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Tamaki tradutor Espanhol

55 parallel translation
Namie played by Tamaki Utako.
Namie es interpretada por Tamaki Utako.
Tamaki :
Tamaki :
Tamaki. Take the children to your parents'home in Iwashiro.
Tamaki, ve con los niños a tu casa natal de Iwashiro.
Do you happen to know a woman named Tamaki?
Cuando estabas en Sado, ¿ oíste alguna vez el nombre de Tamaki?
Haruko Togo Michiyo Tamaki
Haruko Togo Michiyo Tamaki
- Tamaki has been murdered!
- Asesinaron a Tamaki.
I want someone to avenge Tamaki's death.
Alguien debe vengar la muerte de Tamaki.
Hamada Yuji * Kazue Tamaki Horikita Yukio Kitano Takuya * Kuroki Gen Ibuki Shingo * Kanae Kobayashi
Hamada Yuji * Kazue Tamaki Horikita Yukio Kitano Takuya * Kuroki Gen Ibuki Shingo * Kanae Kobayashi
Keisuke Yukioka Tamaki Komiyama
Keisuke Yukioka Tamaki Komiyama
Shutaro Honjo
Tamaki, it's been almost three years since your husband got sent away.
Tamaki, hace como tres años que se llevaron a tu marido.
Tamaki Awazu rented this place for us tonight.
Tamaki nos ha alquilado el local para esta noche.
Since Tamaki is allowing it, the old man can't complain.
Como tenemos el permiso de Tamaki, nuestros maridos no pueden quejarse.
Tamaki, the office is old and I want to rebuild.
Tamaki, tengo que renovar la oficina.
You seem to be doing very well, Tamaki.
Parece que te va bien, Tamaki.
Tamaki, I'm so glad you came.
Tamaki, me alegro de que hayas venido.
Won't you help us, Tamaki?
¿ Vas a ayudarnos, Tamaki?
This is from Ms Tamaki.
Esto es de la señorita Tamaki.
Tamaki kept calling for you.
Ha llamado Tamaki.
Idiots! That's Ms Tamaki's younger sister.
Es la hermana pequeña de la señora Tamaki, idiotas.
Ms Tamaki, your sister's here.
Señora Tamaki, su hermana pequeña.
That girl is the younger sister of Tamaki Awazu.
La chica es la hermana menor de Yamaki Awazu.
So Tamaki Awazu is your older sister.
Así que Tamaki es tu hermana mayor.
You've heard, haven't you, Tamaki?
Estás enterada, ¿ no?
I found a wife. She's Tamaki Awazu's younger sister.
Me he casado con la hermana de Tamaki Awazu.
Ms. Tamaki will scold me.
La señora Tamaki me echaría la bronca.
Tamaki Awazu.
A Tamaki Awazu.
I saw Mr. Tamaki come in here just a second ago.
Acabo de ver entrar al Sr. Tamaki.
Tamaki Kawakubo!
Tamaki Kawakubo.
Don't worry, Tamaki san will come back
No te preocupes, Tamaki volverá.
Leading Seaman, Tamaki, sir.
Marinero Tamaki, señor.
Leading Seamen Tamaki...
Marinero Tamaki.
What should we do, Tamaki?
¿ Qué deberíamos hacer, Tamaki?
If it was you, Tamaki-kun, where would you take me for the summer?
¿ Dónde me llevarás en verano, Tamaki-kun?
Tamaki-kun, what kind of music do you like to listen to?
¿ Qué música te gusta escuchar?
He is the President, Suou Tamaki, our number one host.
Él es Tamaki Suou, el Presidente. Él es el número uno aquí.
Tamaki's regular customer.
Princesa. Ella es una invitada habitual.
Tamaki-sama. ( Sama - honorific used to show respect )
¿ Tamaki-sama?
Tamaki senpai.
In any case, it was too much of you to trouble Tamaki-sama and the others.
Pero pedirle a Tamaki-sama y a los demás que te ayuden es demasiado.
Tamaki-sama, this is just a misunderstanding.
Tamaki-sama, esto es un malentendido.
Tamaki-sama is an idiot!
Tamaki-sama, eres un idiota.
Tamaki Hiroshi Miyazaki Aoi
Tamaki Hiroshi Miyazaki Aoi
Tamaki Hiroshi as Segawa Makoto ~ [That innocent look you put up on your face sometimes when you are asleep] ( tokiori miseru mujakina negao )
Tamaki Hiroshi como Segawa Makoto ~ [Esa inocente mirada en rostro, a veces, cuando duermes] ( tokiori miseru mujakina negao )
Dammit. because that Tamaki didn't move according to Naoto's plan...
Y por supuesto, a todos los Elevens que están cooperando con nosotros...
We were all originally Gen. Darlton's subordinates. but being of service to Viceroy Cornelia comes before all else!
Yoshida, prepara el Raikou. Sí. Tamaki, ¿ Y Rakshata?
Tamaki san
- = Second year high school student, Suou Tamaki = - - = ( The Host King ) = - By the way, sitting beside him is Ayanokoji. - = Second year high school student, Suou Tamaki = - = - ( The Host King ) = = Second year high school student, Suoh Tamaki = - - = ( The Host King ) = -
¿ El número uno?
With that face?
[Tamaki Suou - 2º Año ( Rey del Host Club )] - ¿ Cómo?
I'll be asking you to drive safely on your way back. Huh? !
Al menos conseguimos salir... ¿ Por qué Tamaki no actuó de acuerdo al plan de Naoto?
This is totally illegal.

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