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Timothy tradutor Espanhol

1,928 parallel translation
He's also the guy that Timothy Leary and Baba Ram Dass... came over to Morocco and had him try psilocybin.
También es el tipo que Timothy Leary y Baba Ram Dass vieron en Marruecos y le hicieron probar psilocibina.
- Can you just leave it?
- Ni siquiera a Timothy Dalton.
- Not even Timothy Dalton.
- Correcto, voy a buscar un vaso de agua.
And have Timothy bring the car around.
Y que Timothy traiga el coche.
Timothy is the 55th book.
Timoteo es el libro 55.
Timothy Ober.
Timothy Ober.
Timothy Michael Ober.
Timothy Michael Ober.
Timothy O., Timothy Ober.
Timothy O., Timothy Ober.
And then I found Timothy.
Y luego encontré a Timothy.
Is that you, Timothy?
¿ Eres tú, Timothy?
Timothy O'Dell.
Timothy O'Dell.
I'll call our friend, see if a Timothy O'Dell's got a boat there.
Llamaré a nuestro amigo, para ver si un Timothy O'Dell tiene un barco allí.
No Timothy O'Dell in the San Joaquin database.
No hay ningún Timothy O'Dell en la base de datos de San Joaquin.
I take half your day pay for running intel on Cameron Hayes, AKA Timothy O'Dell.
Te llevará la mitad de la pasta buscar por la red a Cameron Hayes, también conocido como Timothy O'Dell.
Timothy O'Dell and infant bought a one-way ticket to Vancouver.
Timothy O'Dell y el niño cogieron un pasaje de ida a Vancouver.
Timothy O'Dell and infant bought a one-way ticket to Vancouver.
Timothy O'Dell y un niño compraron un billete de ida a Vancouver.
I got a hit for a Timothy O'Dell...
Tengo una coincidencia para Timothy O'Dell...
I've got a hit on Timothy O'Dell.
Tengo una pista de Timothy O'Dell.
My name is Timothy.
Mi nombre es Timothy.
Ah, animals could have pulled that off. You are awfully close to that body, Timothy.
Los animales podrían habérselo arrancado.
How's it going, Timothy?
¿ Qué tal, Timothy?
Money's not the problem, Timothy.
El dinero no es el problema, Thimothy.
Timothy loved his patch.
- Timothy ama su condado.
Timothy married and his wife preferred London.
Timothy se casó y su mujer prefiere Londres.
- Do you miss Sir Timothy?
- ¿ Echa de menos a Sir Timothy?
Did Timothy want you to marry him?
¿ Le pidió Timothy que se casara con él?
'Sir Timothy's role was to attend and to appreciate the drama'and to congratulate the performers.
El de Sir Timothy era asistir, apreciar el drama y felicitar a los actores.
'But Sir Timothy had been gone from his patch for two years.
Pero Sir Timothy se había ido de sus tierras durante dos años.
Is there still no word back from Sir Timothy, Ma'am?
¿ No hay todavía ninguna respuesta de Sir Timothy, señora?
I have never known a man more aware of his pastoral responsibilities than Timothy is.
Nunca he conocido a un hombre más consciente de las responsabilidades que conlleva su posición, que Timothy.
I am sure Sir Timothy meant to reply.
Estoy segura de que Sir Timothy tiene intención de contestar.
Oh, Timothy loves his patch.
Oh, Timothy adora su tierra.
Sir Timothy is back!
¡ Sir Timothy ha vuelto!
Sir Timothy?
¿ Sir Timothy?
The Sir Timothy?
¿ Sir Timothy?
Our Sir Timothy?
¿ Nuestro Sir Timothy?
Timothy is Squire to us all.
Timothy es nuestro terrateniente.
I have the pouch, for Sir Timothy.
Tengo el correo para Sir Timothy.
Timothy is missed here.
Timothy ha sido echado de menos aquí.
And you didn't see Sir Timothy?
¿ Y no viste a Sir Timothy?
Ma'am, I used to see you out riding with Sir Timothy, didn't I?
Señora, yo solía verla cabalgando con Sir Timothy, ¿ verdad?
Timothy is a true gentleman.
Timothy es un verdadero caballero.
Timothy married and his wife preferred London.
Timothy se casó y su esposa prefería Londres.
- It struck me as odd - that Sir Timothy did not respond to the entreaty written to him and yet he's turned up at the Manor unannounced.
Me ha resultado muy extraño que Sir Timothy no respondiera a los ruegos que se le hicieron y ahora ha vuelto a la mansión, ¡ sin anunciarse!
We might conclude that Sir Timothy has more important things to do at the Manor since he has been away for so long.
Podemos llegar a la conclusión de que Sir Timothy tiene cosas más importantes que hacer en la Mansión, puesto que ha estado fuera tanto tiempo.
Ma'am, do you miss Sir Timothy?
Señora, ¿ echa de menos a Sir Timothy?
We were beginning to wonder if Timothy had received our letter.
Nos estábamos empezando a preguntar si Timothy había recibido nuestra carta.
We wrote to Timothy saying how the tenants were so longing for him, both of you... to attend their performance.
Escribimos a Timothy diciéndole cuánto deseaban sus arrendatarios que él, bueno, ambos, asistieran a la representación.
Will Timothy be riding with you?
¿ Irá Timothy a cabalgar con usted?
Timothy is not here.
Timothy no está aquí.
I'm just trying to get a look at what's on his back.
Estás demasiado cerca de ese cuerpo, Timothy. Sólo estoy tratando de mirar lo que tiene en su espalda.

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