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Swimming pool tradutor Espanhol

1,367 parallel translation
I bet we'd get a big turnout if we did it somewhere with a swimming pool.
Si escogen un sitio con piscina, vendrá todo el mundo.
Judge Mead has issued an order for the integration of the Industry Municipal Swimming Pool.
El juez Mead ha ordenado la integración en la piscina municipal de Industry.
Up next, daring daylight robbery at a municipal swimming pool.
Robo a pleno día en una piscina municipal.
I've found a farm with bullring swimming pool, tennis courts....
he encontrado una hacienda con ruedos, piscina, cancha de tenis...
We're going to see if we can get them to build us a public swimming pool.
Para ver si conseguimos que nos construyan la piscina municipal...
Look, there is a swimming pool!
¡ Mira, hay una piscina!
Like you were looking for the bottom of the swimming pool in Beverly Hills, you fucking punk.
Cómo si buscaras el fondo de la piscina en Beverly Hills, punk de mierda.
Didn't you wanted a swimming pool?
¿ Vos no querías tu pileta?
Well, we'll build a swimming pool.
Bueno, hacemos una pileta.
The swimming pool!
vas a perderlo
He's fishing in the swimming pool right now.
Él está en la piscina en estos momentos.
Not a formal swimming pool, but a very lovely pond with a little dock where the athletes lie out and take sun. That's what they're doing right now, sunning themselves.
no es una piscina formal sino un chapoteadero encantador con un pequeño muelle donde los atletas pueden salir afuera y tomar el sol eso es precisamente lo que hacen, asoleandose en este momento.
What if someone is so rich they have a swimming pool?
¿ Y si alguien es tan rico que tiene piscina?
What if they had a swimming pool made of gold, but filled with champagne, and not the cheap stuff?
¿ Y si tienen una piscina hecha de oro, y llena de champagne, y no el barato?
Living on the water does have some advantages at least for children though most of us wouldn't want piranhas in our swimming pool.
Vivir de esta forma tiene algunas ventajas, al menos para los chicos. Aunque la mayoría de nosotros no querría tener pirañas en la pileta de natación.
My wife was on an Orlando turnaround as a flight attendant, and I was home, scrubbing algae off the tiles around the swimming pool we never used... the one that got me into hot water with Internal Affairs
Mi mujer se fue en avión a Orlando, era azafata. Me quedé limpiando las algas de alrededor de la piscina que nunca usábamos.
But a bath, a swimming pool... the fear rises in me as fast as the water.
Pero un baño, una piscina... mi temor aumenta igual que el agua.
You know, installing your own barbecue pit... is no harder than adding an aviary or Olympic-size swimming pool.
Instalar su propia barbacoa no es más difícil que armar una pajarera o una piscina olímpica.
You're right, that is better than when Jeremy went into the swimming pool to retrieve Fay's necklace and suffered a brain embolism.
Esto ha sido lo mejor de la serie desde que Jeremy se echó a la piscina para recuperar el collar de Fay y le dió una embolia.
It had a swimming pool in it.
Había una piscina en él.
One of the California swimming pool series.
Era un Hockney. Una de la serie de las piscinas de California.
A painting of a swimming pool by David Hockney.
Una pintura de una piscina de David Hockney.
You-you can't just put in a swimming pool!
¡ No puede poner una piscina para nadar!
It's not a swimming pool.
No es en realidad una piscina para nadar.
When the sun becomes a red giant it puffs up, becomes very distended, whereas the core shrinks, and it's tiny, like a pea in a swimming pool - a red swimming pool, because the star is red.
" Cuando el Sol se convierta en una gigante roja, se hinchará se hará enorme, pero el núcleo se hará muy pequeño. Será como un guisante en una piscina una piscina roja, porque la estrella será roja.
Could easily get a swimming pool in this garden.
Fácilmente podría tener una piscina en este jardín.
Craig doo-dooed in the swimming pool.
Craig lo hizo en la piscina.
I wouldn't mind getting back in that swimming pool neither.
tampoco me importaria volver a esa piscina.
- A swimming pool.
- Es una piscina.
Hey, did you know that this hotel's got an indoor swimming pool?
¿ Sabías que este hotel tiene una piscina de invierno?
She's a little girl who was wondering where the indoor swimming pool is.
Es una niñita que no sabía dónde está la piscina de invierno.
Will he be able to cry better in his swimming pool if we win this thing?
Si ganamos, que llore en su descapotable.
Swimming pool, riding arena, cinema, theatre. And Moscow isn't far.
Piscina, picadero,... un cine, un teatro y moscú no está lejos.
No, there's a swimming pool at the hotel.
Déjelo, hay piscina en el hotel.
Weren't we going to the swimming pool?
- Pero vamos a la piscina.
Yes, George is not supposed to go in the swimming pool.
Si. Se supone que George no puede ir a la piscina.
" The youngster had fallen into the water at the New Main Street public swimming pool...
El joven se había caído en el agua en la nueva piscina pública de la avenida central...
( sing ) Prove to me that You're no fool walk across my swimming pool ( sing )
Pruebame que no eres un tonto Camina sobre mi pileta de natación
John decided that he was gonna be killed in this swimming pool... which at the deep end was rather deep.
John decidió que el tipo moriría en la piscina, lo que al final, era bastante profundo.
The swimming pool! You gotta see what they did to the pool!
¡ Tienen que ver lo que hay en la piscina!
We don't have a swimming pool and tennis court, the way you do.
No tenemos ni piscina ni pista de tenis como tú.
'My trip home took me past this swimming pool.
Pasé por delante de este complejo deportivo.
My mom signed me up for swimming lessons at the pool.
- Cierto. Hey chicos, mi mama me metió en lecciones de natación en la piscina publica ¿ Quieren venir?
I felt all cold inside like I'd jumped into a swimming pool full of boiling water.
Sentí frío por dentro...
"My life, beautiful" There are 2 different ways of getting into a swimming pool.
Hay 2 diferentes formas de meterse a una piscina
Prem is going to the swimming pool!
¡ Prem yendo a la piscina! ¡ Prem! Pillu, ¿ de dónde salió ella?
While you're running around chasing deadbeats for some fucking asshole... ... I'm swimming in the big pool, baby.
Mientras tú andas persiguiendo patanes para un infeliz yo estoy nadando en la gran piscina.
I don't want anyone swimming in this pool unless there's a lifeguard on duty.
Nadie nadará en la piscina a menos que haya un salvavidas presente.
I only have to wear one goggle when I go swimming in my pool!
¡ Uso antiparras con un único visor cuando nado en mi piscina!
I kind of drove a backhoe into their swimming pool.
Hice caer una excavadora en su piscina.
Listen, your pancreas can produce enough insulin to fill a swimming pool that doesn't mean squat! if your adrenal gland can't distribute it into your bloodstream fast enough!
Si comes demasiados la sangre de tu cuerpo no circulará y te desmayarás

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