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On his own tradutor Espanhol

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If he pulled a trigger on his own father he won't hesitate to come for us.
Si apretó el gatillo contra su propio padre no dudará en atacarnos a nosotros.
He still thinks he's gonna find her on his own.
Todavia cree que va a encontrarla por su propia cuenta.
I think we might hoist him on his own petard.
Creo que lo podríamos izar en su propia trampa.
Agency suspected for years that Federov started the war by dropping the building on his own men, then blaming it on the Chechen nationalists.
Agencia sospecha de años que Federov Comenzó la guerra por la caída del edificio en sus propios hombres, continuación, echándole la culpa a los nacionalistas chechenos.
I think he was coming out on his own.
Yo creo que el estaba saliendo por si mismo.
" Bobby Byrd gonna leave James Brown on his own.
" Bobby Byrd dejará solo a James Brown.
He's on his own little planet.
Él está en su propio pequeño planeta.
He signed it on his own.
Firmó por su cuenta.
Must have walked out on his own.
Debe haberse ido por su cuenta.
Witnesses testified to having seen a man clad in a black swallowtail killing twelve men on his own.
Los testigos dicen que había un hombre vestido con un chaqué negro y que lo vieron matar doce hombres por su cuenta.
On his own?
¿ Él solo?
Noa gets up on his own in the morning, and he does his homework.
Noa se despertó sólo en la mañana, e hizo su tarea.
Just... leave Jasper to deal with everything on his own?
Justo... dejar Jasper para hacer frente con todo por su cuenta?
I mean how can he get up on his own'?
Quiero decir, ¿ cómo él puede pararse por sí mismo?
Trampas is doing this on his own, judge.
Tramps no está sólo en ésto.
He was then tried and sentenced in a record two-week trial based on his own confession that the police obtained after a non-stop 16-hour interrogation.
Posteriormente, fue juzgado y condenado en un registro de prueba de dos semanas Sobre la base de su propia confesión de que la policía obtuvo Después de unas 16 horas seguidas de interrogatorio.
You're telling me the captain acted on his own initiative?
Usted me está diciendo que el capitán actuado por iniciativa propia?
- He shouldn't be on his own, should he?
- Él no debería hacer esas cosas, ¿ no?
I'll convince him to leave, on his own.
Puedo convencerlo para que salga... por iniciativa propia.
Tell our fearless leader he should be able to handle one lone TIE fighter on his own.
Dile a nuestro intrépido líder que espero sea capaz de encargarse de una nave enemiga.
He took off on his own.
Se quitó por su cuenta.
He wouldn't tell me much more, said he wanted to do some legwork on his own.
No me dijo mucho mas, dijo que quería hacer algo de trabajo de piernas por sí solo.
Later that night Philips asphyxiated on his own vomit, resulting in his untimely death.
Más tarde, esa noche Philips se asfixió con su propio vómito resultando en su muerte prematura.
He was on his own and I was...
Él estaba solo y yo...
Joe often goes off on his own.
Joe suele irse solo.
He'd lived on his own for years.
Ha vivido solo durante años.
How should a serf, who knows nothing but bondage, survive on his own!
¿ Cómo podría un siervo, que no conoce nada, excepto la esclavitud, sobrevivir por su cuenta?
You left him on his own?
¿ Lo dejaste solo?
Marco can find the rash cream on his own.
Marco puede encontrar la crema solo.
He lived to his late 80s on his own private Swedish island.
Vivió hasta los 80 y tantos en su isla sueca privada.
All on his own.
Él solo.
He's not on his own.
Él no está solo.
I thought by leaving you out of the arctic-lease play, I was showing everybody that I could close a deal that not even my father could close on his own.
Pensé que dejándote fuera del arrendamiento ártico, le mostraba a todo el mundo que podía cerrar un trato que ni siquiera mi padre podía cerrar solo.
We got to carry him,'cause he can't fly on his own.
Debemos llevarlo porque no puede volar solo.
Until he split off on his own this year.
Hasta que se separó por su cuenta este año.
One man on his own.
Un solo hombre.
'Rejected by both Ashley and Yvette, Philip walked off on his own,'with only the faintest notion of where to move forward from this,'the low point of his adult life.
Rechazado por Ashley e Yvette, Philip se marchó por su cuenta, con la única idea de alejarse de éste, el punto más bajo de su vida adulta.
He could text, call, and video chat, all on his own. He'll be better than 3D.
Podía texto, llamar, y chat de vídeo, todo por su cuenta Él va a estar mejor que en 3D
Andrew was flying his own helicopter with American filmmaker Mike de Gruy when it crashed just after take off on this tiny airstrip at Jaspers Brush.
Andrew volaba su propio helicóptero con el cineasta estadounidense Mike deGruy cuando se estrelló luego de despegar en una pequeña pista en Jaspers Brush.
Next thing you'll be telling me, Midnight, is Barry the Hammer got beaten to death with his own hammer on the steps of Upton Park!
Lo siguiente que me dirás, Medianoche, Barry está el martillo dieron una paliza a la muerte con su propio martillo en las escalinatas de Upton Park!
He even wore his wrist watch in his own innovative way on his ankle!
¡ Él hasta usa su reloj en su propia manera innovadora, en su tobillo!
Come on. You know he's gonna bring in his own people.
Venga, sabéis que se va a traer a su propia gente.
- Well, you know I think you should not get too hung up on it because in your own, insecure way you're a fairly virile-looking man who should be concentrating on satisfying his beautiful wife not on backstabbing dancer-sex
Bueno, sabes, creo que no debes quedarte demasiado aferrado a eso porque en tu propia inseguridad, eres un hombre bastante viril de aspecto que debería estar concentrándose en la satisfacción de su bella esposa y no en el sexo de los bailarines traicioneros
One time, famous case, guy, he cut off his own face on that shit.
Una vez, caso famoso, chico, le cortó su propia enfrentará en esa mierda.
He came on the lot and got his own office. When we went into production the first season.
Llegó a los estudios y consiguió su propia oficina cuando comenzamos la producción.
He's got his own shit going on.
Él tiene sus problemas de mierda.
He took on Frida and raised her as if she were his own.
Tomó a Frida y la crió como si fuera propia.
Yeah, but John Ross is so hell-bent on taking this company public, he must have a plan of his own to try to purchase a majority stake.
Sí, pero John Ross está tan encabezonado en sacar a bolsa esta compañía, debe tener un plan para intentar adquirir la participación mayoritaria.
And he said he arranged for his own murder, and it was up to me to pin it on Cliff.
Y me dijo que arregló su propio asesinato, e hizo que recayera en Cliff.
I had to take away his pens, and he started using his own blood to paint on the walls.
Tuve que quitarle sus lápices, y empezó a usar su sangre para pintar las paredes.
On Friday, he did his own bangs.
El viernes, hizo sus propias explosiones.

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