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To keep you safe tradutor Espanhol

1,081 parallel translation
They're just trying to keep you safe, I expect.
Supongo que sólo intentan protegerte.
If that's what it takes to keep you safe.
Para mantenerte a salvo.
It was done to keep you safe. To keep me safe? !
Pero el hombre que estuvo aquí anoche era él.
I'm just trying to keep you safe.
Estoy tratando de salvarte.
Until we know what happened, we want to take precautions to keep you safe.
Hasta que sepamos lo que pasó, queremos tomar precauciones para que estén a salvo.
You don't have to thank me. It's my job to keep you safe.
No tienes que agradecérmelo Mi trabajo es protegerte.
I'm supposed to keep you safe, and this whole thing is... I mean, even if you find Willow, you really think you can stop her?
se supone que te tengo que mantener a salvo, y todo estos se esta... quiero decir, incluso si encuentras a Willow, realmente crees que puedes detenerla?
We're just trying to keep you safe, charlotte.
Solo intentamos mantenerte a salvo, Charlotte.
I've been pretending to be Schillinger's butt buddy to keep you safe.
Estuve fingiendo ser el amigote de Schillinger para mantenerte a salvo.
And this Unit would do whatever it takes, whatever is necessary to keep you safe.
y este equipo hará lo que sea necesario, lo que sea necesario para mantener su seguridad.
We're just trying to keep you safe.
Sólo tratamos de mantenerte a salvo.
- I sent him to your house to keep you safe. - Well, he did a terrible job.
- Lo envié para que te cuidara.
I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.
Haré cualquier cosa para mantenerte seguro.
I strove to tell you only that which would inspire you... and keep you safe.
Me esforcé por decirte sólo lo qué te inspiraría... y te mantendría a salvo.
They asked me to find you a good home, a safe home, and to keep their secret until you came looking.
Me pidieron que te buscara un buen hogar un hogar seguro y que guardara el secreto hasta que vinieras a preguntarme.
And keep sending those prayers back home for loved ones to know that we miss them. Keep them safe and continue to keep us safe in our last few days. And we really thank you for this opportunity and the experience we've had in the outback.
Y sigue enviando nuestra plegarias a nuestros seres amados que los extrañamos cuídalos... y sigue cuidándonos en los días restantes de verdad te agradecemos esta oportunidad Y la experiencia que hemos tenido amén.
"If you keep steady and don't rock the boats, you'll head to the Council, safe from the votes."
Si avanzas a buen paso y no meces el bote iras al consejo a salvo de los votos.
I thank you, I salute you, may the good Lord look over you and keep you safe until you come home and nail that coonskin to the wall.
Os doy las gracias... os saludo, y pido a Dios que os mantenga sanos y salvos... y que volváis con la satisfacción del deber cumplido.
You're to pair with one of them, keep his ass safe.
Trabajará con uno de ellos y lo mantendrá a salvo.
Show this ring to Nicomède, it will keep you safe in his service.
Muestra este anillo al rey Nicomedes, él te mantendrá a salvo a su servicio.
Those people will keep coming after her, and she will do something to keep you or Charlie safe.
Esa gente seguirá viniendo tras ella, y ella hará cualquier cosa para mantenernos a Charlie y a mi a salvo
I hired you to keep the beaches safe and protect the guests.
Te contraté para que cuidaras las playas y protejas a los invitados.
Because you don't know what it takes to raise a family and to keep it safe.
Porque no sabes lo difícil que es formar una familia y mantenerla a salvo.
First you should know that... Office of Securities is drawing up a contingency plan to keep Will safe.
Solucionaremos lo de la pérdida del documento, pero antes debes saber que estamos ideando un plan de emergencia para mantener a salvo a Tippin.
And even though the box says it's safe... I want you to keep your arm out of the microwave for at least a week.
Y aunque en la caja diga que no pasa nada... no metas el brazo en el microondas, al menos por esta semana.
But just to be safe, Professor Hamilton wants to keep you overnight for observation.
Pero solo para estar seguros, el Profesor Hamilton quiere que pasen la noche aquí para chequeos de rutina.
Trying to keep them smart and safe, like you.
