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Publishers tradutor Espanhol

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The publishers did not see that my purpose was to write a moral lesson of the punishment that befell a mortal man who dared to emulate God.
Los editores no entendieron que quise escribir una lección moral sobre el castigo que recibiría el mortal que se atreviese a imitar a Dios.
Flashing all that money which I didn't know until this morning came from your publishers.
Ese derroche de dinero, que esta misma mañana supe que procedía de sus editores.
At last, the great work on ancient history, that the world has been waiting for. Is ready for the publishers.
Por fin, la gran obra sobre la historia antigua... y que el mundo lleva esperando, está lista para ser publicada.
- My publishers never forgave me.
- Mis editores nunca me perdonaron.
- Publishers?
- ¿ Editores?
That's what my publishers have been complaining about.
De eso se quejan mis editores.
It seems publishers don't care anything about increasing the sale of their books.
Parece que a los editores no les importa subir las ventas de sus libros.
They're publishers, you know that...
Es una editorial, lo sabes...
Why, those publishers -
Los editores -
Huh, they even invited music publishers
Hasta invitan a los músicos! Incluso invitan a los editores.
Maybe. ln any case, I never pleased my publishers, so I'm a magistrate.
- A veces. Solo que como nunca conseguí darles ganancias a mis editores, soy magistrado.
Few publishers would have had the courage and the editorial shrewdness to attempt it.
Pocos editores habrían tenido la osadía de empresarial de intentarla.
Among unscrupulous publishers, the method is as old as a newspaper business itself
Entre los editores sin escrúpulos, este método es tan viejo como el periodismo.
" Effective today, the firm previously known as Lowndes and Cardew, Publishers,
" Desde hoy, la compañía conocida como Lowndes and Cardew, Editores,
This is our opportunity to show our appreciation to these members who've helped make the Songwriters and Publishers Association the truly great organization it is.
Esta es la oportunidad de mostrar nuestro aprecio a estos miembros que han ayudado a hacer de la Sociedad de Compositores y Editores la gran organización que es.
Han llamado una o dos editoriales, pero tengo otras muchas cosas en mente.
Anyway, I've found a way to stop publishers from rejecting me.
En fin, hasta hoy los editores no me han publicado nada, pero he encontrado un medio de desarmarlos.
She wants to write, and she ought to be where magazines and publishers are.
Quiere escribir, y debería estar donde están las revistas y las editoriales.
That's where all the publishers are.
Allí están las editoriales.
I have to stop in at my publishers.
He ido a ver a mis editores.
Oh, Kit, will you read it, and if you like it, take it to the publishers?
Kit, ¿ lo leerás, y si te gusta, se lo darás a los editores?
Put the piano over there with shelves for music... plenty of space to walk up and down, manuscripts all over the floor... hot pincers to tear the flesh from people who keep telling me luncheon is ready... stacks of checks from my publishers, and...
Es ideal. Con el piano ahí y estanterías para la música. Mucho espacio para caminar de un lado a otro, partituras por todo el suelo.
- The publishers.
- Los editores.
My publishers never did forgive me.
Mis editores nunca me lo perdonaron.
- Publishers, huh?
- Editores, ¿ eh?
I promised publishers that it would be delivered next spring.
Le prometí a los editores que lo entregaría en primavera.
Now, tomorrow you'll take it to the publishers.
Mañana se lo llevarás a los editores.
Well, uh, tomorrow, the publishers.
Bien... mañana, los editores.
Literary treasures that publishers from Europe and America had sought long and desperately.
Tesoros literarios que muchos editores han buscado desesperadamente.
- He works for some publishers.
- Trabaja para una editorial.
The publishers don't care about the paper. The paper doesn't care about me.
A los editores no les importa el periódico, al periódico no le importo yo.
It's publishers like you that give anarchists the ammunition to try and stifle a free press.
Gracias a editores así, los anarquistas siguen atacando la libertad de prensa
Dead or alive... they're still the best publishers on Park Row.
Vivos o muertos, son los mejores editores de Park Row.
American Newspaper Publishers Association.
- A.N.E.P. Asociación de Editores de Periódicos.
It'll officially be an organisation at the end of this year. Got a list of the publishers?
Será una organización oficial a finales de año o a principios del próximo.
Glad you dropped in. I was just going over the list of publishers.
Estaba repasando la lista de editores.
In doing that I violated the Publishers'Code.
Violé el código de los editores.
Your publishers are gonna love this.
A tus editores les va a encantar.
She knows the pressures brought by unscrupulous publishers.
Conoce las presiones que someten los editores.
Other publishers took their sons in and taught them the business, but not him.
Otros editores enseñaron el oficio a sus hijos, pero él no.
This advance that my publishers gave me- - I'd started to work on a new novel that I'd set in Canada, and- -
Con el anticipo que me dio la editorial, empecé a trabajar en una novela que se desarrolla en Canadá.
Instituted in the 16th century, ths obliges publishers and printers to deliver several copies of each work they publish to the library.
Fundada en el siglo XVI, se obliga a los editores y tipógrafos entregar a la biblioteca varias copias de cada obra que se publica.
The book which has been deposited is entered in the catalogue of all the publishers in France.
El libro que fue depositado entra en el catálogo de los editores de Francia.
Publishers are real high on it.
Los editores están entusiasmados.
Come September and we'll have your publishers howling across the country.
Y en septiembre, su editor aullará por el país.
I understand Redlitch is about ready to change publishers.
Creo que Redlitch va a cambiar de editores.
You had him talk the publishers out of it?
¿ Hiciste que impidiera que lo publicaran?
It was rejected by 42 publishers and almost all of the English-reading public.
Sí, me rechazaron 42 editores y casi la totalidad del público.
Some of the publishers are threatened with loss of advertising.
Están amenazando con retirar publicidad de los periódicos.
Oh, there's an annual publishers'convention.
Hay una convención anual de editores.
This is from your publishers.
Buenos días, Talbot.

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