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Roddy tradutor Espanhol

368 parallel translation
But we love Tony and Roddy passionately.
Amamos a Tony y a Roddy con pasión.
By Jove, I've never seen Roddy behave so well on a journey, thanks to you.
Roddy nunca se porta tan bien en un viaje. Gracias a usted.
Goodbye, Roddy.
Adiós, Roddy.
Do you hear that, Roddy?
¿ Lo oyes, Roddy?
Roddy could hardly keep his paws off her, eh, Miss Brown?
Roddy no la ha dejado tranquila, ¿ eh, Srta. Brown?
I want to see a bit of her, too, you know. And so does Roddy, eh?
Yo también quiero su compañía, sabéis.
He says it's the first time he's ever given one of Roddy's away.
Nunca ha dado uno de los de Roddy.
Oh, Roddy, will you please stop crying.
Roddy, ¿ quieres callarte de una vez?
You've come to the wrong house. I didn't phone for a cab... [shrieks] Roddy, please stop!
No, se ha debido de equivocar de casa, no hemos llamado a nadie.
Oh, Roddy, for heaven's sake!
Roddy, por amor de Dios.
That's enough, Roddy.
- Ya está bien, Roddy.
What's the matter? What happened? Why, Roddy!
¿ Qué ocurre, qué ha pasado?
Mrs. King, throughout this grisly meal, your son has been pelting me with cereal.
Pero Roddy. Señora King, durante todo el desayuno el niño se ha dedicado a embadurnarme de papilla.
He gave Roddy a bath, and there wasn't a peep out of him.
Bañé a Roddy y no le oí ni respirar.
I've been trying to teach Roddy that bathing is not a social function.
- ¿ Sí? He intentado explicar a Roddy que el baño no es un acontecimiento social.
Now then, Roddy, put the cloth in the right hand, like that, and wash.
Bien, Roddy... Coge la esponja con la mano derecha y lávate.
It's nearly 3 : 00 in the morning, and you'll wake up Roddy and Mr. Belvedere.
¡ Son las tres de la mañana! Vas a despertar a Roddy y al señor Belvedere.
Very well. Until you come to your senses and stop letting Mr. Hammond run our lives, I'm going to take Roddy and go home to mother.
Muy bien, hasta que recobres la sensatez y le digas a Hammond que se meta en sus asuntos, me voy con Roddy a casa de mi madre.
I'll stay here with Roddy. We'll be all right.
Yo me quedo aquí con Roddy, no me pasa nada.
Hello, Roddy. Where's your daddy?
¿ Dónde está papá?
The guest stars in tonight's story : Roddy McDowall.
Estrellas invitadas Roddy McDowall
Krauts are nowadays roddy and voluptuous.
Los fritz hoy en día son ruidosos y voluptuosos.
Roddy's got a mouthful... "
Roddy tiene la boca llena. "
¡ Roddy!
A 42-year-old whisky, Roddy.
Un whisky de 42 años, Roddy.
Déjala debajo del'sembrero'hasta que estés'properada'.
200 quid! Jimmy, this is Roddy Craig. He's with The Herald.
Jimmy, éste es Roddy Craig Trabaja en The Herald.
- World exclusive, Roddy!
- Exclusiva mundial, Roddy.
My cousin Roddy has just been suddenly struck with malaria.
Mi primo Roddy ha sido repentinamente atacado por la malaria.
Geoffrey, how's your cousin Roddy?
Geoffrey, ¿ cómo está tu primo Roddy?
I regret to tell you, I have no cousin Roddy.
Lamento decirles que no tengo un primo Roddy.
Roddy McDowall is related to a cousin of my brother-in-law.
Roddy McDowall es pariente de un primo de mi cuñado.
He's "Rowdy Roddy Peeper".
Es "Espión Rowdy Roddy".
This is Roddy, Mr. Svenning's assistant.
Soy Roddy, el asistente del Sr. Svenning.
Hey, Roddy!
- ¡ Oye, Roddy!
Meet Dexter's girlfriend, Steff And his mentor named MacStew
# Conoce a la novia de Dexter, Steff, y su mentor, Roddy Estofado.
That's Roddy McDowall.
Esa es Roddy McDowall.
You're Roddy McDowell and I'm Liz Taylor.
Tú eres Roddy McDowell y yo, Liz Taylor.
Well, this is my very dear old friend, Clive Roddy.
Él es mi muy querido y viejo amigo Clive Roddy.
- I'm Clive Roddy.
- Soy Clive Roddy.
Maris Crane, this is Mr Clive Roddy.
Maris Crane, él es el Sr. Clive Roddy.
I had Mommy and Daddy and Louis and Uncle Rodney and Uncle Sidney...
Vinieron mamá, papá, Louis, tío Roddy, tío Sidney y -
Oh, now, Roddy, it's just a stuck ball.
Por favor, Roddy, es una bola atascada.
Roddy Pugh!
Roddy Pugh!
Y Roddy. Adiós.
[Roddy laughing] Roddy! For crying out loud!
Roddy, se lo voy a decir a mamá.
For instance, could you bathe Roddy?
Por ejemplo, ¿ podría bañar a Roddy?
[Roddy screams, crying]
Por lo menos a los niños les ha caído bien.
I'll say good night to Roddy.
Voy a dar un beso a Roddy.
Roddy McDowall!
¡ Roddy McDowall!

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