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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / Seeley

Seeley tradutor Espanhol

386 parallel translation
- You know my associate, Mr. Seeley.
- Conoces a mi socio, el Sr. Seeley.
- All right, Seeley.
- De acuerdo, Seeley.
My name is Joan Seeley. I'm a reporter.
- Soy Joan Seeley, periodista.
Jim? Hmm? You want to run that new film for Miss Seeley?
Jim ¿ le mostramos la película a la Srta. Seeley?
George, I'm sorry to have to break this up, but Miss Seeley belongs to me tonight.
George, lo siento pero la señorita me pertenece esta noche.
Daiquiri for Miss Seeley, bourbon on the rocks for you.
Daiquiri para la señorita,'bourbon on the rocks'para Ud.
Mr. Scoville, you may have the idea- - possibly reinforced by what Miss Seeley told you- - that I have some dictatorial authority in this case. Well, I don't.
- Sr. Scoville tal vez tenga la idea, posiblemente reforzada por ella de que tengo autoridad dictatorial en este caso, y no es verdad.
Sam Seeley, you've not been thieving again, have yer?
Sam Seeley, no habrás estado robando otra vez, ¿ verdad?
Seeley, sir, Sam Seeley.
Seeley, señor, Sam Seeley.
And where do you live, Mr. Seeley?
¿ Y dónde vive, Sr. Seeley?
Mr. Seeley, I want the truth.
Sr. Seeley, quiero la verdad!
- Don't worry, Mr. Seeley, we'll let your wife know where you are.
- No se preocupe. Sr. Seeley,... le diremos a su esposa dónde está.
Seeley, I'm not going to bargain with you.
Seeley, no haré tratos con usted.
Sergeant, put Seeley in the truck and keep an eye on him.
Sargento, ponga a Seeley en el camión y no le pierda de vista.
Mrs. Seeley?
¿ Sra. Seely?
- Sure it's not Seeley Lake?
- Seguro que no es Lago Seeley?
- That's Seeley Lake.
- Esto es Lago Seeley.
- No, that's Seeley Lake.
- No, esto es el lago Seeley.
- It's Seeley Lake.
Es el Lago Seeley.
That's Seeley Lake, but this is Holland Lake.
Ese es el Lago Seeley, Y eso es el Lago Holland.
- That's where Seeley is.
- Ahí es el Seeley.
I appreciate your zeal, Mr. Seeley, but Chaplin and Miss Grey were married in Mexico yesterday.
Aprecio su entusiasmo, Sr. Seeley pero Chaplin y la Srta. Grey se casaron en México ayer.
Mr. Seeley, you're looking a little pale.
Sr. Seeley. Más que maquinaria. Se ve un poco pálido.
A finding from Von Seeley's 1956 experiment.
Un fallo en el experimento de Von Seeley de 1956.
Von Seeley, the German medium.
Von Seeley, un medium alemán.
FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth, and a forensic anthropologist.
FBI, Agente Especial Seeley Booth, y nuestra antropóloga forense.
Hey, Seeley, how's it going?
Seeley, ¿ cómo estás?
FBI, special Agent Seeley Booth,
FBI. Agente Especial Seeley Booth.
- Merry Christmas, Seeley.
Feliz Navidad, Seeley.
special Agent Seeley Booth.
Agente especial Booth.
I'm special Agent Seeley Booth from the FBI.
Soy el agente especial Seeley Booth del FBI.
Special Agent Seeley Booth, meet Assistant U.S. Attorney Ken Weeks.
Agente especial Seeley Booth, le presento a Ken Weeks, el asistente del Procurador.
- Yes. Special Agent Seeley Booth.
Agente Especial Seeley Booth...
I'm special Agent Seeley Booth.
Soy el agente especial Seeley Booth.
Peter, this is my friend Seeley Booth.
Peter, él es mi amigo Seeley Booth.
Could be that's true, Seeley.
Quizá sea verdad, Seeley.
Special Agent in charge Seeley Booth.
Agente Especial en Jefe, Seeley Booth.
No, you don't, Seeley.
No, tú no, Seeley.
I'm Special Agent Seeley Booth.
Soy el agente especial Seeley Booth.
Please, Seeley, like we haven't shared enough of them for me to know better.
Por favor Seeley, como si no hubiéramos compartido lo suficiente para conocernos.
And I thought Seeley was exaggerating about you.
Y pensé que Seeley exageraba sobre ti.
And when we got pregnant, Seeley proposed.
Y cuando salí embarazada, Seeley me lo propuso.
I think there's a moment for two people, a single moment where they can either catch fire or...
Creo que hay un momento para dos personas, un momento en particular donde ellos pueden encenderse o... ¿ Seeley y yo?
Seeley, all the excuses I gave you for not wanting to get married...
Seeley, todas esas excusas que te di para no casarme contigo...
Seeley, you hate diplomatic immunity.
Seeley, odias la inmunidad diplomática.
Looks like he's not walking this time, Seeley.
Parece que esta vez no escapará, Seeley.
Seeley, you son of a bitch.
Seeley, hijo de puta.
- Don't call me Seeley.
- No me llames Seeley.
Seeley and I? We missed our moment.
Perdimos nuestro momento.
¿ Seeley?
- Seeley.
- Seeley.

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