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One thing is for sure tradutor Espanhol

188 parallel translation
One thing is for sure, tell your friend.
Algo está claro, dígaselo a su amigo.
But one thing is for sure...
Pero hay una cosa que no dudo :
One thing is for sure.
Una cosa está clara :
Maybe all this is coincidence, but one thing is for sure, they have a coven and want my baby.
Puede que todo sea una coincidencia, pero de algo estoy segura : Practican la magia negra y quieren a mi bebé.
But one thing is for sure that those days were not that bad.
Pero lo seguro es que esos días no fueron tan malos.
One thing is for sure : you can no more take a plane the normal way, Captain.
Una cosa es segura : ya no puede tomar un avión de forma normal, Capitán.
The water, the roasting, but one thing is for sure :
El agua, el tostado pero una cosa es segura :
But one thing is for sure. I wouldn't put anything past that bastard.
Pero una cosa es cierta no haré nada por ese desgraciado.
Wherever those two are, they're loaded with dough. And one thing is for sure. They're having one terrific time.
Dondequiera que estén, estarán forrados y pasándola de maravilla.
One thing is for sure : She will never get through it.
Una cosa es segura y es que nunca llegará al final.
But one thing is for sure.
el coche...
One thing is for sure, old man.
Una cosa es segura, viejo.
But one thing is for sure.
Una cosa es cierta.
One thing is for sure, after experiencing life at a hundred plus, turning 30 doesn't seem that bad anymore.
Tras haber experimentado vivir más de cien años los 30 ya no me parecen tan malos.
One thing is for sure, it wasn't him.
Una cosa es segura, no era él.
One thing is for sure, soon we're going to get a strict but good doctor.
Una cosa es por seguro, pronto nosotros tendremos un doctor estricto pero bueno
Now, we're not sure what these hyper-intelligent beings look like, but one thing is for sure, and they've never heard... of Jesus Christ!
No estamos seguros de cómo son esos seres superinteligentes pero una cosa es segura : Nunca han oído hablar de Jesucristo.
One thing is for sure : You don't sell stamps for a living.
Lo que es seguro es que no vivís vendiendo sellos.
[SONG] But one thing is for sure, my friends, we are ventriIo...
Pero algo es seguro, amigos, somos ventrílo...
But one thing is for sure
Pero una cosa es segura.
One thing is for sure.
Una cosa es segura.
But one thing is for sure.
Pero una cosa es segura.
One thing is for sure, young lady.
Una cosa es segura, jovencita
One thing is for sure, the killer is no junkie.
Una cosa es segura, el asesino no era un adicto.
One thing is for sure, she was hauling ass.
Ella era el burro de carga.
Hangin'murderers is one thing, but to keep guys you don't know for sure did it standin'around sweatin'while you shoot your mouth off, that's another.
Colgar a asesinos es una cosa, pero detener a unos tipos... y aterrorizarlos mientras los interrogas es otra cosa.
Andrea, I'm not better than anybody else but one thing I know for sure is if one day I fall in love with someone you'll be the first to know.
Oye, Andrea. Yo no soy mejor que las demás, peor de una cosa estoy segura. Si algún día me enamorase de alguien, créeme, serías el primero en saberlo.
One thing is for sure :
Una cosa es segura :
Well, there is one thing for sure, you are not trying to get in.
Hay una cosa clara, no intentas entrar en la casa.
One thing for sure is the guy wasn't here to retire.
Una cosa es segura ese tipo no vino aquí de vacaciones.
OK. One thing you can be sure of, Daryl, is that, somewhere, somebody is looking for you and we'll hear from them.
Una cosa de la que puedes estar seguro Daryl, es que, alguien, en alguna parte te está buscando y nosotros tendremos noticias de ellos.
One thing I'm sure of is I know it was good for you...
Claro, una de las cosas que me tranquilizan es que yo... sé que es bueno para ti separarte de mí.
The one thing we know for sure that's missing from the inn is a jar of strawberry preserves.
- Ha desaparecido del local... un tarro de confitura de fresas.
Look, Lieutenant, I don't have a clue as to how this was done, or why it was done, or whether it was done by one person or an entire crew, or where they were broadcasting it to. But, there is one thing I will tell you for sure.
Mire, teniente, no tengo la menor idea de cómo se hizo esto, ni por qué, o si fue hecho por una persona o un equipo completo, ni desde dónde lo estuvieron emitiendo, pero hay una cosa que voy a decirle con seguridad :
I don't know if I've eaten, I don't know if I've slept, but one thing I know for sure is I haven't told anybody anything.
No sé si he comido o dormido, pero sé que no le he dicho nada a nadie.
Well, one thing's for sure... life is fragile.
Bueno, algo es seguro. La vida es frágil.
Through it all one thing is certain... their focus never changed. For just as they thought a baby would make their lives complete... they now felt sure it would turn their lives around.
Y en aquel transcurrir había una cosa cierta... nunca perdieron de vista su objetivo,... pues al igual que en su día creyeron que un bebé colmaría su vida,... sabían que les devolvería la felicidad que una vez tuvieron.
You could say that. Of course, everyone's gonna die anyway, but one thing's for sure is I ain't no weapons master.
Pues deberías claro, vamos a morir de todos modos.
There's one thing I know for sure in this case and that's that Mulder is after this boy Gibson Praise. Why? It beats the hell out of me.
Lo único que sé es que Mulder busca a Gibson Praise, pero no sé la razón.
But I can tell you one thing for sure- - there is definitely uranium on your murder weapon.
Pero seguro que hay restos de uranio en tu arma homicida.
So you can swear that he was with you last night, because I can tell you one thing for sure is he was not in his room.
El estuvo con usted anoche? Es que no estaba en su cuarto!
One thing for sure is, he is.
ÉI sí Io está.
The one thing I can say for sure, is that she tricked me - the Fullmetal Alchemist.
Ella me engañó. Engañó al Alquimista de Acero.
death is our best friend but did Abdel deserve this end many lonely days in jail too one thing's for sure, we'll miss you
Ia muerte es nuestra mejor amiga Pero. ¿ Abdel se merecía este final? Muchos días solitarios enla cárcel seguro que te extrañaremos
What ever is going on in there, one thing's for sure :
Lo que esté pasando, algo es seguro. No puede ser bueno.
One thing here today is for sure, though, this is a frightening and confusing story.
Una cosa hoy aquí es segura esta es una historia espantosa y confusa.
One thing I can say for sure is, it's gonna be an amazing fight like you've never seen.
Algo que puedo asegurar es que va a ser una pelea asombrosa como nunca se vio.
I may have only been a father for a few months... but one thing I am dead sure about... is that fatherhood's not about proving to your family... that you've got steel balls.
Quizás haya sido padre unos pocos meses pero de algo estoy bien seguro y es que la paternidad no es demostrarle a tu familia que tienes bolas de acero.
The one thing we know for sure is if Jack's alive, he'll find a way to contact us.
Lo que puedo dar por hecho es que si Jack está vivo encontrará la forma de contactarnos.
One thing for sure is that I'm already falling for her.
De algo estoy seguro, me estoy enamorando de ella.
The one thing I know for sure is that by the end of the day you are either gonna be helping me with the truth or you are going to be behind bars.
Lo que sé con certeza es que para esta noche tú me ayudarás con la verdad o estarás tras las rejas.

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