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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / There's no rush

There's no rush tradutor Espanhol

546 parallel translation
There's no rush!
Un momento, te digo.
- No need to rush. She's not there yet.
Tenemos tiempo, ella no está allá.
Oh, well, then, there's no immediate rush. When are the six months up?
Entonces no hay prisa. ¿ Cuándo terminan los seis meses?
If you're happy, there's no rush. Of course.
Por supuesto, te lo devolveré más adelante
- Very well, there's no rush!
- ¡ Vale, vale, no hay ninguna prisa!
- There's no rush, Ma'am.
- No hay prisa, señora.
Wait, Jeff! There's no rush.
No hay prisa.
I don't suppose there's any rush.
Supongo que no hay prisa.
But there's no rush.
Pero no hay prisa.
- There's no great rush, dear...
- No te apresures, querida.
Well, there's no rush now.
Ya no hay prisa.
- I've been waiting all day... There's no rush, as long as you're here. You can stay with me, I'll take care of you.
No hay prisa, ahora que estás aquí, puedes quedarte, creo yo.
Enough now. You know that once the first rush is over there's no danger anymore.
Princivalle, ya sabes que pasada la primera descarga ya no hay peligro.
- There's no rush, María F.
- No tengo apuro, María F.
But there's no reason to rush into anything.
Pero esa no es razón para precipitarse.
There's no rush about payment.
No hay prisa para hacer el pago.
There's no big rush.
No hay prisa.
There's some things you just can't rush, buster.
Hay cosas que no se pueden apresurar, bastardo.
I hate to rush you, John, but without you, the committee's just sitting there.
Siento tener que darte prisa, John,... pero sin ti, el Comité no puede empezar.
And what if I found the chaplain and said, "Sir, orders for a rush wedding"? There's no use waiting till the war's over to get married.
Y si encontrara al capellán y le dijera... que quiero que nos case de inmediato?
But easy, there's no rush.
Pero con tranquilidad, no hay apuro.
But Miss, there's no rush.
Pero, señora, no hay prisa.
There's no rush.
No hay prisa.
There's no need to rush.
No hay apuro.
- Mm.. there's no rush.
- No hay prisa.
There's no rush.
- No hay prisa.
- There's no need to rush it
No está bien que lo decidáis vosotros.
Well, there's no rush.
Bueno, no hay prisa.
Oh... there's no rush.
No hay prisa.
There's no rush.
No hay ninguna prisa.
- There's no rush, monsieur.
- No hay prisa, señor.
Yes, but take your time. There's no rush.
- Sí, pero sin prisa, tómese su tiempo.
- There's no rush.
- Tranquilo, no hay fuego.
There's no need to rush any more.
Ya no hay que darse prisa.
Sure but later, there's no big rush.
Más tarde, no hay prisa.
No, over there is the bedroom. What's the rush!
No, allá esta el dormitorio, ¡ que apuro!
There's no need to rush on my account.
Por mí, no hay ninguna prisa.
Well, there's no rush.
Bueno, no hay apuro.
Take it easy, there's no rush.
No te pongas nerviosa, no hay apuro.
There's no need to rush away just yet.
No hay necesidad de huir todavía.
Well, there's no rush for that.
- No tiene prisa.
There's no need for you to rush off.
No tiene que marcharse.
There's no rush.
No tengas mucha prisa.
" Coming, there's no rush.
" Ya voy, hombre, no tengas prisa.
There's no rush.
Ninguna prisa.
There's no rush, it was just a reminder... and because I probably won't be back until very early in the morning I wanted to wish you Happy New Year.
No es que tenga prisa, era sólo para recordárselo... y porque como a lo mejor no vuelvo hasta la madrugada para desearles una buena entrada de año.
But, as long as we get Kenshin's head, Imagawa will be next so, I believe, there's no need to rush things.
Pero, siempre y cuando consigamos la cabeza de Kenshin, Imagawa será el siguiente así que creo que no hay necesidad de precipitar las cosas.
There's no rush, is there?
No hay prisa, ¿ verdad?
There's no rush anymore.
Bien, ahora ya no tenéis tanta prisa.
No, don't run, there's no rush.
No, no corra, no hay prisa.
Well, don't worry about that, there's no big rush.
¡ Ah...! Bueno, no se preocupe, no se inquiete, no hay prisa.

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