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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / So it's up to you

So it's up to you tradutor Espanhol

860 parallel translation
You know, she's doing a fantastic job, So I feel like I got to kick it up a notch, You know, with my performance level.
Está haciendo un trabajo fantástico así que siento que debo subir más el nivel de mi presentación.
As you had instructed, I made it so that the rented ship won't come to them, but is it really necessary to go to this length when Anthony's money has already dried up?
Como lo indicó, evité que el barco alquilado les llegara. Anthony ahora ni siquiera puede conseguir un préstamo. ¿ Es esto realmente necesario?
And that's all that matters. You have to show up in life. And I showed up here, and I made it so far.
Y es lo que realmente importa, aparecer en la vida y yo aparecí aquí y por mucho tiempo.
It's so blue you want to dive into it and never come up.
Tan azul que quieres sumergirte y no subir nunca.
I fixed it up so you can stay on here at the apartment, and here's some money to take care of you.
Lo arreglé todo para que puedas quedarte aquí en el apartamento, y aquí tienes algún dinero,
Perhaps it's not my place to bring it up... but it is an argument, so you'll let me use it. I'm a person of considerable means in my own right. Enough for the three of us.
Quizás no sea yo la más indicada para utilizar este argumento pero permítame decírselo : soy una persona con unos importantes recursos económicos con los que los tres podríamos vivir...
It really does too, you know. It's so interesting. He says he's going to have wheels all made of rubber, and blown up with air.
Dice que llevará ruedas de caucho, infladas con aire.
So, Richard, I'm afraid it's up to you.
Richard, temo que depende de ti.
Now, in peacetime, as you know, there's a lot of leg-pulling between the services. But the soldiers are our brothers in arms and it's up to us to get'em off so they can live to fight again.
En tiempos de paz, como Uds. saben... hay muchos chistes entre las armas... pero los soldados son nuestros hermanos... y depende de nosotros rescatarlos... para que puedan vivir y continuar luchando.
Well, if I played up to you, it was so you wouldn't break Jack, that's all.
Bueno, si te seguí la corriente... fue sólo para que no perjudicaras a Jack, eso es todo.
¶ So you see it's all up to you ¶
Así que de ti depende por Dios
- Well, if you say so, it's up to you.
- Bueno, si lo dices, decides tú.
As she hasn't seen fit to tell you what's the matter, I can see that it's up to me to do so.
Si ella no ha querido decirle lo que ocurre, lo haré yo.
Anyway, since you're so keen to muck up the kid's chances, it's OK by me.
Si quieres echar a perder una oportunidad para Doris, ¡ adelante!
Or else you'll have to go all the way up north where it's so cold that...
O ir por el Norte, pasando frío... En el primer tren.
So it's up to you and me.
Entonces lo haremos nosotros dos.
He's ready for a frolic So it's up to you and me
Está listo para una alegría.
If they earn a lot, they can take in a horse from the street and raise it well, but in your case, you barely make enough to get by and you intend to marry a girl properly and she's sharing what little she has, so you must give it up.
Cuando se gana mucho dinero se puede recoger un caballo de la vía pública y darle una buena educación, pero en el caso de usted, cuando se gana lo justo para vivir con apuros y se pretende casar con una muchacha como es debido y que también aporta su patrimonio hay que renunciar a ello.
Well he's your pet Katie, so it's up to you to take care of him. See that you feed him before you go off to school.
Es tu perro, cuida de él y asegúrate de darle de comer antes de irte.
It's going to be the studio that you use, so shall we take out those briars and put up a prefab building?
Va a ser el estudio que utiliza, así que ¿ quitamos esos zarzales y levantamos un edificio prefabricado?
It's good to see you up and about again, so soon.
Es bueno verle levantado de nuevo tan pronto.
Every evening, I'll bring up an eiderdown quilt and put it on your bed so that it's nice and warm for you when you go to sleep.
- Cada noche, abriré un edredón de plumón en su cama para que esté caliente al dormir
Just hang up any drapes you want, and let's take all this rigmarole of a committee and so and so, and give it back to the Indians.
Que cuelguen las cortinas y vamos a llevar está sarta de disparates a la junta para que ellos decidan qué hay que hacer.
I fail to understand why it's so important for you to pick up a polka-dot blouse.
Sigo sin entender por qué es tan importante esta blusa.
A great many of those stars that you see up there are larger and more brilliant than our own sun, but they're so far away, it's almost impossible to re- - to realize it.
Muchas de las estrellas que vemos allá arriba son mayores y más brillantes que nuestro sol. Pero están tan lejos que es imposible... darse cuenta.
And then, do it later on but that seems like such a hack's way of getting married, so we're going to drive up-state, or over to Jersey, or wherever it is that you do it, and do it.
Y luego, lo haremos más tarde, pero casarse así parece algo rutinario, así que vamos a... ir al norte del estado, o a Jersey, o a donde... se haga eso, y lo haremos.
So it's only up to you if you remain soldiers or losers.
