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On its own tradutor Espanhol

1,484 parallel translation
We think you had a clot, but it resolved on its own.
Quizá se le formó un coágulo y ya se deshizo.
If the artery expands, the clot might move on its own.
Si la arteria se dilata, el coágulo podría circular.
Oh, sure. A forehead just grows that way on its own.
Seguro, la frente crece de ese modo por sí sola.
You know, if we just wait a few more weeks, it'll disintegrate on its own.
Sabes, si esperamos una par de semanas más se desintegrará solo.
This pencil can breathe on its own.
Este lápiz puede respirar por sí solo.
Just another spasm from a species hell-bent on its own destruction.
Es sólo otro espasmo de una especie que va hacia su autodestrucción.
It's about this profession, this country, that we're supposed to protect but which turns on its own. This isn't about Peter.
Esto no es por Peter.
It can just wreak havoc on its own.
Simplemente puede causar estragos en su propio.
All on its own.
Porque sí.
It burned down on its own?
¿ Se quemó sola? - ¿ Qué sucedió?
You want your relationship to stand on its own.
¿ Quieres que esta relación se mantenga por sí misma?
She will lay up to 30 eggs a day, each on its own stalk.
Ella pondrá mas de 30 huevos por día cada uno en su propio tallo
It started to do evil things on its own.
Comenzó a propagar el mal por su cuenta.
Well, maybe even the church wouldn't have been a big enough power to drive this gruesome operation for several centuries on its own.
Bueno, quizás la iglesia no tenía tanto poder para llevar a cabo esta grotesca operación por su cuenta
It's just - It's fast-forwarding on its own now.
Está adelantando sola.
-... it's gonna do it on its own now?
-... lo hará por sí solo?
One photo, almost all on its own, turned that around.
Una foto, casi a solas, lo cambió todo.
We had to stuff all that intelligence and capability into that little six-wheel vehicle back there so that it could get there safely on its own.
Tuvimos que integrar toda esa información y aptitud dentro de un vehículo pequeño de seis ruedas para que pudiera llegar por si solo.
I didn't think he would raise the money, but all of a sudden the thing took on its own momentum.
"el navegante misterioso" Yo no creí que fuera a juntar el dinero, pero de pronto la cosa tomó impulso.
There's a wooden box that carries people up and down, on its own.
Hay una caja de madera que sube y baja gente, sola.
- On its own?
- ¿ Sola?
- On its own.
- Sola.
How did the gate open on its own?
¿ Cómo es que la puerta se abrió sola?
Fix you up on its own from the inside out, right down to the molecular level.
Te repararán... desde el interior hacia afuera, hasta el nivel molecular.
Sometimes it goes away on its own 30 or 40 years later.
A veces se va por su cuenta 30 o 40 años más tarde.
Once you program it, it runs on its own, channels zapping.
- Una vez programada, va a su bola, cambiando de canal sola.
Stop taking the pill, and it will go away on its own.
Deje de tomar las píldoras, y desaparecerá por sí solo.
If she goes off the pill, the tumor goes away on its own.
Si ella deja los anticonceptivos, el tumor se retraerá por sí solo.
If the press finds it on its own, it'll be 900 times bigger. - And what if they don't find it? - They will.
Por suerte para vosotros, y no para el gobierno, no debería venir aquí... si no pensara que puedo ser tan convincente.
- O2 would've never blown on its own.
- El O2 no habría volado la tapa solo.
And now it's been discovered the executive branch has been conducting massive illegal domestic surveillance on its own citizens, you and me.
Y ahora se descubrió que el poder ejecutivo ha estado conduciendo una masiva vigilancia doméstica ilegal sobre sus propios ciudadanos, ustedes y yo.
What happens if your own government is using more force and more coercion on its own citizens for the purpose of achieving its political ends? Is that government engaging in terrorism?
Que pasaria si tu propio gobierno esta usando mas fuerza contra sus propios ciudadanos con el proposito de alcanzar sus intereses politicos.
So the bullet shattered on its own.
Entonces la bala se partió por sí misma.
I'm just saying.Maybe the clot will break up on its own.
Digo, quizás el coágulo se diluya por sí mismo.
You argued that there must be something to connect all three symptoms, you mocked us for not figuring it out, and finally you let us discuss the paralysis on its own because it's what's gonna kill her.
Dijiste que tenía que haber algo que Relacionara los tres síntomas, te burlaste de nosotros por no averiguarlo, y ahora nos dejas hablar de la parálisis aparte, porque eso es lo que la está matando.
The maintenance guy said it didn't just stop on its own, that they hit the emergency stop button.
El de mantenimiento dice que no se paró solo, pulsaron el botón de emergencia.
Yeah, asbestos doesn't just appear on its own.
Si, el asbesto no aparece solo.
Let's see if this heart will beat on its own.
Veamos si el corazón late por sí mismo.
The gate just started dialing on its own.
No lo sé, señor, la Puerta acaba de empezar a llamar sola.
Sorry. This thing goes off on its own.
Disculpen, esta cosa se ha estado disparando sola.
Specifically for the first 18 months of its life my guess is that it will live on the nose of a missile for our own use or for sale to our allies and help guide it to its target so that innocent people won't get hurt.
Específicamente para los primeros 18 meses de vida creo que será colocado en la nariz de un misil para nuestro uso o para vender a nuestros aliados y ayudar a guiarlo a su blanco, así no sale lastimada gente inocente.
Any number of cars might unlock so, you're saying each car has its own frequency? That's just it They're all on the same frequency every remote has a numerical code that links it to just one car No.
Entonces, ¿ estás diciendo que cada auto tiene su propia frecuencia?
It takes on a life of its own.
Tiene vida propia.
On its own?
¿ Qué?
Holding on to a glass sealing the ant carries 100 times its own weight.
sosteniendose del vidrio la hormiga puede sostener 100 veces su peso
It jumped on its own.
Salta solo.
Suckled on the blood of its own mother... the newborn was presented to the people.
Amamantado con la sangre de su propia madre, se le presentó al recién nacido a la gente.
Herr Vickhoff on the other hand argues that every era has its own concept of beauty.
El Sr. Wickhoff cree que cada época tiene su concepto de belleza.
You know, if you stop talking so much about what you want, stop being so selfish, maybe what you want will come to you on its own.
¿ Sabes? Si dejaras de hablar tanto Sobre lo que tú quieres, si dejaras de ser tan egoísta
This is about the system turning its back on four of its own.
El sistema les dio la espalda a cuatro de los suyos.
Should nature take its course, you are on your own ".
Si la naturaleza tomara su curso, estás por tu cuenta. "

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