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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ R ] / Rainey

Rainey tradutor Espanhol

226 parallel translation
Rainey said the order came straight from you.
Rainey dijo que la orden vino de ti.
I think somebody ought to give Rainey a nice long vacation.
Alguien debería dar a Rainey una largas vacaciones.
Get me Rainey.
Ponme con Rainey.
Hello, Rainey, it's Paul.
Rainey, soy Paul. ¿ Qué tal los chicos?
Hey, look, Rainey just got the tip that Nick is opening his Golden Club tonight.
Escucha, Rainey, me acabo de enterar que Varna abre esta noche el Golden.
A man named Rainey.
Un tipo llamado Rainey.
Hello Muggles, Mr Rainey.
Hola, Muggles, Señor, Rainey.
What's the matter Rainey?
¿ Qué pasa, Rainey?
- Rainey will get no place.
- Rainey no conseguirá nada.
You wanna start naming names, Mr. Rainey?
¿ Quiere comenzar a dar nombres, Sr. Rainey?
You know that, Mr. Rainey.
Usted lo sabe, Sr. Rainey.
Please, Mr. Rainey, don't ask me any questions.
Por favor, Sr. Rainey, no me haga preguntas.
Believe me, Mr. Rainey, I'm sorry.
Créame, Sr. Rainey, lo siento.
Hello, Mr. Rainey.
Hola, Sr. Rainey.
- Hi, Mr. Rainey.
- Hola, Sr. Rainey.
That's all Rainey needs.
Eso es lo que necesita Rainey.
Rainey speaking.
Habla Rainey.
Mr. Rainey, the firm I work for doesn't know I stopped off here and my job depends upon my being in Riverport this afternoon at 2 : 00.
Sr. Rainey, la compañía para la que trabajo no sabe que paré aquí... y mi trabajo depende de que esté en Riverport esta tarde a las 2 : 00.
Mr. Rainey, my job depends upon
Sr. Rainey, debo llegar...
- What did you tell Rainey?
- ¿ Qué le dijiste a Rainey?
Well, I don't know, but that's what Mr. Rainey wants.
No lo sé, pero el Sr. Rainey quiere que lo haga.
Look, Mr. Rainey doesn't know that I saw you or anybody else.
El Sr. Rainey no sabe que te vi a ti y a todos los demás.
Rainey is subpoenaing a lot of people for the inquest.
Rainey está citando a mucha gente a declarar.
Get up a committee, see Rainey.
Forma un comité, ve a ver a Rainey.
Rainey can subpoena the entire membership.
Rainey puede citar a todos los miembros.
If Rainey gets that indictment, if he gets the hands on those books, where will we be?
Si Rainey consigue acusarnos, si encuentra esos libros... ¿ qué sería de nosotros?
I don't have to, because Rainey won't get his indictment.
No tengo que hacerlo... porque Rainey no podrá acusarnos.
Miss Mitchell, what did you tell Rainey?
Srta. Mitchell, ¿ qué le dijo a Rainey?
You said something to Rainey.
Algo le dijo a Rainey.
You told Rainey it was the Klan, didn't you?
Usted le dijo a Rainey que había sido el Klan, ¿ verdad?
But let it get out of hand and we'll turn him over to Rainey ourselves.
Pero si esto se complica... lo entregaremos a Rainey nosotros mismos.
" Don't blacken the name of our fair city, Mr. Rainey.
Si no... " No manche el nombre de nuestra ciudad, Sr. Rainey.
I just spotted the prosecutor coming up, Burt Rainey, the county prosecutor.
Acabo de ver llegar al fiscal, Burt Rainey, el fiscal del condado.
- Mr. Rainey, will you make a statement?
- Sr. Rainey, ¿ dará una declaración?
That was Burt Rainey, as much of him as you were or were not able to hear.
Él era Burt Rainey, lo que han podido escuchar.
Mr. Rainy makes as fine an appearance as any other young county prosecutor, but he was born here in Rock Point.
El Sr. Rainey tiene la misma presencia que cualquier otro fiscal de condado... pero él nació en Rock Point.
That's exactly right, Mr. Rainey.
Es exactamente lo que pasó.
And I bring it to your attention again, Mr. Rainey, your line of questioning is out of order.
Y se lo menciono de nuevo, Sr. Rainey... sus preguntas no son pertinentes.
This is a coroner's inquest, Mr. Rainey.
Éste es el interrogatorio del juez de instrucción.
Why do you think I went on the stand this afternoon, and said what I said to Rainey?
¿ Por qué crees que subí al estrado hoy... y le dije eso a Rainey?
- You ain't gonna tell Rainey!
- ¡ No se lo dirás a Rainey!
You ain't gonna tell Rainey.
No se lo dirás a Rainey.
She was gonna go to Rainey.
Ella iba a hablar con Rainey.
Well, I had to do something, because she was gonna go to Rainey.
Tenía que hacer algo, porque ella iba a hablar con Rainey.
We don't want to hurt you, but you're not going to tell Rainey.
No queremos lastimarla, pero no hablará con Rainey.
- Go back, Rainey, go back. - Hi, Ed.
- Retroceda, Rainey, retroceda.
Get out of here, Rainey. I'm warning you.
Váyase de aquí, Rainey. Se lo advierto.
Get out, Rainey, before you get your head knocked off.
Salga, Rainey, antes de que le vuelen la cabeza.
It's too late, Rainey.
Es demasiado tarde, Rainey.
It's Rainey, sir.
Es Rainey, mi coronel.
Rainey the first.
Rainey el primero.

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