Está en Uds. decidir si serán recordados como soldados o como perdedores.
You see, I rented this car with a fake set of credit cards, a phony driver's license, and I fixed it up all by myself, so nobody's going to catch us.
Alquilé este coche con una tarjeta de crédito robada, un permiso de conducir falso. Lo prepare todo yo. Así que nadie va a poder cogernos.
I'd like you to pick it up from where Sergeant Skidmore left it, where you had so miraculously escaped Lieutenant Cantrell's shots at you.
Quisiera que retomara donde dejó el sargento Skidmore... cuando usted escapó tan milagrosamente... y el teniente Cantrell le disparó.
You see, what your mother means, jana... what she means is it's perfectly normal and natural for parents to think of their children as children. And then, when suddenly they grow up and they talk of having children of their own, it's a little difficult for parents to absorb quite so quickly. Something's not right.
Verás, lo que quiere decir tu madre, Jana,... lo que quiere decir es que es perfectamente normal... que los padres piensen en sus hijos como niños... y después, cuando de repente crecen y hablan de tener hijos propios, es... un poco difícil para los padres... asimilarlo tan rápidamente.
Now, when a phone call comes in, you get to the girl it's for as quickly as you can so she can answer it, have her conversation, hang up, so then it'll be available for others.
Cuando suene, busca a la chica lo más rápido que puedas. Ella puede contestar y colgar y así quedará libre para las demás.
I know it's late, and I'm sorry to wake you up but it was so important it couldn't wait.
Sé que es tarde y siento haberte despertado pero era tan importante que no podía esperar.
Everything will remain in your name so long as you are on the premises. The same thing applies to the various securities and the cash, which is quite sizable. It's been set up in trust.
Todos estos días y semanas solitario y esta noche a medianoche, ella regresa conmigo.
You have just as much pride as he. And he's the man so it's up to him to make the first move.
Usted tiene tanto orgullo como él, y él es el hombre y tiene que dar el primer paso.
Practice makes perfect. It's up to you. - It is so.
Pero algunos de vosotros tienen que demostrarlo.
So what's to stop them? Anyway, you might as well face it, mate - your number's up either way.
De todos modos, puede ser que también frente, mate - su número pasa de cualquier manera.
So it's up to you men, before we get our heads pounded off, to find out what the hell is going on.
Así que depende de Uds., soldados, si antes de que nos corten la cabeza logramos averiguar qué diablos está pasando.
As long as he remains with you... he's in danger, so it's up to you.
Mientras el esté contigo... está en peligro, así que de ti depende.
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to get the key to the code so we can pick up those agents before it's too late.
Su misión, si decide aceptarla es conseguir la clave del código para detener a esos agentes antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
It's so important for you to learn to stand up for your job.
Es muy importante que aprendas a saber defender tu trabajo.
It's so yellow with age, you'd have to make up as a chinaman!
¡ Está tan amarilla. que deberías disfrazarte de chino!
Would you believe that this whole damn country is bein'held for ransom and we've got till noon tomorrow to pay up? So that's it.
¿ Se puede creer que pretende chantajear todo el país y nos da sólo hasta mañana a medio día para pagar?
Well, it's 13 minutes to the hour of nine, nine, nine here on wonderful radio one-one-one so if you're still lying in your big, big bed now's the time to get up out of it.
30 minutos para las 9, 9, 9, aquí en Radio 1-1-1. Si todavía estáis en la cama, cama, es el momento de levantarse.
It's just that things are happening so fast, sir, and I thought maybe you'd wanna be brought up to date.
Han pasado muchas cosas, pensé que querría estar al tanto.
As you can imagine, he's up to his eyes at the moment, so as a purely temporary arrangement I do stress it is temporary, I'm putting you with Detective Inspector Frost.
Como te puedes imaginar, está hasta las manos por ahora, así que, como un arreglo meramente temporal, recalco que es temporal, te voy a ubicar con el Inspector Frost.
So, it's up to you.
Ustedes verán.
It's just like you to get me so worked up and then yawn and say it's bedtime.
Típico de ti. Empiezas una investigación gigantesca... y, una vez que me has hecho enfadar... bostezas y dices que te vas a la cama.
He's having himself lowered into the ground to show the right height for how low... a foxhole should be dug down so you can stand up into it.
Lo meterán en un hoyo para mostrar la altura... que necesita un hoyo para atrincherarse para poder estar parado en él.
You see, partner, the flames are very low, so it's up to you whether you'll be rare, medium, or well done.
Verä, socio, las llamas están muy bajas, así que de usted depende si quedarä crudo, a punto, o bien cocido.
So it's up to you.
Es cosa tuya.
It's hard to believe you went to bed with a headache, when you wake up feeling so wonderful in the morning.
No va a creer que se acosto con dolor de cabeza, Cuando se despierte sintiendose tan bien

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