They don't listen tradutor Espanhol
522 parallel translation
Listen, Cobb, you believe in standing up for a principle... even if they knock you down, don't you?
Escucha, Cobb, tú crees en seguir tus principios... aunque te mortifiquen, ¿ verdad?
Say, listen, they dance in Paris, don't they?
Oye, en París bailan, ¿ no?
Yeah, say, listen, why don't they let me out of here?
Sí, eh, oye, ¿ por qué no me dejan salir de aquí?
And they don't listen when you try to talk seriously.
Y no escuchan cuando les quieres hablar en serio.
Well, I'll say you are. Now, listen, if you do fight... thousands of babies get milk, don't they?
Si peleas, miles de niños tendrán leche.
Philip, thank you very much, that's terribly nice of you in the first place they don't smell, second, they're miserable don't listen to the stupid sheep considering today's birthday I refrain from answering, you stupid she-goat
Philip, muchas gracias, es muy amable por tu parte. En primer lugar, no huelen y en segundo lugar, son miserables. ¡ No hagas caso de esa oveja estúpida!
Don't listen to what they're telling you.
No les haga caso.
Yes, but they don't listen to me.
Sí, pero no me escuchan.
Listen, Jack, if there's anything they don't need here tonight... it's a drunk in or out of a box.
Mire, si algo no les hace falta aquí esta noche... es un borracho, con o sin palco.
Don't listen to him! If you go back they kill you.
De lo contrario cree que se presentaría a afrontar su castigo.
And he tried to tell him but they don't listen to no colored boy.
ÉI intentó decirlo, pero no hacen caso a un chico negro.
Listen, in New York you live either, A, over a subway, or B, where they're building a subway, or C, you don't live in New York.
Escuchen, en Nueva York uno vive, A, sobre el metro, o B, donde construyen el metro, o C, uno no vive en Nueva York.
Don't listen to an explanation. They're mad!
¡ No querian oirme!
Come on upstairs. They don't understand a word of English unless they listen.
Ellos sólo entienden inglés si lo oyen.
Listen sister, where we're going they don't use.
- Cariño, donde vamos no se usa el teléfono.
They don't wanna listen.
No quieren escuchar.
They don't have to listen to us.
No tienen que escucharnos.
They don't listen either.
Tampoco escuchan.
- Listen. They don't even know we're here.
Ni siquiera saben que estamos aquí.
People don't listen when they're eating, but we play just the same.
Tampoco nos escuchan mientras comen y seguimos tocando.
Of course, the kids don't vote, but boy, they listen and they learn.
Los niños no votan, claro, pero escuchan y aprenden.
Don't listen to them! They are not lawyers. He is a student, and he is a solicitor.
No les haga caso, don Hilario, que no son abogados, que este no ha terminado la carrera y este no es más que procurador.
And now listen. The Brits chase your unit because they don't know which unit it is.
Y ahora escúcheme, si los ingleses los siguen... su división, es porque no saben de qué división se trata.
They don't listen to me.
Pero no me hacen caso.
They don't listen.
Con dos platos era suficiente.
They don't listen to us like before.
La gente ya no escucha como antes.
They listen, but they don't respond. Have they landed?
Ellos escuchan pero no responden.
Listen, maybe they don't know, but i know what you did for them in 15 years.
Alguien debería decírselo.
And listen, tell everybody they don't have to worry about me anymore.
Muchas gracias, señor Newman.
I don't think they'll listen.
- Hágalo. No creo que escuchen.
Escuche, jefe, ¿ por qué no vienen a mi apartamento?
Don't listen, they're all the same.
No le hagas caso, son todas iguales.
And I said, " Now, listen. I don't want her in some place where they're gonna have straitjackets.
Y yo dije : " No quiero que esté en algún lugar... donde haya camisas de fuerza.
( truck door closes ) Listen... if they don't have that medicine in Santa Fe you call the doctor, huh?
Si no tienen la medicina en Santa Fe llama al médico.
But this time, listen, whatever they say, don't save them.
Pero esta vez, oigan ignórenlos, no los salven. Déjenlos morir.
They talk but I don't listen.
Ellos hablan pero yo no escucho.
Here they come - don't listen to their sweet talk.
Ahí vienen. No escuches sus buenas palabras.
But they don't listen to me
Pero no me escuchan
Either they don't listen or they don't understand.
Pero ellos no escuchan o no entienden.
But they don't listen to me.
Pero no me hacen caso.
People are chasing after money, they don't listen.
La gente tiene prisa por buscar dinero. ¡ No escuchan!
Well, I mean if anybody should ask, they don't listen anyway.
No tendrían en cuenta mi opinión.
Yes... Right now they don't. Because every day, when they listen... to the radio, they're brainwashed.
Sí... por ahora pasan, porque esa gente... todos los días a la misma hora... cada vez que escuchan la radio, les hinchan la cabeza.
Tell them you don't need a damn passport. They won't listen.
Diles que no necesitas pasaporte, y no te escucharán.
And if they don't listen, they have to wear another bone in their nose.
Y si no escuchan, tienen que ponerse otro hueso en la nariz.
Listen... if two drowning people join hands... don't you think they stand a better chance of being rescued?
Escucha... si dos personas por ahogamiento se dan la mano... ¿ no te parece que tienen una mejor oportunidad de ser rescatados?
Listen... if two drowning people join hands... don't you think they stand a better chance of being rescued?
Hoy en día, alguien lanza una carta para ti una casa. Si el asunto es que mantenerse en secreto, tiene que abogar por mí. ¿ Cómo se puede ser tan difícil.
His sexual appetite was satisfied by an occasional encounter with a turkey, because, he said, they cause no problems, they don't insist you listen to silly chatter, they never cry, they won't leave you for one of your subordinates,
Sus apetitos sexuales los aplacaba con los pavos,... porque decía, no te crean problemas ni te obligan a escuchar tonterías,... nunca lloran ni tampoco te traicionan con cualquiera de tus ayudantes,... y sobre todo,
- They don't have to listen to it with me.
- No tienen que escucharla conmigo.
Well, listen, up to the last minutes there was as you said, a calm environment, but we have received recent information which leads us to believe that the police will react, here, now, there is some unease sincerely, I ask the defenders of the barricade that they don't stand on it, but behind it, because a barricade is raised for protection.
Bien, escuche, hasta los último minutos había pero hemos recibido información reciente que nos lleva a entender que la policía va a reaccionar, ahora, aquí, hay cierta inquietud sinceramente, yo les pido a los defensores de la barricada que se pongan no sobre ella, sino detrás de ella, porque una barricada se hace para protegerse.
- They don't listen to me.
- No me escuchan.
they don't 727
they don't like me 19
they don't exist 52
they don't work 32
they don't give a shit 20
they don't know yet 28
they don't understand 42
they don't hate you 16
they don't get it 22
they don't matter 18
they don't like me 19
they don't exist 52
they don't work 32
they don't give a shit 20
they don't know yet 28
they don't understand 42
they don't hate you 16
they don't get it 22
they don't matter 18