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Tracy tradutor Espanhol

5,390 parallel translation
Oh, no, Tracy. You're not dead.
Ya estoy muerto.
I told you, we're in your mind.
No, Tracy. No estás muerto.
Time to go back to being Tracy Jordan.
Es hora de irse. Es hora de volver a ser Tracy Jordan.
Wake up. Oh my God, Tracy.
Are you okay? I almost died.
Dios mío, Tracy. ¿ Estás bien?
So our next honoree, Liz Lemon, is the head writer of "TGS with Tracy Jordan", and I am told she got married just today.
Nuestra próxima homenajeada, Liz Lemon, es la guionista principal de "TGS con Tracy Jordan".
Tracy, would you just shh!
- Tracy, quieres shh!
Tracy, would you shh!
Tracy, querías shh!
Erika Leekes, Tracy Benson, Becky Salt.
Erika Leekes, Tracy Benson, Becky sal.
I'd say that's Erika Leekes on the left, Tracy Benson on the right, and by process of elimination, there's Becky Salt in the middle.
Yo diría que es Erika Leekes del izquierda, Tracy Benson a la derecha, y por proceso de eliminación, hay Becky sal en el medio.
This is Tracy.
Este es Tracy.
And the runner-up is Tracy Hill!
Y el segundo puesto es Tracy Hill!
All right, Tracy. Good work.
Muy bien, Tracy Trabajo bueno
Emily and Tracy will represent the county in the state finals this Sunday at 10 A.M., and you won't want to miss that, folks.
Emily y Tracy representará a la provincia en las finales estatales este domingo a las 10 de la mañana, y usted no tendrá que a perder eso, amigos
Competitor number two, Tracy Hill.
Número de competidores dos, Tracy Colina
- I'm Tracy.
Soy Tracy.
- Yeah, how's Tracy doing?
- Sí, ¿ cómo está Tracy?
So we talked to Tracy today and she said that the treatment facility that they found is really nice.
Hoy hablamos con Tracy y dijo que la clínica que encontraron es muy bonita.
Tracy's on her way back with Alan right now.
Tracy viene para acá con Alan.
You know, Tracy, do you spoke your mind, you'd be speechless.
- Tracy si te drogaras mas, quedarías muda.
He's going camping with Carter and Tracy and some girl named Julie. Open Hearth.
Va a ir a acampar con Carter, Tracy y una chica llamada Julie a Open Harth.
Come on, Tracy. We're all on this together.
- Vamos Tracey, tenemos que hacerlo juntos.
¡ Tracy!
- Tracy?
- ¿ Tracy?
What's the matter, Tracy?
¿ Cuál es el problema, Tracy?
Sorry, Tracy, but Louis Gradel.
Lo sentimos, Tracy, pero Louis Gradel.
Look, Tracy, you know, I don't I think it's a good idea.
Mira, Tracy, ya sabes, no lo sé Creo que es una buena idea.
I knew as soon as you started asking around for blood figured you'd go to Tracy.
Sabía que tan pronto como empezó a preguntar por la sangre me imaginé que irías a Tracy.
( Sighing ) So Tracy is working for the wolves now.
Así que Tracy está trabajando para los lobos ahora.
And it was Tracy Chapman with the live version of Fast Car.
Y Tracy Chapman estaba sonando con la versión en vivo de "Fast Car".
I love you, Tracy!
¡ Te amo, Tracy!
Don't forget to tell Tracy about tomorrow night.
No olvides decirle a Tracy lo de mañana por la noche.
Just chat to him, Tracy, man!
- ¡ Habla con él, Tracy!
I know what I'm fucking doing, Tracy, I don't give a shit!
Sé lo que estoy haciendo, Tracy, no me importa una mierda.
This is your fault, Tracy!
¡ Esto es por tu culpa, Tracy!
Spoke to Tracey.
Hable con Tracy.
You still getting a ride home from Tracy? As far as I know.
- ¿ Aún piensas ir a la casa de Tracy?
Look, Tracy, something fucking weird going on.
Oye, Tracy, algo jodidamente extraño está sucediendo.
But Tracy said she'd give me a ride.
Tracy dijo que me llevará a casa.
It's Tracy.
Es Tracy.
Hey. Traci still in with him?
Hola. ¿ Tracy aún está con él?
- Mm-hmm. Tracy was a guy.
Tracy era un chico.
Listen, Tracy, I gotta start making dinner.
Escucha, Tracy, tengo que empezar a hacer la cena.
Like that dipshit, Tracy.
Como esa imbécil, Tracy.
- Tracy, you're just...
Tracy, eres solo...
Tracy. Tracy.
Tracy, it's me, Harriet Tubman.
Tracy, soy yo, Harriet Tubman.
Don't post anything.
- No, Tracy.
And Tracy, gone?
Y Tracy se ha ido?

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