Intentar que se espabilen y se cuiden, igual que hacen ustedes.
The only way that we can keep you safe from Fredo's people is to get you out of this city.
La única forma de protegerlos de la gente de Fredo es sacándolos de la ciudad.
Until his wish to conquer the world becomes reality. To keep his body safe, he chose you, Shun.
Siento que me pierdo... no siento dolor ni nada, es como si cayera en un abismo profundo...
I had a man killed to keep us safe and what have you done?
¡ Hice matar a un hombre para mantenernos a salvo! ¿ Y qué has hecho?
We're trying to keep you kids safe.
Estamos tratando de mantenerlos a salvo.
No Ferrari, I always wanted to race in once of your cars, so I'm going to keep you safe, no?
Ocultese un tiempo.
I do not ask you to take them out of the world... but I do ask you to keep them safe from the Evil One.
No te pido que los saques del mundo... sino que los protejas del malvado.
Thank you for creating animals, plants, everything to keep us safe from starvation... health and for creating sickness.
Gracias por crear los animales, plantas, y todo. por mantenernos a salvo del hambre... con salud y libres de la enfermedad.
Ask them to keep it safe, if you please. And keep me informed of any developments.
Pídales que la guarden muy bien, por favor, y avísenme si se produce cualquier novedad.
No, they can't hear you, they can't hear you. Just do something for them about safe sex, how to keep safe.
No, no pueden oírte, no pueden oírte, simplemente haz algo para ellos sobre el sexo seguro, cómo protegerse...
Now, keep in mind, once you've opened the safe, you only have one minute to remove the canister before it self-destructs, which means the transfer should be smooth... and instantaneous.
Lo que significa que el traslado deberá ser fluido... e instantaneo.
Since I'm gonna be out of commission for a while, I want you to, you know take care of everybody, keep them safe.
Puesto que voy a estar fuera de comisión durante algún tiempo, quiero que tú, ya sabes, cuida de todos. Manténlos a salvo.
For the past 30-something years, you've been supplying the children of our community with lethal drugs while I have fought to keep those same children safe.
En los últimos 30 y pico de años has estado suministrándoles drogas mortales a los chicos de la comunidad mientras que yo he peleado para mantenerlos a salvo.
All I can promise you is that I will fight with every fiber of my being with every weapon in our arsenal and with every ounce of God's grace to keep us strong and free and safe.
Sólo puedo prometer que lucharé con cada nervio de mi ser con cada arma de nuestro arsenal y con cada onza de la gracia de Dios para mantenernos fuertes, libres y a salvo.
I'd like to keep you for 24 hours... check your urine, do some blood work, just to be safe.
Me gustaría que se quede por 24 horas para los análisis de orina y de sangre. Para estar tranquilos.
I suppose there has to be some safe card if only to keep people like my collegue over there from having sex with you.
Supongo que tienen que tomar precauciones en caso de que algún colega como el mío, que está ahí, quiera tener sexo con uno de ustedes.
I'm supposed to keep this place safe for you.
Debo cuidar la seguridad de este lugar.
You think it's safe to keep this in your locker?
- ¿ Está seguro en tu casillero?
Could you keep her for another day, Just to be safe?
¿ Eso es un porro?
You can also go down to the lake as long as you keep a safe distance to the water.
También pueden ir hasta el lago mientras mantengan una distancia prudente del agua.
I bring you to heaven. Keep you safe.
Te jalé para el Paraíso, para mantenerte seguro
You're supposed to protect your wife and keep her safe... and make sure she doesn't die.
Se supone que uno tiene que proteger a su esposa para mantenerla a salvo y asegurarse de que no muera.
Tell me, lieutenant, how long have you laboured to keep our frontier safe?
Dígame, teniente, ¿ cuánto ha trabajado para mantener la frontera segura?
And in this time of terrible trial, we ask that you give strength to Mr Lincoln's soldiers and keep our son Abraham safe, wherever he may be.
Y en este momento de terrible dificultad, te pedimos que les des fuerza a los soldados del Sr. Lincoln y guardes a nuestro hijo Abraham a salvo dondequiera que esté.
But if you want to be safe, I'll keep my mouth shut.
Pero si quieres estar a salvo, me callo.

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