Some don't tradutor Espanhol
19,639 parallel translation
Some questions you don't wanna know the answers to.
"Importa que es mejor ignorar la respuesta."
I guess some feelings don't ever die.
Algunos sentimientos nunca mueren.
I don't know who, some poor fuck.
No sé a quién, a algún pobre desgraciado.
I don't know. A monkey of some sort?
No lo sé, ¿ una especie de mono?
And just so we're clear, I've been on the force a lot longer than you, and I know what I'm doing, so don't talk down to me like I'm some rookie, you got it?
Y solo para que quede claro, he estado en el cuerpo mucho más que tú, y sé le que estoy haciendo, así que no me hables como si fuera un novato, ¿ lo entiendes?
Jamieson, you really expected me to believe that you've never been caught, I don't know, whispering, or holding hands with some d... look at the picture of you and Chrissie Hynde.
Jamieson, de verdad quieres que me crea que nunca te pillaron, no sé, susurrando, o de la mano de alguna... mira tu foto con Chrissie Hynde.
Listen, why don't I, uh - why don't I phone over and then we can all go over for some drinks while you're in town?
Escucha, ¿ por qué no, por qué no te echo una llamada y entonces todos podremos quedar para tomar algunas copas mientras están en la ciudad?
No, I know, but some people don't know. Oh. Hm.
Ya, lo sé, pero alguna gente no.
Shit, I don't know, Harry, I'm just running through some permutations.
Joder, no tengo ni idea, solo estoy barajando varias hipótesis.
Why don't you try putting some Spanish Fly in her Brass Monkey?
¿ Por qué no intenta poner un poco Mosca española en su Brass Monkey?
Look, I don't want some kind of boring romance, okay? Like, Jesus, put us in a retirement home deal.
Mira, no busco una historia de amor aburrida en plan "vamos a envejecer juntos".
Don't do this to me, Lafarga, I'm going to write you some fucking amazing letters.
No me hagas esto, Lafarga, que te voy a escribir unas cartas de puta madre.
There are some other reasons I don't want to get into, but for your purposes, that's the only one you need.
Y hay otras razones que no me sale de los cojones contarte, pero en lo que respecta a ti, no necesitas saber nada más.
Some I don't even remember.
Algunos no los recuerdo.
Why don't you go back to the hotel and get some sleep?
¿ Por qué no vas de vuelta al Hotel y duermes un poco?
- If there were another act of terror, and I'm in here listening to some woo woo treatise on the paranormal, I don't think I could forgive myself.
- Si hubiera otro acto terrorista, y yo aquí escuchando a un tratado demente sobre lo paranormal, creo que no me lo perdonaría.
Okay, we're gonna get you to the hospital, and take some X-rays to make sure you don't have a concussion, okay, honey?
Muy bien, te vamos a llevar al hospital y te vamos a hacer unas radiografías para asegurarnos de que no tienes una contusión, ¿ está bien?
Don't worry, I can fill the walls with some new LA artists and people will think we're ahead of the curve instead of going broke.
Descuida, puedo llenar las paredes con un nuevo artista angelino y la gente creerá que estamos a la vanguardia en vez de en bancarrota.
Why don't you go and rustle up some of that nonexistent black pudding that I saw in the kitchen just now.
¿ Por qué no vas y... rocías encima algo en esa inexistente... morcilla que ví en la cocina en este momento?
- Keisha, don't you think this woman read the articles that came out during my trial and just looking for some attention.
- Keisha, ¿ no cree que está mujer ha leído los artículos que han aparecido durante mi juicio y solo está buscando llamar la atención?
So the situation here, we don't know if it's armed robbery, some gang banger,
Así que la situación aquí, no sabemos si se trata de robo a mano armada, algunos pandillero,
You don't want her to get the news from some reporter.
Usted no quiere que ella consiga la noticia de algún reportero.
I feel that you're gonna start a monologue of some sort, and I really don't want to hear it.
Siento como que vas a empezar un monólogo de algún tipo, y de verdad que no quiero oírlo.
You mean I don't force myself on some young new hire who can't tell you to fuck off?
¿ Quiere decir que no fuerzo a mí mismo en alguna joven empleado nuevo que no le puede decir a la mierda?
She seems nice enough but there's, like, six kids in that house and I just don't like the look of some of them.
Ella parece bastante agradable... ... pero hay, como, seis niños en esa casa y no me gusta... el aspecto de algunos de ellos.
Get out there and have some clean fun, why don't you?
Vayan ahí afuera y tengan un poco de sana diversión, ¿ quieren?
I don't know, I'm thinking, if it's not too late, should we try and make some kind of deal?
No sé, estoy pensando, si no es demasiado tarde, deberíamos tratar de hacer algún tipo de acuerdo?
