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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / That's nice to hear

That's nice to hear tradutor Espanhol

209 parallel translation
Very glad. Hoy old pal, that's nice to hear from someone, even though you are slightly simple-minded.
Menos mal que se alegra alguien aunque seas un poco tarado.
- That's very nice to hear...
Es bonito oír estas cosas..
- That's nice to hear.
- ¡ Qué amable es usted!
- That's nice to hear...
- Bueno, es lindo saberlo.
It's nice to hear that. Nice.
Es tan lindo oírlo.
That's nice to hear.
Te lo agradezco.
You couldn't find anyone more loyal and devoted. That's nice to hear.
Imposible encontrar a nadie más leal y entregada.
This is a young people's meeting... and you're going to hear the ideas of young people. So first, that nice young girl, Jane Whitney... from Oglethorpe University.
Así que, para empezar, esa simpática joven, Jane Whitney... de la Universidad Oglethorpe.
- That's nice to hear.
- Me alegra oírlo.
That's very nice to hear, but I'm sure you're not serious.
Gracias, pero estoy segura de que no habla en serio.
That's very nice to hear.
Se oye muy bonito.
That's nice to hear, but my intended would not like to hear it.
me gustaria poder escucharlo de boca de mi prometido
Well, that's very nice to hear.
Eso es muy agradable de oír.
Well, that's real nice to hear, mrs. Fremont.
Bueno, eso es muy lindo escucharlo, sra.
Always nice to hear from my fans. What's that?
Es agradable oír esos cumplidos. ¿ Qué es eso?
Thanks for coming here to tell me that even though it? s not a nice thing to hear
Gracias por venir a contármelo, aunque no sea agradable de oír.
That's nice to hear, but I know I could do better.
Me gusta oír eso, pero puedo hacerlo mejor.
I don't want to hear another joke, it's my fault to give you a nice treatment, that's why you don't respect me.
No quiero oír una broma más, yo tengo la culpa por tratarlas así... por eso no me respetan.
That's nice to hear... Let me give you my card right now, there's my name and office.
Gracias, esta es mi tarjeta, con el nombre y la consulta.
- It's always nice to hear that.
- Es agradable oírlo.
Well, that's nice to hear.
Es bueno saberlo.
Well, I wouldn't say that. But it's very nice to hear.
Yo no diría eso, pero es un halago.
- That's nice to hear!
- ¡ Qué bueno oír eso!
( pants ) That's... so nice to hear.
( pantalones ) Aquello es... Tan guapo de oír.
Well, thanks. It's nice to hear that.
Gracias. me halaga oír eso.
It's not nice to hear, or come to terms with that fact.
No es algo lindo de escuchar o aceptar.
It's nice to hear that!
¡ Qué bien oír eso!
This is an unexpected pleasure. That's nice to hear.
Es un placer inesperado.
Well, that's very nice to hear, Miss Barnes.
Me alegra oírlo.
It's nice to hear somebody talk about his wife that way.
Es agradable oír a alguien hablar así de su esposa.
So, he said, "That's really nice to hear", and all this stuff.
Le dije, "Qué lindo escucharte", y todo eso.
I called the police, but I was concerned... they might send someone else. Oh, that's nice to hear, sir.
Llame a la policía pero temía que enviarán a otro.
Well, it's always nice to hear that.
Es bueno saberlo.
It's very nice to hear that.
Me alegra oír eso.
That's nice to hear.
Me alegro de oírlo.
That's nice to hear.
Es un placer oírlo.
That's nice to hear.
Eso es agradable de escuchar.
That's really nice to hear.
Es muy lindo de oír.
That's nice to hear.
Es muy amable.
That's always nice to hear.
Siempre es agradable oír algo así.
Me agrada saberlo, señor...
Doctor have decided to take care of his patients and that's nice to hear but not nice to see in your own house.
El doctor ha decidido encargarse de sus pacientes y eso es bueno de oír pero no bueno de ver en tu propia casa.
Well, that's awfully nice to hear.
Es muy amable por su parte.
You know that Maris loves you, but it's still nice to hear it.
Es decir, tú sabes que Maris te quiere, ¿ verdad? Pero es lindo que te lo diga.
Thank you. That's nice to hear.
Me alegro mucho.
Listen, I would never say that, but it's nice to hear.
Ray Barone Marv Albert. Hola.
It's kind of nice to hear you say that.
Es muy amable de tu parte decir eso.
Right away. That's very nice to hear.
Qué lindo suena eso.
That's nice to hear. That's really good.
Eso está muy bien.
I was always told a way to a man's hear twas through his stomach... that a nice steak spelled "love."
Siempre me dijeron que la forma de conquistar un hombre es a traves de su estomago, que un buen filete deletrea AMOR
That " s so nice to hear.
Es bueno escucharlo.

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