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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / There are too many of them

There are too many of them tradutor Espanhol

105 parallel translation
I must be crazy, there are too many of them.
Seria una locura. Son demasiados.
- There are too many of them.
Aunque pudiera, son demasiados.
There are too many of them.
Hay demasiados.
You see yourself there are too many of them.
Vos mismo podéis ver que son demasiados.
There are too many of them.
Hay demasiados soldados.
There are too many of them.
Son demasiados.
There are too many of them and they are too strong.
Son muchos y muy fuertes.
You're wasting your time. There are too many of them!
Pierdes el tiempo. ¡ Hay demasiadas!
I'm ready to accept their right, but it is worrying if there are too many of them.
Estoy dispuesto a inclinarme ante ellos, pero estará de acuerdo en que sería espantoso que fueran muchos.
No, you can't - there are too many of them!
No, no puedes, son demasiados!
There are too many of them and we don't know how many more of them are outside the light.
Son demasiado y no sabemos cuántos más habrá que no hayamos visto
There are too many of them I'm afraid Siu Ching might have been killed
Hay muchos de ellos. Temo que Siu Ching haya sido asesinada.
There are too many of them!
Hay demasiados de ellos!
There are too many of them, all around.
Son muchos, están por todos lados.
Wait till it's dark. There are too many of them out there.
No, espera que anochezca.
- The activity excites them. - There are too many of them.
El movimiento los pone nerviosos.
There are too many of them.
Había demasiadas.
Martti, there are too many of them coming.
Martti, están llegando demasiados.
There are too many of them!
¡ No lo haga! Son demasiados.
Nice try, Iolaus, but there are too many of them.
Buen intento, Iolaus, pero ellos son demasiados.
There are too many of them.
- Son demasiados. Quédate aquí.
- There are too many of them this year.
- Este año hay demasiados.
- There are too many of them.
Son demasiados.
There are too many of them.
Hay demasiados de ellos.
There are too many of them!
Son muchos!
First of all, there are too many of them.
Primero, hay demasiados.
There are too many of them.
Hay muchos de ellos.
- There are too many of them, Dax!
- ¡ Son demasiados, Dax!
There are too many of them!
¡ Son demasiados!
There are too many of them outside. Grab them.
Señor, están aquí fuera, son demasiado numerosos.
Master Skywalker, there are too many of them.
Maestro Skywalker, son demasiados.
The samples are great, but there are too many of them.
Las muestras son estupendas, pero hay demasiadas.
Maia, there are too many of them.
Maia, hay demasiados.
There are too many of them and not enough planes leaving.
Hay muchos de ellos y no están saliendo suficientes aviones.
Master, there are too many of them.
Amo, son muchos.
I recall taking a prize ship off of Peru once and there was too many of them to share the treasure with so Flint and me, we waits till all hands are asleep...
Una vez, cerca de Perú había demasiada gente para repartir el tesoro así que Flint y yo esperamos a que estuviesen dormidos...
I forgot to tell you the showers are out back, there aren't too many of them.
Olvidé decirte que las duchas están atrás y no hay muchas.
Are there too many of them?
¿ O quizá son ya demasiados?
Yes, there are far too many of them... so you might as well kill him.
Sí, hay demasiados... podríais matarle también.
Now, my men are the best in the business, but there's just not enough of them to go around, there are too many loopholes.
Mis hombres son los mejores, pero no son suficientes para controlarlo todo. Hay muchas fisuras.
Books are good when there're not too many of them.
Los libros son buenos cuando no son demasiados.
" But there are too many and I can't repeat all of them
" honramos en este día tu presencia en este mundo
Please, there are far too many of them.
Por favor, son demasiados.
Shields down to 47 percent. Sir, there are just too many of them.
Escudos al 47 % Capitán, son demasiados.
But there are so many cards, and some of them are under the table, too.
Hay tantas cartas, y muchas de ellas están bajo la mesa.
Shields down to 47 percent. Sir, there are just too many of them.
Escudos al 47 % Señor, son demasiados.
[Narrator] Ed is concerned that there are too many teams on the mountain, and some of them show a critical lack of experience.
Ed es consciente del número demasiado elevado de expediciones, y algunas parecen poco experimentadas...
Whatever they are, there's too many of them out there.
Lo qué sean, hay demasiados.
There's artistic potential, which I think for them is unlimited, and there is commercial potential, which is really quite mysterious to us because there are so many factors that are out of your control, and we try not to think about it too much and just... try to make a great record,
Hay un potencial artístico. El cual creo es ilimitado para ellos, y hay un potencial comercial el cual es realmente un poco misterioso para nosotros porque existen tantos factores que escapan de nuestro control e intentamos no pensar en ello demasiado y solo... intentamos hacer un buen disco,
There are too many of them.
Ellos son muchos.
They are confident in their dominance over us, but mainly because there are so many of them... too many to sustain for long.
Confían en poder dominarnos, pero principalmente porque son muchos. Demasiados para ser sustentados durante mucho tiempo.

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