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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ O ] / Outhouse

Outhouse tradutor Espanhol

346 parallel translation
So I heard something about an outhouse race or something like that?
He oído algo sobre una carrera de retretes o algo así? Una carrera de baños-portátiles?
You couldn't even build an outhouse!
¡ Tú no podrías construir ni siquiera un excusado!
It's a kind of a big outhouse, ain't it?
Es como un gran excusado, ¿ no?
Thunder in the outhouse.
Rayos y centellas.
You're a crude, vulgar show-off, and your vocabulary belongs in an outhouse.
Es usted un fanfarrón grosero y vulgar, con un vocabulario digno de un gañán.
Let's tip over Mr. Roberts'outhouse.
Johnny. Podemos ir a la vieja casa del Sr. Roberts.
I was on the yard getting my motorbike into the outhouse, when I heard screaming. I ran here, and she was lying there on the ground.
Yo estaba en el jardín guardando la moto,... cuando oí gritar.
Goddamn outhouse.
Maldita letrina.
What were you doing in the outhouse? Leave him alone.
¿ Qué hacías en el retrete?
What was he doing in the outhouse?
No he tenido un hijo para... ¿ Qué hacía en los retretes?
It's lousy food and about as much privacy as an outhouse. That's no place to bring your wife.
La comida es mala y hay tanta intimidad como en un excusado.
Shut. Shut the door to the outhouse!
¡ Cerrad la puerta del retrete!
We've never had a proper toilet, only an outhouse and a dungheap.
Nunca tuvimos un baño en condiciones, sólo un retrete en el estercolero. Esto hay que probarlo.
Does an outhouse stink?
¿ La basura apesta?
One day, he went into the outhouse and got caught in the middle of a stampede.
Un día, salió a la letrina y quedó atrapado en medio de una estampida.
"Repair roof to outhouse, re-plaster where necessary and make good".
"Reparar el techo, agregar yeso donde sea necesario y emparejar".
You complained to the landlord about this outhouse.
Usted se quejó al propietario sobre esto.
There's a fire in the outhouse!
¡ Se ha prendido fuego el granero!
It's an outhouse.
Sólo es un granero.
What are you doing with the gun in the outhouse?
- Y llévame a tu casa.
- Why are you living in the outhouse?
- ¿ Por qué vives en el granero?
Darling, I'd sell you an outhouse if I thought it would put a buck in my pocket.
Te vendería un excusado si pusiera un dólar en mi bolsillo.
That old coot ain't even gonna wake up until outhouse call in the morning.
Ese viejo chalado no va a despertarse hasta mañana para ir al baño.
I need to go to the outhouse.
Necesito ir al retrete.
- A pile of it in the outhouse.
- Un montón en el anexo.
Every building, every storefront, every rock and every tree right down to the orange roof on Howard Johnson's outhouse.
Cada edificio, cada tienda, cada piedra, cada árbol... hasta el tejado naranja del excusado de Howard Johnson.
Right next to the outhouse.
Junto al inodoro exterior.
I got pictures of you all over the outhouse.
Tengo fotos tuyas por toda la casa.
You have to see it on an outhouse wall 200 yards away going 60 miles an hour.
Se tiene que ver desde unos 200 metros... a 90 Km / h y con niebla.
You'll draw trouble like an outhouse draws flies.
Porque usted atrae a la violencia como la miel a las moscas.
Walks past the outhouse towards home quickening his footsteps!
¡ Ahora por la casa vecina apurando el paso!
Who in the world would blow up an outhouse?
¿ Pero qué clase de estúpido volaría un retrete?
Let me tell you, even without Jesse's old debt to Molly... or that outhouse to rebuild... the boys would've found some way to make this run.
Dejen que les diga : aún sin esa vieja deuda de Jesse a Molly... o el retrete que tienen que construir... Ios chicos hubieran encontrado la manera de hacer esta entrega.
What about the outhouse?
¿ Qué pasó con el retrete?
What do we need an outhouse for, anyway?
¿ Y para qué necesitamos un retrete?
Well, will you get this goddamn outhouse out of the middle of the road?
¿ Quieres quitar de una vez este trasto de en medio de la carretera?
Next there'll be snakes in the outhouse and crocodiles in the lake.
Ni de las serpientes del invernadero ni de los cocodrilos del lago.
Forty Yards to the Outhouse, by Willie Makit.
40 metros de aquí al retrete, de Willie Makit.
Smells like an outhouse!
¡ Huele como un retrete!
Sure, I saw her earlier. - She was just by the outhouse.
Sí, la he visto... hace mintos atrás se iba al chalet.
She was by the outhouse the other day as well.
La otra mañana también la ví junto al chalet.
She used to hide a hammer in the outhouse.
Escondía un martillo detrás del retrete.
Man is king of nature, he can do any - thing, and you talk about an outhouse.
El hombre es el rey de la naturaleza, lo hace todo y tú hablas del retrete.
In the outhouse, there is a quantity of straw.
En el cobertizo de fuera hay una gran cantidad de paja.
Now, Crockett here, he doesn't know the difference between Bauhaus and outhouse.
Crockett no conoce la diferencia entre Bauhaus y un retrete.
- I'm going to the outhouse.
- Voy a la letrina.
- I am going to the outhouse!
- Voy al retrete!
estoy atascado en el retrete!
Oh and thank you, Anthony for volunteering with Tommy to whitewash the outhouse for me next Monday.
Y gracias, Anthony, por ofrecer, junto a Tommy, a encalar el W.C. para el lunes.
- In the outhouse.
- En el cagadero
Bruno, you've seen Giovanni, the gardener, he lives in the outhouse...
Ah, te presenté a Giovanni, el conserje. - Ahá.

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