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Tom sawyer tradutor Espanhol

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Well, all I know is it suits Tom Sawyer.
Bien, todo lo que sé es que a Tom Sawyer le agrada.
" and Tom Sawyer...
"y Tom Sawyer..."
"Tom Sawyer,'The Terror of the Seas', is back home again."
"Tom Sawyer, el Terror de los Mares vuelve a casa de nuevo."
And then this heroic boy actually went back into that awful darkness and somehow, some way, brought our Becky out to safety.
¡ Viva nuestro héroe Tom Sawyer! Y entonces, este heroico muchacho efectivamente volvió a esa terrible oscuridad, y de alguna forma, de alguna manera, sacó a nuestra Becky para ponerla a salvo.
No boy other than the noble lad whom I now present to you, Tom Sawyer.
Ningún otro que no sea el noble muchacho a quien presento ahora, Tom Sawyer.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
- Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer.
Oh, Tom Sawyer's drying out, too.
Tom Sawyer también se está secando.
Mark Twain didn't psychoanalyze Huck Finn or Tom Sawyer.
¡ Mark Twain no psicoanalizó a Huck Finn, o a Tom Sawyer!
Well... a river, and you and me floating down on a raft like tom sawyer.
Bueno un río, y tú y yo flotando sobre una balsa, como Tom Sawyer.
Tom Sawyer at 20.
Tom Sawyer a los 20.
I never read Tom Sawyer. Was he... sexy?
No he leído a Tom Sawyer. ¿ Era sexy?
I am Tom Sawyer, Black Avenger of the Spanish Main!
Soy Tom Sawyer, Vengador Negro del Caribe español!
Tom Sawyer!
¡ Tom Sawyer!
Tom Sawyer, the devil's got him in tow
Tom Sawyer El diablo es su mentor
Tom Sawyer, he's grief and worry and woe
Tom Sawyer Me trae pena y dolor
I'll bet Tom Sawyer will be the death of me yet
Este Tom Sawyer me va a matar
Tom Sawyer, that Tom is turnin'me gray
Ese Tom Sawyer Me trae a mal traer
Tom Sawyer, that irresponsible child, that Tom
Ese Tom Sawyer Es un maleducado
Tom Sawyer, uncouth, irreverent, wild, that Tom
Ese Tom Sawyer Irrespetuoso y alocado
And I'll bet Tom Sawyer will be the death of me
Ese Tom Sawyer Me va a matar
Bet Tom Sawyer will be the death of me yet!
¡ Apuesto a que Tom Sawyer Me acabará por matar!
What a string of fibs you tell, Tom Sawyer.
Qué montaña de mentiras cuentas, Tom Sawyer.
Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer swears they will keep mum about this.
Huck Finn y Tom Sawyer juran que no dirán nada acerca de esto.
- You are Tom Sawyer, aren't you?
- Eres Tom Sawyer, ¿ no?
Tom Sawyer
Ese Tom Sawyer
Tom Sawyer
Tom Sawyer
I was fortunate enough to get to know Tom Sawyer.
Tuve la suerte de conocer a Tom Sawyer.
I'm gonna kill you, Tom Sawyer.
Te mataré, Tom Sawyer.
Where's Tom Sawyer?
¿ Dónde está Tom Sawyer?
Now I've got you, Tom Sawyer.
Te atrapé, Tom Sawyer.
Tom Sawyer and Becky are still lost down there.
Tom Sawyer y Becky siguen perdidos ahí abajo.
Didn't you ever read Tom Sawyer?
¡ No tienes remedio, Bo!
Did a report on tom sawyer once.
Hizo un informe sobre Tom Sawyer una vez.
Tom Sawyer is a classic.
Tom Sawyer es un clásico.
Why, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, whatever are you doing here?
Tom Sawyer y Huck Finn, ¿ qué es lo que están haciendo aquí?
You're nothing but a liar and a stowaway, Tom Sawyer.
No eres más que un mentiroso y un polizón, Tom Sawyer.
Tom Sawyer, the "aeronort."
Tom Sawyer, el "aeronata".
Caught you out, didn't I, Tom Sawyer?
¿ Los atrapé o no, Tom Sawyer?
You know your ownself we gotta find a way off of this here balloon, Tom Sawyer.
Tú sabes... que tenemos que encontrar la forma de salir de este globo, Tom Sawyer.
Welcome to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
Bienvenido a "Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer".
Tom Sawyer, you chowderhead.
Tom Sawyer, cabeza de chorlito.
Can't you see it? "Tom Sawyer, Aeronort Saves Airborne Friends from Madman's Death Wish."
Sólo imagínenlo : "Tom Sawyer, aeronata, salva... amigos en vuelo de acto suicida de demente".
- Tom Sawyer, I ought to knock your- -
- ¡ Tom Sawyer,... ya he tenido suficiente de tu...
- And Tom Sawyer, Aeronort.
¡ Y Tom Sawyer, aeronata!
The Adventures of Mark Twain by the great, famous, world-renowned celebrated author and aeronaut Tom Sawyer.
"Las aventuras de Mark Twain",... por el famoso, mundialmente célebre y renombrado autor y... aeronauta,... Tom Sawyer.
- Tom Sawyer's swimming hole, eh? - Yeah.
- La piscina de Tom Sawyer, ¿ eh?
The Catcher in the Rye, Tom Sawyer. All good books. What's the matter?
"El Guardián entre el Centeno", "Tom Sawyer." ¿ Qué sucede?
- Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Yes.
Tom Sawyer y Huckelberry Fine
Tom Sawyer, what.
Como Tom Sawyer.
Fixed. Tom Sawyer Burgess.
Tom Sawyer Burgess. ¡ Dios mío!
Tom Sawyer?
¿ Tom Sawyer?
sawyer 312

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