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Screeches tradutor Espanhol

210 parallel translation
Tom-toms, jungle screeches.
Tam-tams, chirridos de la jungla.
Tom-toms and jungle screeches.
- ¿ Por dónde iba? - Tam-tams y chirridos de la jungla.
You provide a small orchestra and when your patient screeches, you out-screech him.
Se provee de una pequeña orquesta y cuando su paciente grite, usted le grita a él.
- [Bird Screeches] - Shut up.
- I wonder if it screeches.
- Me pregunto si chilla.
Screeches, chatters, snorts, and running feet... vied over the drip, drip of sodden branches... and her own feet made barely a sound on the leaves.
Chillidos, parloteos, ronquidos y pies que corrían... se contraponían sobre el goteo de ramas empapadas... y sus propios pies apenas sonaron sobre las hojas.
( Screeches ) I want out!
¡ Quiero salir de aquí! ¡ Cállate!
- There have been so many. - [Envelope Screeches]
Ha habido tantas.
[Screeches] What are you bringing in here?
¿ Qué trajeron?
This here thing screeches and whines so we can't sleep.
Colocaron la máquina esa. Atrona, chirria, no deja dormir.
She screeches like an eagle It's paradise for her
Es el paraíso para ella
[tires screeches] ( Michael ) Cara must have called the police, KlTT.
- Seguramente Cara llamó a la policía, KITT.
- ( SCREECHES ) La-de-da-de-da! - All right, Granny? Granny?
¿ Va todo bien, abuela?
- You beautiful man. ( Screeches ) Oh, don't tickle.
¡ Sin cosquillas No, no, no me hagáis cosquillas.
- Because... - ( SCREECHES ) I am that smeg-head Rimmer.
Porque soy el cabeza de culo Rimmer.
BABS : It's all yours, sister. [CAT SCREECHES]
Es toda tuya, hermana.
( Screeches ) Stop!
¿ Por qué no empezamos ahora?
- [Screeches] - Oh, great. Now the cat knows.
Genial, ahora lo sabe el gato.
"The black bee screeches and my heart blooms."
la abeja negra grita y mi corazón florece.
Who's there? [Cat screeches]
Quién anda ahí?
- [Screeches] - Aah! Take it!
¡ Atrápenla!
Sorry. - [Cat Screeches]
[Cat Screeches] 200 channels, nothin'but cats.
Doscientos canales, y sólo gatos.
( Bellows and screeches ) A year has passed since the sauropodlets fled into the forest, and deep in a canyon, the little female grazes.
Ha pasado un año desde que los pequeños saurópodos se escabulleron en el bosque y en lo profundo de un cañón, la pequeña hembra pasta.
( CRIATURA chillidos )
( screeches ) So, although you can't move your hands, you can lift your feet, just don't let your hand come off of this.
Aunque no podais mover las manos podeis mover los pies, sólo no quiteis la mano.
The journey back down the mountain... [CHAIR SCREECHES ] [ CHAIR SCREECHES]
La jornada al bajar la montaña.
I'm not in the mood for milk shake now. ( SCREECHES ) Oh, well!
- Conseguirás una enfermera mañana.
¡ Jamás imaginé un final así!
Oye, camarada.
[SCREECHES]... on the other end.
al otro lado de la línea. Y, además, mi ordenador está como loco.
I'm about to take a cap to TYE dome when Rosie screeches up in the limo, pulls me in and guns it. Now she wants her day off and a pizza party with the maids.
Flameaba la bandera y me ví rodeada.
[cat screeches] oh, spanky.
- Spanky.
[cat screeches]
¡ Ya cállate!
¿ Diga?
[Tabby Screeches] EMILY!
¡ Emily!
And then she sits in my bed, and it screeches
Mi madre viene, se sienta en mi cama, la cama chirría,
[Crowd groans and microphone screeches]
- Sí.
¿ Cómo?
( screeches ) What the hell was that?
¿ Qué demonios fue eso?
[Screeches] I have to get out of here.
Ya me voy.
[Darwin screeches] Ape.
- ( TIRE SCREECHES ) - Maggie, we're back!
Maggie, ya regresamos.
- [Grunts, Hits Puck ] - [ Cat Screeches] I just found out Portman isn't coming. - He's staying in Chicago.
El otro Bash Brothe no viene, se queda en Chicago, esto no esta bien.
( SCREECHES ) Will you shut up?
[Screeches] Trophies, trophies.
Trofeos, trofeos.
( screeches ) r-right. She means she's incubating an alien life form and one day it's gonna climb out and destroy our world.
Ella se refiere a que está incubando una forma de vida alienígena... que un día va a salir y destruirá nuestro mundo.
( screeches ) right.
[cat screeches] Come on, xandir, dance!
¡ Vamos Xander, baila!
[Sam screeches]
[Sam chillidos]

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