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There's a tradutor Espanhol

221,803 parallel translation
I know there was a report of a victim being trapped down there, but there's nobody living in that basement.
Sé que hubo un reporte de una víctima atrapada ahí abajo, pero no hay nadie viviendo en el sótano.
There's a new plate of something every 20 minutes.
Hay un nuevo plato de algo cada 20 minutos.
There's no sign of a...
No hay rastros de...
- How so? - They left a message on his cell saying that there's a problem with his next refill, he's gotta come in and clear it up.
- Dejaron un mensaje en su teléfono diciendo que hay un problema con su próximo repuesto, tendrá que venir y aclararlo.
There's a red X. Nobody goes inside.
Hay una x roja. Nadie entra.
Yeah, there's a...
- ¿ Sí?
There's a new House, with members you don't know.
Hay una Cámara nueva, con miembros que no conoces.
And there's a good... more than a good chance that Will Conway will be the next President of the United States.
Es muy probable que Will Conway sea el próximo presidente.
So there's not going to be a debate next week, is there?
- No habrá un debate la semana próxima.
The admiral says there's still a chance to save the boat.
El almirante dice que es posible salvar el barco.
We don't wanna hit him too hard. There's a risk of kicking him while he's down.
No lo golpearemos muy duro y lo atacaremos cuando esté vulnerable.
There's gonna be a great deal that we're gonna be able to accomplish, the three of us.
Los tres vamos a hacer grandes cosas.
There's a guard on the second floor working with us.
Hay un guardia en el segundo piso.
But if we wait, there's a huge potential to learn more about ICO.
Si esperamos, podremos averiguar más cosas sobre ICO.
There's enough radiation on that truck to impact a 30-mile radius.
Ese camión tiene radiación suficiente para afectar un radio de 50 kilómetros.
There's a truck carrying radioactive material that's gone missing.
Desapareció un camión con material radiactivo.
One of them works at the NSA and he thinks there's a terror threat, so...
Uno trabaja en la NSA y cree que hay una amenaza terrorista.
I'm not a fan of the general... but... that's a strong charge, and there's no proof to support it.
No me agrada el general pero esa acusación es muy grave, y no hay pruebas.
- Yes, but there's usually a warning.
- Normalmente hay un aviso.
There's a bite to your tone that we might need to discuss.
Hablemos de la agresividad de tu tono.
There's going to be a gas attack happening in the city of Homs.
Va a haber un ataque con gas en la ciudad de Homs.
There's just only so much time and energy in a single day, and I think we need to constantly be asking ourselves, "Am I spending it as wisely as I can?"
La energía y el tiempo son limitados, y debemos preguntarnos si estamos aprovechándolos al máximo.
There's something terrible that is going to happen... that we can prevent.
Va a suceder algo terrible, y podemos evitarlo.
Look, we survived Jackie Sharp, but it's not gonna end there.
Sobrevivimos a Jackie Sharp, pero no terminará ahí.
Hey. I think there's a leak. In the Underwood Administration.
Creo que hay una filtración en la administración de Underwood.
- There's a possibility of talks, but we need to get all the interested parties back to the table.
- Podría haber conversaciones, pero todas las partes interesadas tienen que regresar a la mesa.
'Cause there's a good chance that he will be.
Porque es muy probable que suceda.
Even though both of us believe that there's very little chance that I could ever be indicted, we still... have to find a way to remove this entire issue from the table.
Aunque los dos creemos que es improbable que me acusen debemos buscar la manera de borrar el asunto por completo.
There's 100 of'em. All we need is half.
Solo necesitamos a la mitad.
- There's a few things we want to go over.
- Queremos repasar algunas cosas.
There's Ahmadi. I have visual on Ahmadi. - I see him.
Veo a Ahmadi.
Now, there comes a time in every president's tenure when he or she must face the question of whether or not to send young American soldiers into harm's way.
Hay un momento en el mandato de todo presidente en el que debe plantearse si enviar o no soldados estadounidenses a una misión peligrosa.
- There's a dude, isn't there?
- Hay un chico, ¿ no? - ¿ Qué?
There's a twinkle in your eye.
Hay un destello en tu ojo.
... for me, the ending felt a little trite. There's a lot of good stuff in there, but the whole "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, " I love you, I love you "...
Hay muy buen material, pero todo lo de "lo siento, lo siento, te quiero, te quiero"...
There's a mom at Manny's school that I've had some problems with.
Hay una madre del colegio de Manny con la que he tenido problemas.
There's only one thing that they're not gonna be expecting.
Hay solo una cosa que no van a estar esperando.
I'll be there for pickup. Buckley's father is dropping him off.
Iré a recoger a Buckley, su padre lo va a llevar.
There's got to be a vaccine.
Tiene que haber una vacuna.
Yeah, there's just a lot of creative energy zipping around in here.
Sí, sólo hay mucha energía creativa circulando por aquí.
There's so much rubbish talked about bonding when you have a C-section, but you did great.
Se dicen tantas tonterías cuando se tiene una cesárea, pero lo hiciste muy bien.
If you're not even going to admit that, what's there to talk about?
Si ni siquiera vas a admitir eso, ¿ de qué hay que hablar?
Then there's a good chance she'll never turn up for work again.
Entonces hay una buena probabilidad de que ella nunca vuelva a trabajar de nuevo.
Paula's not even going to be there.
Paula ni siquiera va a estar allí.
There's assault with a deadly staircase, aggravated by the fact I won't admit it.
Hay asalto en una escalera, agravada por el hecho de que no lo admito.
There's a licence plate number.
Hay un número de matrícula.
There's no law that says a child can't carry it.
No hay ninguna ley que diga que un niño no pueda transportarlo.
[Jordan] I want to be different, but there have been times when he's been way different.
Quería que fuera diferente pero, a veces, él era demasiado diferente.
They have meaning and it might be different for different people, but this one and all the other ones we've just talked about have... There's a story with each one.
Tienen un significado y puede ser diferente para cada persona pero este en particular y los que mencionamos antes cada uno tiene su historia.
I think if you just stay in your studio and try and dream up new ideas, there's not a good foundation for your idea.
Si te quedas en tu estudio tratando de soñar nuevas ideas no tendrás buenas bases para tu idea.
And there's a fine art to that, not overdoing it.
Y es un arte muy delicado, no debes sobrepasarte.

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