir de putas y golpear cabezas.
Well, we'll have a fine, new, well oiled machine in place of the old one, and this time we'll put the Normans into it instead.
Bueno, tendremos una máquina nueva y bien engrasada... en lugar de la vieja, y esta vez pondremos dentro a los normandos.
" Oozing charm from every pore He oiled his way around the floor
'Rezumando encanto por los poros iba engrasando el salón a su paso
Are we going to do this because we're spoiled and used to a comfortable, well-oiled machine?
¿ Haremos esto porque estamos consentidos y acostumbrados a un sistema cómodo que funciona bien?
I trust this time the bearings are well-oiled?
Espero que los cojinetes estén bien engrasados.
Well oiled.
Muy buenas.
Check that the wheels are oiled properly.
Comprueba que las ruedas estén bien engrasadas.
She got a little oiled up at the beach.
Bebió más de la cuenta en la playa y...
Now he oiled it... so it runs smooth again.
La lubricó... y ahora es una seda.
Maybe this will buy you a bottle of medicine to keep your arm well-oiled.
Quizá con esto pueda comprarse una medicina para el brazo.
I'd have it in my apartment where people could see it and I would keep it polished and I would keep it oiled and I would keep it loaded.
La tendría en mi apartamento donde pudiera exhibirla la lustraría, la aceitaría y la tendría cargada.
It's undoubtedly been oiled very recently.
Es indudable que ha sido aceitada muy recientemente.
The lock on the street door had been recently oiled.
La cerradura en la puerta de calle... ha sido lubricada recientemente.
The lock on the girl's door, also recently oiled, had been opened by a piece of wire which left a distinct mark on the end of the key.
La cerradura en la puerta de la chica... también recientemente lubricada... había sido abierta por un pedazo de alambre... que había dejado una marca distintiva, en el extremo... de la llave.
It's gotta be oiled.
Hay que engrasarlo.
I cleaned and oiled your stuff while you was gone.
Limpié y engrasé el equipo mientras estabas fuera.
I keep myself better oiled.
- Yo estoy mejor engrasado.
" Dr. Pierce and I performed like a well-oiled machine under very difficult circumstances.
" Él yyo funcionamos como una máquina aceitada... bajo circunstancias difíciles.
"Well-oiled machine."
"Una máquina aceitada".
If there's no glass, use oiled paper.
Si no hay vidrio, usen papel aceitado.
Every thousand miles this thing must be oiled!
Cada mil vueltas hay que engrasar la rosca!
First of all, I oiled him up.
Primero, le unté el aceite.
Smooth as silk and oiled as clockwork.
Fue un trabajo suave como la seda y aceitado como un reloj.
They're well oiled, fed regularly...
Están bien aceitados, regularmente alimentados.
I had to leave my feathers to be oiled, and they gave me this one to wear, and it doesn't even fit right.
Tuve que llevar a arreglar mis plumas y me dieron esto para ponerme y ni siquiera es de mi talla
That's the wind. It should get oiled.
- Deberían ponerle aceite.
The lock's been oiled recently.
La cerradura ha sido engrasada hace poco.