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That wasn't true tradutor Espanhol

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That story I told you yesterday wasn't true.
Lo que le conté ayer no es cierto.
Like my having been a lady clerk for those people who came here this morning and having been dismissed on suspicion of taking money. I'll get him to believe that that wasn't true.
Como que fui dependienta y que esos hombres que han venido me acusan de haberme llevado dinero le convencería de que es falso.
But there was a guy on the next plantation, even though he wasn't my brother. and that story about the boat's all true, see?
Pero hay un tipo en la plantación vecina aunque no sea mi hermano y la historia del barco es verdad.
That wasn't true, do you hear?
Eso no era cierto, ¿ me oye?
That's true, it wasn't very fresh actually.
Tiene razón, no era muy fresco.
That wasn't true.
No era verdad.
That story you told us yesterday wasn't quite true.
La historia que nos contó ayer no era del todo cierta.
That wasn't true.
Era mentira.
Even that wasn't true!
Ni siquiera eso es verdad.
Amanda that dream you told me about, it wasn't true, was it?
Amanda... El sueño que me contaste, no era verdad, ¿ no?
That's not true! Ronnie wasn't afraid of anything.
- Que ella lo quería y lo convencería para huir juntos, y así se salvaría.
Wasn't that true from the moment you left Farnsworth?
¿ No fue así cuándo abandonó a Farnsworth?
- That wasn't true, was it, Deedy?
- No es verdad, ¿ no, Deedy?
No, Paula. That wasn't true!
No, Paula. ¡ Eso no era cierto!
Now I wonder if there's anything else you told us about yourself... that wasn't strictly true.
Me dijo otra cosa de usted que no sé si... es del todo cierta.
Well, I... I just meant that Brandon's story wasn't true.
¡ No quise decir que nunca hubiera matado un pollo!
If I said it wasn't true about the Kellerson that it was all a lie, then I'll be doing
It wasn't true what I told you. Abut promising to marry him. I only did that to hurt you.
- Pero no puede, yo le dije que iba a casarme
You really didn't say nothing that wasn't true.
Realmente no dijiste nada que no fuera cierto.
I wasn't true that I would have done for anyone what I've done for you.
No es verdad que habría hecho por cualquiera lo que he hecho por ti.
Say, you know, that wasn't true what you said about teachers.
Oye, lo que has dicho sobre los profesores no es verdad.
That wasn't a very nice thing to say, and it's not true.
Eso ha sido muy desagradable y no es verdad.
Well, it's true that when I first came here... I wasn't sort of looking for anything that went deep.
Es cierto que cuando llegué... no buscaba nada profundo.
He explained to me that it wasn't a true story.
Mira, él me explicó que aquella historia no es la historia real.
It wasn't until you were relieved of your job and another officer replaced you that the true murderer was found and convicted.
Hasta que no le despidieron, no condenaron al auténtico culpable.
- It wasn't him! Stop saying things that aren't true!
Quiere que diga lo que no es cierto pero jamás lo conseguirá.
- Jumping a friend of mine, you should be ashamed! - You called me spineless, I wanted to show that it wasn't true. - It's all your fault.
Asaltas así a mi amiga, ¿ no te da vergüenza?
And then all of a sudden, yesterday afternoon he found out that wasn't true.
Y de repente, ayer por la tarde se dio cuenta de que no era así.
that story of the shark... it wasn't true.
la historia del tiburón... no era verdad.
Why did you say that you wished it was true that I loved you, almost as if I wasn't sure?
¿ Por qué dijiste que ojala te amase? Como si no estuvieses seguro.
- Anyway, sir, that wasn't true, sir.
- De todos modos, eso no es cierto.
Tell me that's not true. - It wasn't my fault.
¡ Pero yo no tuve la culpa!
By the way, what was said about me on that tape, it wasn't true.
A propósito, lo que decía esa cinta sobre mí, no era cierto.
That wasn't true, was it?
Eso no fue cierto, ¿ verdad?
Then it wasn't true that Yates intended to turn him over.
Entonces no era verdad que Yales tenia intenciones de entregarlo.
Actually, uh... that wasn't exactly true.
En realidad, eso no era precisamente cierto.
- That's not true, it wasn't him!
- ¡ No es verdad, no fue él!
If that's true, why wasn't that somebody ever found?
Si eso es cierto, ¿ por qué nunca se halló a esa persona?
Well, then you also remember that the story wasn't true.
También recordará que la noticia era falsa.
But that wasn't true.
Pero no era verdad.
~ Wasn't that true?
- ¿ No era verdad?
'On 7 / 3 / 1970 while I was at my husband's Kostas Goussis house at Tefaia we quarrelled for moral reasons because my sister-in-law Labrini told him that I wasn't true to him.
" El 7 de marzo de 1970 mientras estaba en la casa de mi marido... Kostas Goussis en Tefaia... estabamos peleando por razones morales... porque mi cuñada Labrini le dijo que no era sincera con él.
This wasn't the only time Old Lodge Skins had dreams that turned out true.
No fue el único sueño de Pieles Ancestrales que resultó ser real.
Everything I saw in that book... was true, wasn't it?
Todo lo que vi en el libro era verdad, ¿ no?
It wasn't true. I lied about that.
Es mentira, ella no mató a su padre.
In order to win her, I let her believe... that I would be part of herlife... which wasn't at all true.
Para conquistarla, le hice creer que entraría a formar parte de su vida, cuando no era el caso.
True. I guess sex wasn't that big a deal in my life.
En realidad... el sexo no era para mí lo más importante.
It's true. But if I wasn't so badly trained I could've beat that no-good jerk, even though he's Bamboo King.
Pero si no me hubieran entrenado tan mal, le habría ganado a ese imbécil.
He did, actually. That's true. But he wasn't, unfortunately.
Sí, pero no lo era.
- And that wasn't true?
- ¿ No era lo que hacía?
She said yes. Then I said to her that it wasn't true.
"Siempre duermo en casa".

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