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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ P ] / Parkinson's

Parkinson's tradutor Espanhol

439 parallel translation
Like they'II go on dying from Parkinson's if you stop me from doing my job.
Como seguirán muriendo de Parkinson si me impiden hacer mi trabajo.
I'm the Reverend Dr.J.C. Parkinson, the boy's pastor.
Soy el reverendo J.C. Parkinson, el pastor del muchacho.
It's all right, Parkinson.
¡ Déjelo, Parkinson!
Mrs. parkinson, number 12, going well there Into mr. webster's from the co-op.
La Sra. Parkinson va bastante bien y se va a casa del Sr. Webster.
Mrs. colyer's making ground fast after a poor start. She's out of mr. casey's, into mr. parkinson's.
La Sra. Coyler va bien y ahora ha entrado en casa del Sr. Parkinson.
Michael Parkinson... Who's he?
- Michael Parkinson, ¿ quién es?
I'm not prepared to make a diagnosis yet, but I think... his symptoms are much more characteristic of Parkinson's disease.
Aún no puedo hacer un diagnóstico... pero creo que sus síntomas son más característicos del Parkinson.
When my mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's, this was my bible.
Cuando le diagnosticaron Parkinson a mi madre, esto se convirtió en mi biblia.
He, um... developed Parkinson's disease or something.
Él empezó a padecer Parkinson o algo así.
You see, doc, we got MS, Tourette syndrome, Parkinson's disease.
Doc, tenemos EM, síndrome de Tourette enfermedad de Parkinson.
For Parkinson's patients, yeah. Why?
Para pacientes de Parkinson, sí. ¿ Por qué?
All 30 cases had Parkinson's.
Los 30 casos tenían Parkinson.
Mild Parkinson's.
Parkinson leve.
Leonard has Parkinson's disease?
¿ Leonard tiene la enfermedad de Parkinson?
Well, his symptoms are like Parkinson's, but then again, they're not.
Bueno, sus síntomas son como los del Parkinson y al mismo tiempo no lo son.
You know, they've gotten a bad name...'cause there's a limited market for Parkinson's disease... but what about a substance... that was absolutely safe and currently legal... that you could go to work on... and do your job better... than you ever did it straight?
Ya sabes, les han dado malos nombres porque... es decir, hay un mercado limitado para la enfermedad de Parkinson, pero... Si, si. ¿ Que hay de una substancia, que era absolutamente segura y tan perfectamente legal... que podías trabajar con ella... y hacer tu trabajo... mejor de lo que jamás lo hiciste?
- It's perfect. - Either that, or I've developed Parkinson's.
Es eso, o que empiezo a tener Parkinson.
Jean Parkinson gave birth two days ago, but the baby's... not all that well, and so we remember Jean and her baby daughter in our prayers.
Jean Parkinson dio a luzNhace dos días, pero la bebecita.. no esta muy bienNasí que recordemos a Jean y su bebita en nuestras oraciones.
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's.
Alzheimer, Parkinson.
He has Parkinson's disease.
Sufre de Parkinson.
Take Evans and get your ass upstairs. Find Cuthbert, Parkinson, whoever the hell's in charge, and clear out the museum.
Tú y Evans buscad a Cuthbert o a Parkinson, o a cualquiera, pero haced que evacuen el Museo.
- Wootton, Johnson, it's Parkinson. Where the hell are you?
Wooton, Johnson, ¿ dónde diablos estáis?
Wootton, Johnson, it's Parkinson. Where the hell are you?
¿ Johnson, Wooton, dónde diablos estáis?
Is it Parkinson's?
¿ Es Parkinson?
Parkinson's, that sort of thing.
El Parkinson, esas cosas.
She's got Parkinson's Disease.
Ella tiene Parkinson.
You've come down with what is called Parkinson's disease and it's very hard to treat.
Has contraido el mar de Parkinson y es muy dificil de tratar.
- They diagnosed it as Parkinson's.
El diagnóstico fue Parkinson pero podría ser ébola,...
This same technique also allows us to treat and cure far more distressing conditions, such as congenital blindness, deafness, even severe neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, epilepsy.
Esa misma tecnica nos permite tratar y curar condiciones mucho mas graves, como cegera congenita, sordera, incluso condiciones neurologicas severas, como Alzheimer, Parkinson, epilepsia.
If it's Wolff-Parkinson-White, adenosine could put him into V-fib.
Si es Wolff-Parkinson-White, la adenosina puede ponerlo en fibrilación.
My mother's had Parkinson's for 15 years.
Mi madre tiene Parkinson desde hace casi quince años.
- Maybe the Parkinson's is worse?
- Quizá esté empeorando el Parkinson.
It's probably the Parkinson's.
Probablemente es el Parkinson.
Exacerbation of Parkinson's.
Debilidad. Posible avance del Parkinson.
Never bet on a horse with Parkinson's.
Nunca apuestes a caballos con Parkinson.
It's a very rare illness, often associated with Parkinson's disease, but I have to be honest, Mrs. Collins, it's considerably worse.
Es una enfermedad rara, a menudo asociada con la enfermedad de Parkinson, pero para ser honesta, Sra. Collins, es considerada peor.
Nerve cells damaged by Parkinson's disease or heart tissue of cardiac patients might ultimately be replaced by tissue grown from stem cells.
Células nerviosas dañadas por el mal de Parkinson,... o tejido del corazón para pacientes cardíacos,... pueden ser reemplazadas por células madre.
Parkinson, and that's the only name you need to remember. These other guys...
Parkinson, ese es el único nombre que debe recordar, estos otros hombres- -
Parkinson's disease.
It's two guys beating their brains out in a race for early-onset Parkinson's.
Son dos hombres golpéandose los cerebros en una carrera por un Parkinson prematuro.
I have Parkinson's disease.
Tengo Parkinson.
How's a guy with Parkinson's get into med school?
¿ Qué hace un tío con Parkinson en la facultad de medicina?
- He has Parkinson's.
- Tiene Parkinson.
- He has Parkinson's disease.
- Tiene Parkinson.
My Parkinson's student.
El estudiante con Parkinson.
- Parkinson's disease.
- ¿ La enfermedad de Parkinson?
It's not necessarily Parkinson's.
Podría no ser ParKinson.
Emily lives with her mother, who has Parkinson's.
Emily vivía con su madre que tiene Parkinson.
Parkinson's research. Well, it make sense.
- Investiga el Parkinson.
Look, do you have any idea what Parkinson's does to a body?
¿ Tienen alguna idea de lo que el Parkinson le hace a un cuerpo?
To start with, the cure of Parkinson's.
Para comenzar, la cura del Parkinson.

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