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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / Salim

Salim tradutor Espanhol

550 parallel translation
Last night we arrested one Nasir Salim, a friend of yours.
Anoche detuvimos a un tal Nasir Salim, un amigo suyo.
Akbar's pilgrimage is to a hermitage... of the Saint Sheikh Salim-u-din Chisti... in the hope that through his prayers...
El peregrinaje de Akbar es a una ermita del santo Sheikh Salim-u-din Chisti... en la esperanza que con sus oraciones...
The grandeur of Mughals began to waver... and the intoxicated Prince Salim started staggering
La grandeza de los Mughales comenzó a agitarse y el intoxicado príncipe Salim comenzó a inquietar
Salim has performed his duty as we would have wished
Salim ha cumplido su deber como lo deseamos
For fourteen years, Prince Salim... was nurtured on the battlefields
Por 14 años, el príncipe Salim... fue criado en los campos de batalla
The flames are extinguished... but there is still blood in Salim's body
Las llamas fueron extinguidas... pero aún hay sangre en el cuerpo de Salim
Sire, your humble servant, Salim
Tu humilde sirviente, Salim
Today Salim has become our heir
Hoy Salim se ha convertido en nuestro heredero
Let me see Salim's face
Déjame ver el rostro de salim
I allow you everything for Salim
te permito todo por Salim
Tell the Court Dancer to prepare an elegant dance... to erase the fiery images of war from Salim's eyes
Hagan que preparen una elegante danza... para borrar las fieras imagenes de guerra de Salim
And tell Tansen to compose such melodies for Salim's welcome that he will forget the bellow of cannons
Y dígale a Tansen que componga tales melodías que olvide el rugir de los cañones
Bahaar, encircle Salim with everlasting spring
Bahaar, rodée a Salim de una primavera eterna
Your Majesty, I have not seen Salim grow from child to man
Su Majestad, no he visto a Salim crecer de niño a hombre
Salim, you have grown so big
Salim, estás tan grande
Bow down a little, Salim
Agachate un poco, Salim
Salim, My child
Salim, Mi niño
Let Salim read in your eyes what you fear to say
Deja que sea Salim quién vea ese temor en tus ojos.
And tell her that without her Salim's Life is a dark night
Y dile que sin ella la vida de Salim es una noche obscura
Salim is losing himself in her contemplation
Salim se está perdiendo contemplándola
With Salim, Anarkali shall reign as Queen of India
Con Salim, Anarkali debe ser la Reina de la India
Salim's Anarkali shall not die. I want His seal on this order to free her
Anarkali no debe morir, yo quiero Su sello en esta orden para liberarla
You will have to forget Salim
Tendrás que perdonar a Salim
You shall impress on Salim that your love was false
Debes grabar en Salim que tu amor era falso
Cowardly slave of Akbar, you are not Salim's beloved
Cobarde esclava de Akbar, ya no eres la amada de Salim
Noor-ud-Din Mohammed Salim
Noor-ud-Din Mohammed Salim
Salim, you will have to change
Salim, tendrás que cambiar
Arrest the insolent Salim
Arresten al insolente Salim
No, Salim!
¿ Has olvidado que soy parte de tu cuerpo? ¡ No, Salim!
No, Salim!
¡ No, Salim!
We command that Salim be dispatched to fight in the south
Ordenamos que Salim salga a pelear al Sur
Our Salim shall not go on this expedition
Nuestro Salim no debe ir en esta expedicion
But it needs Salim's endorsement
Pero necesita la autorización de Salim
If you wish to see your command rejected, try to command Salim
Si quieres ver tu orden rechazada, intenta ordenarle a Salim
Let it be known that the heir to the throne, Noor-u-Din Mohammed Salim... through this message... declares his independence of you
Que se sepa que el heredero al trono, Noor-u-Din Mohammed Salim... a través de este mensaje... declara la ruptura con usted.
Emperor You have wiped the bridal symbol from my forehead... and you shall replace it with Salim's blood
Emperador has quitado el símbolo nupcial de mi frente... y lo has remplazado con la sangre de Salim
If the price of my bridal loyalty is Salim's blood... take the sword and slay my child!
Si el precio de mi lealtad nupcial es la sangre de Salim
Her death, in the darkness of whose love... Salim cannot recognize us
La de ella, en el caso que el amor de Salim no nos reconozca
Destroy that enchanting serpent who writhes between Salim and me
Destruye esa malévola serpiente que serpentea entre Salim y yo
Mansingh, before the battle I shall go and meet Salim
Mansingh, antes de la batalla, debo ir a visitar a Salim
And Salim is rendered helpless by his love
Y Salim se rinde ante su amor
Salim is successful without war.
Salim triunfa sin guerra.
That you still live bodes ill for Salim
Que aún vivas presagia un mal para Salim
Is this bridal sign Salim's blood?
¿ Es esta seña nupcial la sangre de Salim?
Behold this sword, not a drop of Salim's blood is on it
¡ he ahí la espada, sin una gota de sangre de Salim!
I want to see Salim
Quiero ver a Salim
The accused, Noor-u-Din Mohammed Salim... son of Jal Al-u-Din Mohammed Akbar... is presented before this Court
El acusado, Noor-u-Din Mohammed Salim... hijo de Jal Al-u-Din Mohammed Akbar... es presentado a la Corte
Noor-u-Din Mohammed Salim, you are accused... of dishonouring the heirdom for the sake of a slave-girl
Noor-u-Din Mohammed Salim, estás acusado... de deshonrar tu herencia por culpa de una esclava
Noor-u-Din Mohammed Salim... you have taken advantage of our magnanimity
Noor-u-Din Mohammed Salim... has abusado de nuestra bondad
When the Chronicler writes in Salim's blood of his and Anarkali's death... the previous chapter will describe Akbar's death
Cuando el cronista escriba con sangre la muerte de Salim y Anarkali el capítulo previo narrará la muerte de Akbar

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