Well, I don't know who's been raising you, but I'm gonna get you some new crayons because it looks like he's shooting cabbages.
- Bien. No sé quién te estuvo educando, pero te compraré crayones porque parece que le dispara repollos.
We brought you some stuff... so you don't get bored in here.
Te trajimos algunas cosas para que no te aburras aquí.
Some people just don't want to believe you.
Hay personas que no quieren creerles.
Some don't.
Algunos no lo hacen.
Look, I don't have a dick. And Ben's not dumb enough to dip his into some crazy, bitch intern.
Escucha, no tengo pene y Ben no es tan tonto como para poner el suyo en una pasante.
Who is it? I don't know, some blanquito.
No lo sé, un blanquito.
I do direct deposit, so I don't really have pay stubs, but I was figuring there must be some sort of comprehensive file somewhere.
Puedo hacer el depósito directo, por lo que realmente no tienen talones de pago, pero yo estaba calculando debe haber algún tipo de expediente completo en alguna parte.
You have some time, but you don't have a lot of time to pull the trigger...
Si dispone de tiempo, pero usted no tiene mucho tiempo para apretar el gatillo...
Don't you ever want to have some kids and settle down?
¿ No quieres tener hijos y sentar cabeza?
And for some reason, you don't want me to tell anyone.
Y por alguna razon, usted no quiere que le diga a nadie.
I have to conclude that the reason you don't engage with people you disagree with is because you can't and you might learn some facts.
Tengo que concluir... que la razón por la que no debate... con personas con las que no está de acuerdo... es porque no puede y podría aprender algunos hechos.
"Some people think there were gas chambers at Auschwitz, " and, oh, this is interesting, some people don't. "
Algunas personas piensan que... habían cámaras de gas en Auschwitz, y, esto es interesante, algunas otras personas no lo creen ".
You don't masturbate online with someone for 10 months without developing some feelings.
No te masturbas con alguien en Internet diez meses sin sentir nada.
We'll go with the intel, not some bamboo cross, if you don't mind, Corporal.
Hacemos caso a la información, no a una cruz de bambú, si no te importa, Cabo.
And don't act like there's some higher purpose to this shit,'cause there ain't.
Y no hagas como si esta mierda fuera por un bien mayor, porque no es así.
There were some rumors, but I don't like to participate.
Había rumores, pero no me gusta meterme.
Hey, why don't you get these boys some water?
¿ Por qué no le traes agua a estos chicos?
I told Momma if he don't start getting some work done, Mr. Banks liable to find someone else for it.
Le he dicho a mamá que, si no trabaja, el Sr. Banks se buscará a otro.
Yeah, w... why don't you guys go get some cotton candy?
Sí. ¿ Por qué no van a comer un poco de algodón de azúcar?
We don't get why you need to shake your butt at some boy?
¿ No entendemos que necesites menear tu culo sobre un tío?
I don't know if much happened beyond some bad judgment.
No sé si pasó mucho más que un simple error de apreciación.
Okay, all right, all right, um, why don't we get some coffee. If we move her, she doesn't make it...
Vale, está bien, está bien, ¿ por qué no vamos a tomar un café?
The whole town needs to stick together, because if we don't then some other community that shows more unity, will run with it and leapfrog us
Será necesario permanecer juntos. Será otra ciudad, más unida, que subirá a lo alto de la torre y cortaremos la hierba bajo los pies.
You jealous that I got some moves you don't?
¿ Mis pasos te dan envidia?
don't play games 34
don't be silly 1150
don't be 1026
don't worry 18301
don't 13731
don't you 9508
don't look at me 835
don't leave me here 98
don't look up 32
don't try this at home 21
don't be silly 1150
don't be 1026
don't worry 18301
don't 13731
don't you 9508
don't look at me 835
don't leave me here 98
don't look up 32
don't try this at home 21
don't be a stranger 86
don't be late 287
don't fuck with me 157
don't be so hard on yourself 105
don't be a pussy 41
don't be sad 190
don't worry about it 3159
don't be shy 514
don't beat yourself up 132
don't cry 1202
don't be late 287
don't fuck with me 157
don't be so hard on yourself 105
don't be a pussy 41
don't be sad 190
don't worry about it 3159
don't be shy 514
don't beat yourself up 132
don't cry 1202
don't forget me 61
don't touch me 1540
don't call me 195
don't be afraid 1221
don't you dare 523
don't go far 26
don't forget 829
don't forget it 61
don't be sorry 259
don't follow me 120
don't touch me 1540
don't call me 195
don't be afraid 1221
don't you dare 523
don't go far 26
don't forget 829
don't forget it 61
don't be sorry 259
don't follow me 120