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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / There is one more thing

There is one more thing tradutor Espanhol

294 parallel translation
There is one more thing I'd like to get off my chest.
Hay una cosa más que quisiera añadir.
Now, there is one more thing.
Hay algo más.
There is one more thing.
Hay una cosa más.
But there is one more thing.
Pero hay una cosa más.
But there is one more thing I'd like to add.
Pero hay algo más que quiero decir.
there is one more thing.
Ahhhhh... hay una cosa más.
Mrs. DeLorca, there is one more thing.
Sra. DeLorca, hay una cosa más.
And there is one more thing, Mr Briggs.
Hay otra cosa más, Sr. Briggs.
Oh, however, there is one more thing I'll need.
Pero necesito una cosa más.
Not for the world would I push you around, but, look, there is one more thing.
Por nada en el mundo te arrastraría a eso, pero, mira, hay una cosa mas.
There is one more thing...
Hay una cosa más...
However, there is one more thing, sir.
Hay una cosa más, mi general
There is one more thing.
Una cosa más.
Frosine there is one more thing that makes me uneasy.
Frosine, hay otra cosa que me preocupa.
Excuse me, Mr. Grenier. There is one more thing you can do for us.
Disculpe Sr. Grenier que le pida un último esfuerzo.
Um, there is one more thing I have to do.
Hay una cosa más que tengo que hacer.
And there is one more thing. We haven't discussed the subject of payment.
Aún falta un pequeño detalle, no hemos hablado del precio.
There is one more thing.
- Hay una cosa más...
Oh, yes, there is one more thing.
Si hay otra cosa.
Perhaps there is one more thing.
- Tal vez hay algo mas.
There is one more thing, Commander.
Una cosa más.
Well, there is one more thing.
Bueno, hay una cosa más.
Uh, excuse me, but there is one more thing.
Disculpe, solo una cosa más.
- Almost. There is one more thing to think about.
Casi, hay una cosa más al respecto.
There is one more thing
Hay una cosa más.
Oh, there is one more thing. You see, we actually have a time-share out in the Hamptons for the 3rd week in June.
Rentamos un tiempo compartido en los Hamptons para la tercera semana de Junio.
There is one more thing.
Tengo algo más que decirle.
Oh, there is just one more thing that you should know before I leave.
Oh, hay algo más que debieras saber antes de que me vaya.
But there's one thing more, and this is very important.
Pero hay una cosa más y es muy importante.
Well, I guess there is only one more thing to discuss.
Bien, solo queda hablar de una cosa.
There's one thing more I've got to say, and it is this.
Sólo diré algo más.
There is only one thing I hate more than a guard, and that's a Nazi.
Sólo hay una cosa que odio más que a un guardia, un nazi.
There is just one more thing.
Una cosa más...
There's only one thing more important than drainage. What is that?
Sólo hay una cosa más importante que el alcantarillado. ¿ Qué es?
There is just one more thing, Mr. Harker.
Una cosa más señor Harker.
And there is one more thing.
Una cosa más.
Oh, uh, there is one thing more we would ask of thee.
Hay algo que quiero pedirle.
There's only one thing more terrible than what we have done, and that is to leave each other.
Sólo hay una cosa más terrible de lo que hemos hecho y es el separarnos.
Jean says there is one thing more important.
Jean dice que es una de las cosas más importantes.
There is only one more thing you must do to be one of us.
¡ Sólo hay una cosa más que debes hacer para ser una de nosotros!
There is just one more thing.
Sólo hay una cosa más.
Solo hay una cosa mas que puedo darte.
There is still one more thing I'd like to discuss with Lane.
Hay algo más que me gustaría aclarar con Lane.
Oh, Mama, solo una cosa más.
Oh, Mr Chase! - There is, sir, just one more thing.
Ah, señor, Sr. Chase...
There is just one more thing, lieutenant.
Sólo hay una cosa más, teniente.
There is no "just one more thing".
No hay un "solo una cosa más."
Just one more thing. That isn't the suit there, is it?
Otra cosa. ¿ Ése de ahí no es su traje azul?
- There is just one more thing.
- Hay otra cosa.
There is one thing more you should know about Andre Cocteau.
Debe saber algo más sobre Andre Cocteau.
There is... just one more thing.
Hay una cosa más.

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