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Rance tradutor Espanhol

227 parallel translation
" "here is thus indisputable evidence that the count the chambord has been the actual leader of a conspiracy to help the former Queen of rance, the Widow capet, to flee the country." "
Entonces prueba de un modo irrefutable que el Conde de Chambord ha sido instigador de un complot que tenía por meta el facilitar a la antes, Reina de Francia, la Viuda Capet... la huida del país. " "
The Rances, the Peterses, the Perrys, the Joadses.
Los Rance, los Peters, los Perry, los Joad...
He didn't carry no handgun, Rance.
No llevaba pistola, Rance.
Goodness, Rance, aren't you finished yet?
Dios Santo, Rance, ¿ aún no has terminado?
Here's the supper for Rance.
Aquí está la cena de Rance.
- Rance, do you think I could?
- Rance, ¿ crees que podría?
- Rance'll learn me to read.
- Rance va a aprenderme a leer.
Rance, I'm sorry.
Rance, lo siento.
¿ Rance?
Rance, we'll need you for some of that legal stuff later.
Rance, te necesitaremos luego para algunas cosas legales.
Rance, please.
Rance, por favor.
You should hear what he's swearing to do to Rance.
Debería oír lo que promete hacerle a Rance.
Mr Rance, I have the buckboard out here.
Sr. Rance, tengo la carreta afuera.
Go, Rance.
Vete, Rance.
Rance Stoddard?
¿ Rance Stoddard?
¡ Rance!
Rance is out front with a gun!
¡ Rance está ahí afuera con un arma!
You all know that Rance Stoddard couldn't shoot the hat off his head with a gun in his hand.
Todos sabéis que Rance Stoddard no sabe disparar ni a un palmo de distancia.
Rance, if it had been you instead of Valance, I would...
Rance, si hubieras sido tú en vez de Valance, yo...
- Rance, this is Handy Strong.
- Rance, éste es Handy Strong.
Come on, Rance.
Vamos, Rance.
He's right, Rance.
ÉI tiene razón, Rance.
- But, Mr Rance...
- Pero Sr. Rance...
- Rance...
- Rance...
You're an hour and 15 minutes late, rance.
Llegas 1 hora y 15 minutos tarde, Rance.
Now, don't get upset, rance... what do you say we get started?
No te alteres, Rance, te lo súplico. Avisame cuando estes listo.
Rance mcgrew enters, he walks to bar, he glances sideways left and right. "Left and right."
Rance Mcgrew entra, camina hacia la barra, se detiene y mira, de izquierda a derecha.
All right, rance, we'll shoot it your way - any way you want.
Sin mirar a izquierda ni derecha. De acuerdo, Rance, así lo rodaremos.
Rance mcgrew, a 3,000-buck-a-week phony baloney, discovers that this week's current edition of make-believe is being shot on location and that location is the twilight zone.
Esto es un indicio de lo que va a comenzar dentro de un momento cuando un tal Rance Mcgrew, un actor que cada semana recibe 3000 dólares, descubre que esta semana el episodio acostumbrado se rodara en exteriores,
Jesse takes a gun up off the floor and fires at rance's back.
Listos muchachos, esta es la escena de la muerte.
Look, when you're up against rance mcgrew you play it dirty, or you play it dead.
Él peleaba limpiamente. Puedo gritar algo, por lo menos?
It's got to look like whiskey. Sy, either straighten this oaf out or fire him.
Mira, estas contra Rance Mcgrew o peleas con trucos, o estas muerto.
And, rance, baby, easy on the mirror.
No me importa lo que diga. Jesse James no dispararia a nadie por la espalda.
He says he's rance's agent.
estoy bien.
Howdy, marshal.
Dice que es el agente de Rance.
Haw! The evolution of the so-called adult western and the metamorphosis of one rance mcgrew, formerly phony baloney, now upright citizen with a preoccupation with all things involving tradition, truth and cowpoke predecessors.
Billy lo escucha, se voltea hacia usted, le dispara con rápidez, y le quita la lámpara de un solo disparo.
And now, mr. Serling. For all of us, even the most young at heart, i suppose there's a little kernel of want having to do with reliving childhood - that grand and glorious moment in time when the biggest guy around is the patrol boy.
Por el quiza no muy feliz encuentro de un tal Rance Mcgrew con lo que nosotros conocemos como... la Dimensión Desconocida.
Hiya, Rance.
Hola, Rance.
Good morning, Rance.
Buenos días, Rance.
Aw, you look great, Rance.
Te ves genial, Rance.
Did you sleep well, Rance?
¿ Dormiste bien, Rance? ¿ Puedo hacer algo por ti?
It's a cover shot of rance entering the saloon.
Esta es la escena 71.
Now, let's get with it, fellas, please.
Cuando Rance entra directamente a la cantina.
Rance thinks that he's unconscious.
Gracias, señor Mcgrew.
At his back?
Rance, en el bar.
Now, look, sy, i don't want to fight you but that's not how jesse james used to operate.
Rance piensa que está inconciente.
He fought pretty fair.
Jesse levanta una pistola del suelo y le dispara a Rance por la espalda.
Are you all right, rance?
Somebody wants to talk to you, mr. Mcgrew.
Todo bien, Rance?
Uh... what? !
Lanzarme a mi, Rance Mcgrew, por una ventana?

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