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She's an artist tradutor Espanhol

146 parallel translation
She's an artist, she needs luxury, riches, success, all sorts of things the man can't offer her. You understand that, don't you, Herr Weidenau? She's an artist like...
Ella es una artista, necesita lujo, riqueza, éxito cosas que ese hombre no le puede ofrecer.
She's a singer... she's an artist... just like ourselves
Es una cantante! Un artista, como nosotros!
she's an old woman and beyond love you're not old you're a great artist he should address his declarations of love to my public and stay true to the theatre that's the greatest proof of love he could give me
es una mujer vieja y más allá del amor no es viejo es un gran artista él debe dirigir sus declaraciones de amor a mi público y ser verdadero en el teatro ésa es la mayor prueba de amor que podría darme
She's an artist.
Es una artista.
She's an artist, Herr President.
Es una artista, señor presidente.
She's ashamed of us "starving workers." Says she's an artist. But I wouldn't trade places with her.
Se avergüenza de nosotros, pobres obreros porque dice que ella es una artista, pero yo no me cambiaría por ella.
You mean she's an artist who makes money?
¿ Quiere decir que es una artista que gana dinero?
I raised her like an artist. And she's talented, sir.
Y yo que la eduqué para ser artista, con su talento.
She's an artist.
Ella es una artista.
She's an artist.
Es artista.
- She's an artist's model.
- Es modelo artística.
She's an artist!
¡ Es una artista!
Gudrun pretends she's an artist as well.
Gudrun también pretende ser artista.
In addition to which, she's a brilliant artist and she has an IQ of I don't know what.
Además, es una artista extraordinaria. Y tiene un coeficiente intelectual de no sé cuánto.
I'm a singer and she's an artist.
- ¿ Yo? Yo soy cantante. Y la chica es... acróbata.
She's an artist... in fucking!
¡ Artista sí, pero del coño!
She's only 18. I'm, like, Guy, I'm an artist, you know.
Le digo, " Yo soy un hombre, un artista.
This one's pretty enough but I understand she's the daughter of an artist.
Ella es muy linda, pero creo que es hija de un artista.
"What's the man afraid of?", she said, "He is an eminent artist."
"¿ De qué tiene miedo?" "Es un gran actor".
- She's an artist in her own right, right?
Ella es artista por méritos propios.
- She works for him. She's an artist.
- Trabaja para él.
She's an artist and Catholic.
Es una artista importante y es católica.
She's an artist, by the way.
Por cierto, es una artista.
- And she's an artist, I think. - Oh, yeah?
Creo que ella es artista.
She wants to be an artist like Norman but poor girl, she's hopeless.
Quiere ser una artista como Norman pero, pobre chica, no tiene remedio.
She's an artist.
Tina es una artista.
- She's an artist on the harp.
- Es una artista del arpa.
She's an artist.
Ella es la artista.
Look, I want her treated very gently. She's an artist and...
Quiero que la traten con mucho cuidado.
She's an artist!
Es una artista.
She's a sensitive girl An artist
Es una muchacha sensible.
She'll be an artist with ketchup stains, that's all
Ella sería una artista con las manchas de catsup.
And Alicia, she's an artist.
Y Alicia... es una artista.
But then, she's an artist.
Pero, claro, ella es una artista.
- She's an artist.
- Es una artista.
She's an artist.
Ella es artista.
- She's an artist.
es una "artista".
She's an amazing artist.
Ella es una artista asombrosa.
Ruth : She's an artist.
Ella es un artista.
She's quite an artist.
Es una maravillosa artista.
She's in her bathing suit. Mr Redding's an artist.
El Sr. Redding es un artista.
She's an artist, Scarlett.
Es una artista, Scarlett.
You're a businessman. She's an artist.
Tu eres un hombre de negocios, ella artista.
She's one person who sort of really predates punk... as far as like being like an artist in her performance and her writing... and but at the same time she really informed punk to such a degree... and so she's very significant the way she comes in.
Ella es alguien anterior al punk... en cuanto a ser artista en su presentación y sus textos. Al mismo tiempo, formó al punk de tal forma... que el modo como ella aparece es significativo.
She's overpowered by an artist, a painter, Jose Torres Campana.
Ella está dominada por un artista, un pintor, José Torres Campana.
She's an artist, and artists always need cash, which is where the "stupid" part comes in, because i always lose.
Ella es una artista... y los artistas siempre necesitan efectivo... y ahí es donde entra la parte de "estúpido"... porque siempre pierdo.
But the coumpound combines only in one product and that's theatrical makeup maybe she's a makeup artist or an actress
Pero mezclados sólo en un producto : maquillaje teatral Quizás es maquilladora de artistas. O una actriz.
She believes an artist's life is her art.
Ella cree que la vida del artista está en su arte.
As an artist, she will not be able to help but by intrigued by your desire to carry your own instrument despite your servant's presence.
Como artista, ella no será capaz de ayudar, sino que le cautivará su deseo... de llevar su propio instrumento a pesar de la presencia de su empleado.
Look, she's an artist.
Mire, ella es un artista.
Actually, she's more of an artist.
En realidad, ella es más como una artista.

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