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Trish tradutor Espanhol

2,256 parallel translation
I'm looking for a progress report on Dr. Trish Alexander, please.
Estoy buscando un informe de progreso de la Dra. Trish Alexander, por favor.
Trish is still unconscious but stable after surgery.
Trish todavía está inconsciente pero estable después de la cirugía.
He was handing out a warrant in Westchester when Trish was shot.
Estaba entregando una orden en Westchester cuando dispararon a Trish.
Well, he may have an alibi for Trish, but he's still unfit for duty.
Vale, puede que tenga una coartada, pero sigue sin ser apto para el servicio.
So what about all the officers Trish had fired?
¿ Qué hay de los oficiales que Trish despidió?
Okay, so contestant number one, usually the first suspect in any attempted murder, Trish's husband, angry and self-righteous Tony Alexander.
Vale, el concursante número uno, normalmente el primer sospechoso en cualquier intento de asesinato, el marido de Trish, el enfadado y virtuoso Tony Alexander.
Contestant number two, Owen Spencer, though amicable on the outside, Owen took out a $ 5 million life insurance policy on Trish three months ago.
Concursante número dos, Owen Spencer, aunque amistoso por fuera, Owen suscribió un seguro de vida para Trish por cinco millones de dólares hace tres meses.
'Cause he was obsessed with Trish.
Porque estaba obsesionado con Trish.
Seems you and Trish fight a lot.
Parece que usted y Trish pelean mucho.
Why did you take out such a large insurance policy on Trish?
¿ Por qué suscribió para Trish una póliza de seguros tan alta?
Trish and I are still very much in love.
Trish y yo seguimos enamorados.
It wasn't easy on Trish.
No era fácil para Trish.
I'm guessing the same person who knew Fletcher had an appointment with Trish on Thursdays.
Supongo que la misma persona que sabía que Fletcher tenía consulta con Trish los jueves.
- The same person who Trish was leaving for her ex-husband Owen.
La misma persona que Trish iba a dejar por su ex-marido Owen.
But what Tony didn't know is that Trish cancelled her appointment with Fletcher to have dinner with Ryan.
Pero lo que Tony no sabía es que Trish canceló su cita con Fletcher para cenar con Ryan.
I'm putting a guard on Trish.
He puesto una escolta a Trish.
You took Trish.
Me has quitado a Trish.
What did Trish say?
¿ Qué ha dicho Trish?
Trish told us who shot her.
Trish nos ha dicho quién le disparó.
You shot Trish.
Disparaste a Trish.
How do you think that'd go over with Trish?
¿ Cómo crees que pasaría con Trish?
All right, you guys, you wait at the hotel for Trish to come back.
Vale, vosotros, esperad en el hotel hasta que vuelva Trish.
I'm gonna make the best of it. But first I need a basket without a snow cone in it. Hey, Trish.
De acuerdo, voy a hacerlo lo mejor que pueda, pero primero necesito una cesta sin helado dentro.
Not for day-to-day but at the country club?
Hola Trish. No para el día a día, pero sí para el club de campo.
You're menopausal, Trish.
Estás menopausica, Trish.
Gobble, gobble, Trish. Okay.
No, no, no, sure, because why would you want him to have an opportunity like that? Hey. Owen told Trish about my new job, so she dropped by to have a little scream.
No, no, no, claro, ¿ porqué querrías que tuviera una oportunidad así? Owen le ha contado a Trish lo de mi nuevo trabajo, así que se pasó a pegarme unos gritos.
But I'm doing great, right, Trish?
Pero yo estoy genial, ¿ verdad Trish?
I bet you haven't thought about Trish Dowling in a while.
Apuesto a que no has pensado en Trish Dowling en mucho tiempo.
I'm gonna kill you, Trish.
Te voy a matar, Trish.
No, no, no. My friend, Trish, is....
Mi amiga Trish es...
She texted her friend Trish.
Le escribió a su amiga Trish.
Trish then called the babysitter and told her it was an emergency.
Trish llamó a la niñera y le dijo que era una emergencia.
Trish, I slept with him.
Trish. Me acosté con él.
Hello. - Trish.
¿ Hola?
- ¡ Trish!
For you, Mrs. Johnson, from Trish.
Para usted, Sra. Johnson, de parte de Trish.
My mind turned to Trish.
Pensé en Trish.
When you talk to Trish, she listens.
Cuando le hablas a Trish, ella escucha.
At first, Trish didn't believe me.
Al principio, Trish no me creyó.
We're taking her to Tricia's.
Llevémosla donde Trish.
Hey, Aunt Trish.
- Hola tía Trish.
Hey, Trishie, I was wondering if you could watch Nicole for a few hours?
Hola Trish, me preguntaba si puedes cuidar a Nicole por algunas horas.
Trish, please, okay? Please don't do this now, all right?
Trish, por favor, no hagas esto ahora. ¿ De acuerdo?
Hurry up! Okay, all right, okay.
- Trish explotó con Nicole.
Trish? Come on out of there.
- Trish, sal de ahí.
Now, calm down. Trish! Hey.
Trish, tienes que salir ahora.
- Trish, you can come out now. It's fine. I'm here.
está bien, estoy aquí,
Stay there. I'm way over here, Trish, on the other side of the room!
Estoy aquí, Trish, en el otro lado de la sala.
Every single time she comes over... - Trish, Trish.
- Cada vez que viene aquí
- Every single time.
- Trish, Trish, por favor, basta.
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