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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / There's something going on here

There's something going on here tradutor Espanhol

318 parallel translation
Johnson, there's something very, very peculiar going on here.
¡ Algo le ha ocurrido a la madre de mi novia! Chicos, agárrense a él.
There's something Funny going on here.
Aquí va a pasar algo raro.
There's something funny going on here. But I'll get to the bottom of it.
Aquí pasa algo muy raro, pero llegaré al fondo de la cuestión.
I don't think anything! There's something funny going on here. And I want to talk to Jones.
Hay algo extraño en el aire y quiero hablar con Jones.
Because we believe there's something going on here connected with sabotage.
- Porque pensamos que quizá esté metido en los sabotajes.
I say, look. There's something going on here.
Miren, algo pasa aquí.
Well, there's certainly something screwy going on around here.
Sin duda, aquí pasa algo descabellado.
For more than a month there's been something funny going on here.
Lleváis más de un mes con esa cara. ¿ Por qué?
There's something very peculiar going on here.
Aquí está pasando algo raro.
There's something going on here that don't meet the eye.
Aquí hay algo que no es lo que parece.
Anderson, there's something funny going on here.
Anderson, algo raro esta pasando aquí.
That is, there's something very mysterious going on around here.
Aquí está ocurriendo algo muy misterioso.
There's something fishy going on here.
Hay algo sospechoso aquí.
There's something mysterious going on here.
Algo misterioso está pasando. Vamos.
- There's something going on here.
- Aquí hay algo raro.
Now do you believe there's something supernatural going on here?
¿ Sigues creyendo que no hay algo sobrenatural aquí?
There's something going on around here tonight.
Está pasando algo raro por aquí esta noche.
There's always something going on here especially when Judy Foster and her friends are around.
Siempre pasan cosas aquí especialmente cuando Judy Foster y sus amigos están cerca.
Because there's something funny going on here and I'm not in the mood for laughs.
- Porque pasa algo raro aquí y no estoy de humor para tomarlo a risa.
There is something going on here Kathy, and it's not very pretty.
Aquí sucede algo, Kathy. Algo malo.
Aquí se está cociendo algo, Joe.
Mr. Gallagher, there's something going on around here... that ought to be brought to Mr. McKinley s attention immediately.
Sr. Gallagher, hay algo que deberiamos decirle... al Sr. McKinley inmediatamente.
You'll not deny there's something very strange going on here.
No me negará que algo muy extraño pasa aquí.
No, Mr. Cernik, there's something going on around here, and I don't like it.
No, Sr. Cernik, aquí está pasando algo, y no me gusta.
There's something going on here, and you're very pleased about it.
Aquí está pasando algo, y tú estás muy complacido por ello.
Look, there's something weird going on here, and I can't quite follow it.
Miren, algo raro está sucediendo aquí y no lo entiendo.
Lieutenant Bixby, there's something funny going on in here.
Teniente Bixby, aquí pasa algo raro.
There's something very funny going on here.
Aquí pasa algo muy raro.
Mullins, there's something weird going on around here. Come on.
Mullins, aquí pasa algo raro.
There's something going on in this house or I wouldn't be here.
Algo pasa en esta casa o yo no estaría aquí.
He's either out of his head or there's something fishy going on here.
Pues o está chiflado o alguien lo está embrujando.
There's something funny going on here.
Aquí pasa algo raro.
Quite apart from the fact, mr. Pierce, that you're not the most sensitive of men, did it ever occur to you there's something odd going on here and we better dispense with business as usual until we find out exactly what is going on?
Dejando aparte el hecho, señor Pierce, que usted no es el más sensible de los hombres, y nunca lo será, algo raro está pasando aquí y haríamos bien en seguir con el asunto como de costumbre hasta averiguar qué está pasando exactamente.
But I'll tell you this there's something very big going on here, and if the Daleks are involved, you can bet your life our whole galaxy is in danger!
Pero voy a decirte esto : hay algo muy grande pasando aquí, y si se trata de los Dalek, usted puede apostar su vida a que toda nuestra galaxia está en peligro!
Sucede algo extraño.
Aquí está sucediendo algo gracioso.
Llamadas al doctor Drago y fines de semana largos sucede algo extraño, 99.
There's something funny going on around here.
Aquí pasa algo raro.
There's something going on around here, Foster.
Aquí ocurre algo, Foster.
Vicki... do... do you think there's something strange going on around here?
Vicki, ¿ dirías...? ¿ Dirías que aquí está pasando algo raro?
99, there's something funny going on around here.
99, aquí está pasando algo raro.
If you ask me, there's something mighty peculiar going on around here.
Si me preguntaras te diré que pasa algo raro aquí
99, there's something very strange going on around here.
99, aquí está ocurriendo algo muy extraño.
( gasps ) 99, there's something very strange going on around here.
99, aquí está ocurriendo algo muy extraño.
Oh yes, there's something strange going on here.
Oh, sí, hay algo extraño está pasando aquí.
There's something funny going on here.
Hay algo raro aquí.
There's something going on here, and I don't understand it... but I have to make a move.
Aquí pasa algo que yo no entiendo. Pero debo moverme ya.
There's something strange going on around here.
Algo raro está pasando aquí.
There's something strange going on around here.
Me da en la nariz que aquí pasa algo raro.
Yes, sir? There's something bloody weird going on in here.
¡ Aquí está pasando algo muy raro!
There's something going on here.
Aquí pasa algo.

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