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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / She tried to kill you

She tried to kill you tradutor Espanhol

129 parallel translation
If you were in that car, drunk and helpless, then she tried to kill you too.
Ambos estaban en ese coche borrachos e indefensos y ella intentó matarles.
- You said she tried to kill you.
- Dices que ha intentado matarte.
She tried to kill you to get your dough....... and to split with that asshole with the big dick.
Ha intentado asesinarte para coger tu dinero y largarse con ese cerdo de chulo que tenía.
She tried to kill you, didn't she?
Trató de matarte, ¿ verdad?
Michael, she tried to kill you.
Michael, trató de matarte.
She tried to kill you.
Trató de matarte.
Giles heard that she tried to kill you.
Giles se enteró de que ella intentó asesinarte.
- She tried to kill you!
- ¡ intentó asesinarte!
When you took out your own kidney to save your ex-wife... even though she tried to kill you...
Qué bello, donaste un riñón para salvar a tu ex-esposa. A pesar de que trató de matarte.
She tried to kill you twice.
Trató de matarte dos veces.
She tried to kill you.
Ella quiso matarte.
Forget us. She tried to kill you.
Olvídate de nosotros.
A generous one, considering she tried to kill you.
Una generosa, considerando que ha intentado matarte.
- She tried to kill you?
- Trató de matarte.
She tried to kill you.
Intentó matarte.
Wait a second. She tried to kill you.
Trató de matarte.
She tried to kill you.
- Ella trató de matarla.
She tried to kill you?
¿ Ella trato de matarla?
She tried to kill Lana, and she tried to kill you.
Intentó matar a Lana e intentó matarte a ti.
- She tried to kill you.
- Trató de matarte.
Stop covering for her, she tried to kill you.
Deja de cubrirla. Ella trató de matarte.
You said she tried to kill you once.
Dijiste que intentó matarte una vez.
Angela was so terrified of what she saw, so frightened of her own flesh and blood, that she tried to kill you.
Ángela estaba tan aterrada con lo que vio tan atemorizada de su propia sangre que intentó matarte.
She tried to kill you.
Ella intentó matarte.
Not only is she Albany PD, she also killed your buddy Colter, and she tried to kill you tonight at your office.
No sólo ella es policía de Albany, ella también mató a su amigo Colter, e intentó matarte esta noche en su oficina.
¿ Por qué diría Marian que intentó matar a Susan?
- Come on, you mean she tried to kill her? - Yes, she did.
- ¿ Quieres decir que intentó matarla?
Then tell me why she hasn't tried to kill you yet.
Entonces dime por qué no ha intentado matarte aún.
She said you tried to kill the kid once before with gas.
Dice que intentaste matar al niño con anterioridad con gas.
You were witnesses that she tried to kill me!
¡ Fuisteis testigos de que me quiso matar!
She tried to kill you.
, te iba a apuñalar, hombre!
- But she just tried to kill you.
- Pero trató de matarte.
- So you knew she tried to kill Michael?
- ¿ Sabían que intentó matar a Michael?
- Yeah. - Yeah. - She also tried to use you to kill us.
- También te utilizó para matarnos a todos.
- She also tried to use you to kill us. We think she used your initiation ritual to experiment on the children of your planet.
Pensamos que el rito de iniciación era un experimento que estaba realizando con niños de tu planeta.
- She's saying you tried to kill her.
- Ella está diciendo que usted intentó matarla.
So why'd you run when she tried to kill herself?
¿ Por qué corriste cuando quiso suicidarse?
People are saying that you got her pregnant and she had an abortion and tried to kill herself.
La gente está diciendo que la dejaste embarazada y ella tuvo uno aborto y trato de suicidarse.
Just because we tried to kill or corrupt each and every one of you at one time or another doesn't mean we can't be trusted. She's right.
Solo porque hemos intentado matar o corromper a todos y cada uno alguna vez... no significa que no podamos confiar entre nosotros.
Oh, my God, what happened to you guys? Lorraine tried to kill me! She threw me overboard.
Yo le he escrito muchas cartas....
Kitty's got a lot of evidence, and she thinks that you tried to kill her.
Kitty tiene muchas pruebas y cree que quisiste matarla.
She's a Monican agent who tried to kill you.
Es una agente Monicana que trató de matarte.
- She tried to kill herself because of you!
- Trató de matar ella por tu culpa!
She tried to kill me. Hartman, something's wrong with her. - You didn't see that?
BATALLA DE LA BEBA LA TERCERA ES LA VENCIDA... la beba Peggy sigue adelante con su vida y sus tres piernas.
No, you said she tried to kill me.
No, tú dijiste que ella trató de matarme.
You tried to kill Djaq because she is a Saracen, which, if I may say, is odd considering five minutes ago you were going to burn down a Christian church.
Intentaste matar a Djaq porque es una Sarraceno, lo que desde mi punto de vista es algo absurdo considerando que 5 minutos antes querías incendiar una iglesia cristiana.
You know she tried to kill me, right?
Sabes que trató de matarme, ¿ no?
Maybe she's haunting you, cos she tried to kill herself because of you.
Lo mismo te está acechando, porque se intentó suicidar por tu culpa
Wait, you said that she tried to kill herself.
- Pero tú dijiste que trató de matarse.
When she found out you tried to kill Marty, she gave us this.
Cuando se enteró de que habías intentado matar a Marty, nos dió esto.
Doesn't change the fact that she knew the guy who tried to kill you.
Eso no cambia el hecho de que ella supiera al tipo que intentó matarte.

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