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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / Scared

Scared tradutor Espanhol

56,354 parallel translation
I'm scared right now! What are you doing?
Ahora estoy asustada.
Yeah, that scared the shit outta me. You?
Sí, como que me sorprendió. ¿ Y tú?
You're so scared.
Tienes tanto miedo.
Bruh, how are you not scared of this, man?
- ¿ Por qué no tienes miedo hombre?
Oh, my God. You scared me.
Dios mío, me has asustado.
I could think everything that it was thinking. It's very scared and it's not scared of us, it's scared of something else that is out there.
Tiene mucho miedo, y no es de nosotros, teme a algo más que está ahí afuera.
It's very scared and it's not scared of us, it's scared of something else that is out there.
Tiene mucho miedo, y no es de nosotros, teme a algo más que está ahí afuera.
Mate, you scared her last night.
Amigo, la asustaste anoche.
I'm afraid to call my agent back because I'm scared that she's gonna dump me.
Tengo miedo de llamar otra vez a mi agente porque estoy asustada de que me abandone.
You scared me.
Me asustaste.
She seems scared.
Parecía asustada.
You scared the shit out of me.
Me has dado un susto de muerte.
And I'm scared... because I don't know how to fly.
Y tengo miedo, porque no sé volar.
I think you're just scared.
Creo que solo estás asustado.
Am I supposed to be scared?
¿ Se supone que tenga miedo?
Tener miedo.
There's nothing to be scared of.
No hay nada a qué temerle.
And she would tell you to look for a purple alligator in the water, and you'd be so busy looking you'd forget you were scared.
Y te decía que buscaras un caimán púrpura y estabas tan ocupada que olvidabas que tenías miedo.
I was too scared to move... even to shut the blinds.
Temía moverme hasta para cerrar las cortinas.
They're scared of us.
Nos temen.
I have been a friend to you, and this thing you're scared for people to know about you doesn't matter to me.
Fui una amiga para ti y esto que temes que se sepa sobre ti no me importa.
And I'm sorry if you're scared, but I'm not your shield, okay?
Y siento que tengas miedo, pero no soy tu escudo, ¿ de acuerdo?
I got scared, okay?
Me asusté, ¿ de acuerdo?
- You think I'm scared of you?
- ¿ Crees que te temo?
You scared you're not safe out here on your own with me?
¿ Temes no estar a salvo aquí conmigo?
You're just scared we'll be caught.
Solo te asusta que nos atrapen.
I was scared.
Tenía miedo.
And I was scared.
Y estaba asustado.
You do not need to be scared anymore.
Ya no necesitas estar asustado.
You don't need to be scared.
No necesitas estar asustado.
I have never in my life been as scared as I was that night in the woods, kit to the grit, fully believing my number's about to be called, then seeing it happen to someone brave to a survivor.
Nunca en mi vida había estado tan asustado como lo estaba esa noche en el bosque, de rodillas en el suelo, completamente convencido de que me tocaría a mí, entonces vi que lo que le sucedió a alguien valiente... a un sobreviviente.
Am I supposed be scared?
Se supone que esté asustado?
Because everybody is scared, nobody wants to talk.
Porque todos están asustados, nadie quiere hablar.
I've seen the YouTube videos, I know cats are scared of cucumbers and pickles because they think they're snakes.
he visto videos en YouTube, Sé que los gatos se asustan de los pepinos y los pepinillos porque ellos piensan que son serpientes.
- Ohh, real scared. - Real on alert, high alert over here.
Estoy muy asustado, muy jodidamente alerta, muy alerta por aquí.
It's always kind of scared me.
Siempre me asustó un poco.
You were too scared.
Estabas demasiado asustada.
Yeah, I feel stressed a lot and I feel scared.
Sí, me siento muy estresada y asustada.
Well, when you feel stressed or scared, what helps you the most?
Cuando te sientes estresada y asustada, ¿ qué te ayuda?
I'm just scared.
- Estoy asustada.
Makes me so scared!
¡ Mirá que miedo!
Let's do this together... Don't be scared.
Hagamos esto juntos... no tengan miedo.
That's why she's so scared.
Por eso está tan asustada.
I'm not scared.
No tengo miedo.
You scared me to death.
Me asustaste con la muerte.
Nothing to be scared about.
Nada que deba asustarle.
You were right about some things, and I got scared.
Tuvo razón sobre algunas cosas y me entró miedo.
- You scared me.
- Me has asustado.
Don't blame Bobo. He's scared.
No culpes a Bobo, está asustado.
I don't want you to be scared of me.
No quiero que me tengas miedo.
Johnny, I'm scared.
Johnny, tengo miedo. ¿ Y si se empieza a notar?

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