Saw that tradutor Espanhol
26,960 parallel translation
Sir, I just saw that mad person..
Acabo de ver al loco
BRODIE : I climbed up this mud volcano and saw that it was just this huge pit of mud.
Subí a la cima de este volcán de barro e inmediatamente vi un enorme pozo de lodo.
Savonarola had a vision. He saw that the Catholic church was in need of purging and he began to suspect that he might be the one who had been chosen to do it.
Entre estos quesos de corteza lavada se encuentran el Limburger y el Taleggio, que son quesos con aroma fuerte, de color naranja o, a veces, rosado.
I saw that.
Lo vi.
No, but when I saw that watch,
No, pero cuando vi ese reloj,
I saw that on "The Good Wife."
Vi lo hizo en "The Good Wife".
You saw that on that security camera?
¿ Lo vieron en la cámara?
Yeah, we knew that Inhuman call was a hoax as soon as we stepped foot in the apartment, saw that bong.
Sí, supimos que esa llamada por un inhumano era una broma en cuanto entramos en el apartamento y vimos esa pipa.
Saw that you need earning that way no more, and to this the deposit for our home here. Hush, Leonard.
Ver que ya no necesitas ganarte la vida de esa manera, y por el depósito de este nuestro hogar.
That if I ever betrayed him, the death of my son would be the last thing that I ever saw.
Que si alguna vez lo traicionaba, la muerte de mi hijo sería la última cosa que viera.
They all say that they saw a woman from the window firing along with the rest.
Todos dicen que vieron a una mujer disparando desde la ventana con el resto.
I mean, the damn counterfeiters saw to that.
Bueno, los malditos falsificadores se encargaron de ello.
I saw the sign here that says "Say no to Syrian refugees"?
I saw the sign here that says "Say no to Syrian refugees."
Ahí dice : "Dile que no a los refugiados sirios". ¿ Apoya ese mensaje?
I saw you in that bar with a man who isn't your husband.
Te vi en aquel bar con un hombre que no era tu marido.
You never saw the person that I was with those men.
Nunca viste la persona que era con esos hombres.
The only thing that I ever saw you be truly passionate about was your work.
Lo única cosa con la que parecías apasionarte de verdad era tu trabajo.
You saw the way that he was pawing me tonight.
Ya vio el modo en que me metía mano esta noche.
I was born during the Great Depression, and I never saw anything as depressing as that grown-ass white boy coloring in the damn coloring book.
Nací durante la Gran Depresión, y nunca vi nada tan deprimente como ese chico blanco crecidito coloreando en su maldito librito de colorear.
We know that he was very rich, but then he saw the light and gave away all his possessions.
Nuestra saliva contiene una enzima, llamada amilasa, que transforma los almidones en azúcares.
That night was crazy, and when I saw you sitting there I thought,
Esa noche estaba loca, y cuando te vi sentada allí, pensé,
Gosh, I thought for sure as soon as you saw him, that pull-up bar would be back in the door jamb.
Gosh, pensé con certeza tan pronto como lo vio, Esa barra de pull-up Sería de nuevo en la jamba de la puerta.
And then I saw you and Francis... and somehow I knew that everything was going to be all right.
Y entonces os vi a ti y a Francisco... y de alguna forma supe que todo iba a estar bien.
Let's see, we have a gardener who saw a moving van parked down the street that morning and an elderly neighbor who thinks that we should go and talk to those young punks down the street.
Vamos a ver, tenemos una jardinero que vio un camión de mudanzas aparcado en la calle por la mañana y un vecino de edad avanzada que piensa que deberíamos ir y hablar con los jóvenes punkies por la calle.
That you're out on a limb and you've handed me a saw.
Que pendes de un hilo y me has dado unas tijeras.
That man, the suspect that Rob saw on TV..... he came here last night and now he's dead.
Ese hombre, el sospechoso que Rob vio en la televisión... vino aquí anoche y ahora está muerto.
I saw a man that was close to his breaking point.
Vi a un hombre que estaba cerca de su punto de ruptura.
We have an eyewitness that saw her get shot.
Tenemos un testigo que la vio recibir un disparo.
Please tell me that this retreat was at a monastery where people saw you.
Por favor, decidme que este retiro fue en un monasterio, en el que os vio la gente.
I saw a pin on Duncan's cloak that bears the insignia of the Clan Macfie.
He visto un broche en la capa de Duncan con el emblema del clan Macfie.
You saw what he did to that Essex hag.
Ya viste lo que le hizo a esa arpía de Essex.
Monica was the love of my life, and I knew that the first time I ever saw her.
Monica fue el amor de mi vida, y lo supe la primera vez que la vi.
But why kill her? There's no evidence of sexual assault. Maybe Wendy saw something that she wasn't supposed to see.
Los tatuajes están muy bien, pero probablemente no pasará mucho tiempo para que alguien huela que eres policía, y te cause problemas.
The victim thinks she saw the perp run that way, toward the shelter.
La víctima cree que vio al responsable correr hacia allá, hacia el albergue.
Aren't you getting a little long in the tooth for that hottie I just saw in the hall?
¿ No estás muy viejo para esa chica sexy que vi en el pasillo?
I just saw Stemple walking out of here... with a canvas that looks about the same size as that empty space on your wall.
Acabo de ver a Stemple salir de aquí... con una pintura del mismo tamaño que ese espacio vacío en tu pared.
Yeah, I saw "Deliverance." That's good.
Sí, vi "Deliverance". Genial.
When I saw the work you and Simmons were doing in replicating human tissue and internal bone structure in Coulson's hand, I knew... I knew right then that this was within reach.
Cuando vi el trabajo que Simmons y tú estabais haciendo en replicar el tejido humano y la estructura ósea interna en la mano de Coulson, supe... supe inmediatamente que esto era posible.
Could be that, or it could be the last time you saw her, you tried to steal me and kill her.
Puede ser por eso, o puede ser porque la última vez que la viste, intentaste seducirme y matarla.
It just popped into my head when I saw the Statue of Liberty holding that paintbrush.
Se me ocurrió de repente al ver a la Estatua de la Libertad sosteniendo una brocha.
I saw something in each one of you that makes you valuable.
Vi algo en cada uno de ustedes que lo hace valioso.
The crazy thing is, that, uh... they both claim they saw the other one do the shooting.
Lo más loco es que, uh... ambos afirman que vieron a la otra hacer el rodaje.
What about that flyer we saw in the lobby of your building.
¿ Qué hay de ese volante que vimos en el vestíbulo de su edificio.
And you know that because you saw my spectrophotometer.
Y eso lo sabes porque viste mi espectrofotómetro.
So you saw them arguing. What's so suspicious about that?
Los vistes discutiendo. ¿ Qué de sospechoso hay en eso?
Em, when Alison checked herself into Welby she didn't think that she just saw her mother.
Cuando Alison se metió en Welby no solo creía ver a su mamá.
Hm. She felt that she saw Wilden too.
También a Wilden.
Ezra and I thought we saw you that night going into the church.
Ezra y yo pensamos haberte visto esa noche entrando a la iglesia.
That detective told Ali he a saw a photo of Elliot Rollins in a rental car.
Aquel detective le dijo a Ali que vio una foto de Elliot Rollins en una oficina de alquiler de coches.
Em saw something on Jenna's laptop that can link back to A.D.
Em vio algo en el portátil de Jenna que podría tener relación con'A.D.'.
Em saw something on Jenna's laptop that can link back to A.D.
Em vio algo en el portátil de Jenna que podría tener relación con "A.D.".
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16