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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / This isn't working out

This isn't working out tradutor Espanhol

123 parallel translation
Well, I figured it out this way. Quirt, don't really want that land. Because working isn't exactly in his line.
Y se me ocurrió algo, Quirt, tú no quieres esa tierra, trabajarIa no es Io que más te va.
This isn't working out, Blue.
Esto no está funcionando, Blue.
Look at this. The collision wiped out so many instruments, I can't tell what's working and what isn't.
El impacto ha destrozado tantos relojes que no sé cuál funciona y cuál no.
I don't wonder that brother of mine isn't working his head off to get out of prison with cooking like this, Mattie.
No me sorprende que mi hermano no trabaje duro para salir de prisión si cocinas así, Mattie.
This isn't working out, Dalton.
Esto no va bien, Dalton.
- This obviously isn't working out.
Honey, this modelling thing isn't working out. But I have an idea.
Cariño, lo de ser modelo no está resultando bien pero tengo una idea.
- This isn't working out.
- Que no. Esto no va bien.
I'll tell Nelson this isn't working out and get you reassigned.
Diré a Nelson que esto no funciona y consiga un nuevo reemplazo.
Uh, that's not funny. This isn't really working out, Hamid.
Uh, eso no es gracioso esto no es realmente trabajar fuera, Hamid
This just isn't working out.
Esto no está funcionando.
This just isn't working for you out here.
Esto no está funcionando para ti.
- Catherine this just isn't working out, right?
Catherine... esto no está funcionando, ¿ de acuerdo?
- This isn't working out. - What?
Esto no está funcionando.
- This isn't working out.
Bien, oye. Esto no está funcionando.
This just isn't working out. I
Solo que esto no va a funcionar.
This assassin thing isn't working out for you.
Lo de los asesinatos no te funciona.
- Let me out of here! - This isn't working.
Déjame salir.
- Let me out of here! - This isn't working.
- No funciona.
Okay, this isn't working out.
Esto no funciona.
Bethany, this isn't working out.
Bethany, esto no está resultando.
This isn't working out for me anymore.
Me estoy cansando de esto.
This isn't working out exactly the way I planned.
Esto no es está saliendo como lo había planeado.
But, forgive me if this isn't quite clear. But I'm still working out the physics myself.
Lo siento si no está claro, pero aun estoy trabajando en eso.
This isn't working out how we hoped.
Esto no está yendo como esperábamos.
This just isn't working out.
No esta funcionando.
This isn't working out.
Esto no saldrá bien.
This whole pre-med thing isn't really working out.
Esto del Pre-Med no está funcionando.
About me? No, you haven't been. We really have to do something about these living arrangements, because this - - it just isn't working out.
en verdad tenemos que hacer algo sobre estos problemas de convivencia, porque esto no está funcionando.
But this part-time business, it just isn't working out for you.
Pero esto del trabajo de medio tiempo parece no estar funcionando para ti.
Listen, John, I'm afraid this isn't working out.
Escucha, John... me temo que esto no funciona.
I know it's hard for you, but this isn't working out.
Sé que es difícil, pero no está funcionando.
This isn't working out like you promised.
Esto no está funcionando como lo prometió.
What's going on is this isn't working out.
Pasa que esto no está funcionando.
Ido, look, this isn't working out.
Ido, mira, esto no funciona.
It's not like he's like, " Okay, this music thing isn't working out,
Él no es de las personas que dicen, " Ok, esto de la música no está funcionando,
This isn't working out.
Esto no funciona.
You need brains, which ought to be enough, but it isn't cause you need cash to fund whatever you're brain's working on, and to get cash out of anyone in this country you need balls, because they'll try and stop you.
Se necesita cerebro, y debería ser suficiente, pero no es así. Se necesita dinero para financiar la investigación de su trabajo. y ser capaz de obtener el dinero de alguien en este país, y bolas, porque tratarán de detenerlo.
This isn ´ t working out, man.
Esto no sale.
You and me, this isn't working out.
Tú y yo. Esto no está funcionando.
- If this isn't working out...
- Si esto no funciona...
So, if you think this isn't working out, then maybe we should just stop.
Si crees que esto no funciona, quizá debamos dejarlo.
But I think we can all agree this isn't working out. So let's call it a draw.
Creo que estamos de acuerdo en que esto no funciona, así que se queda en tablas.
This just isn't working out.
Esto no funciona.
So... why isn't this... oh, first I should say the bullets we pulled out of those college kids, the double homicide Tim Martin was working, they match Barak's gun.
Entonces... ¿ por qué no está esto...? Oh, primero debería decir... que las balas que sacamos de esos estudiantes... el doble homicidio en el que Tim Martin estaba trabajando... concuerdan con las de la pistola de Barak.
- Charlie, this isn't working out.
Charlie, esto no está dando resultado.
Bethany... - this isn't working out.
Bethany, esto no está resultando.
It's all so amazing, isn't it, how this is all working out?
Es tan increíble, ¿ no crees? Como está saliendo todo.
Oh, this isn't working out.
Oh, esto no funcionará
Clearly this isn't working out.
Claramente esto no funciona.
Nora, I am your friend, and I love you, but this just isn't working out.
Nora, soy tu amiga y te quiero, pero esto no va a funcionar.

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