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Twisting tradutor Espanhol

855 parallel translation
Make sure you're not twisting your body, okay?
Asegúrese de que está no doblar el cuerpo, ¿ de acuerdo?
Are you twisting?
¿ Está girando?
It was awful to see him down there, twisting and diving... crippled, always dropping.
Fue horrible verlo ahí, retorciéndose y cayendo- - incapacitado, siempre cayendo.
He was twisting'my arm and callin'the cops.
Me estaba retorciendo el brazo y llamaba a los policías.
He'll be there to see us kicking and twisting.
Estará allí viendo como nos balanceamos y pateamos.
The fox comes after him and gets stuck! It's twisting and turning, but can't get free. What a calamity!
la liebre brincó entre dos abedules la zorra al perseguirla se quedó atascada en ellos
The drive wound away in front of me, twisting and turning as it had always done.
El camino de entrada serpenteaba delante de mí con sus curvas y giros, como siempre lo había hecho.
But when it starts taking a guy that's got what he's got and twisting him till his life is messed up...
Pero en lo que se refiere a su talento, y a que desperdicie su vida...
Don't you go twisting words around and puttin'them in my mouth.
No confundas mis palabras.
I think folding is more fun than twisting.
Plegar es más divertido que retorcer.
And if I tell you that that's anti-Semitism, your feeling that being Christian is better than being Jewish, you're gonna tell me that I'm heokling you again, or that I'm twisting your words around,
Eso es antisemitismo. El sentimiento de que ser cristiano... es mejor que ser judío.
That lying, sneaking brute, twisting everything I say.
- Oye, Sara. Ese bruto mentiroso y artero tergiversa todo lo que digo.
If we don't, first thing you know, they'll be twisting my arm for me.
Si no lo hacemos, me retorcerán el brazo antes de que te des cuenta.
But he's not twisting my arm.
Pero no está retorciéndome el brazo.
He's twisting words.
Juega con las palabras.
Well I am.. and since you're twisting my arm, I'll come in.
Llegué, y ya que insistes, pasaré.
Taking advantage of a kid, twisting her words, making her say what he wanted her to say.
Aprovecharse de ella, tergiversar sus palabras, hacer que diga lo que él quiere.
Nobody's holding you. Nobody's twisting your arm.
Nadie te retiene aquí, nadie te obliga a quedarte.
Screaming and twisting creatures.
Criaturas gritando y retorciéndose.
All the channels we've lost, all the twisting and turning we've done.
Perdimos muchos canales y giramos miles de veces.
They get a kick out of twisting ears, et cetera.
Se divierten retorciendo orejas, etcétera.
America suddenly took notice of a bunch of young Indians led by a twisting, hard-running, flash of fire named Thorpe.
América conoció de repente a un grupo de jóvenes indios liderados por un arrollador y fulgurante rayo llamado Thorpe.
My new Rome shall spring from the loins of fire a twisting, writhing, breathing flame.
Mi nueva Roma brotará de las entrañas del fuego una retorcida flama que respira.
There you were in your black leotard, bending and twisting arms and legs.
Estabas allí, con tus mallas negras, doblando y retorciendo las piernas...
The drive wound away in front of me, twisting and turning as it had always done. But as I advanced, I was aware that a change had come upon it. Nature had come into her own again, and little by little had encroached upon the drive... with long, tenacious fiingers.
El sendero serpenteaba y se retorcía... y vi que había cambiado... la naturaleza recuperaba otra vez su lugar... invadiéndolo con sus tenaces dedos.
Look at her twisting like a caterpillar.
Mírenla como entra retorciéndose como oruga eh.
You're twisting my words.
Está torciendo mis palabras.
You're twisting my arm, you know.
Estoy perdiendo la paciencia.
You are twisting his words to suit your purpose.
Solo buscáis conseguir vuestros propósitos.
She's probably twisting him around her little finger right now.
Ella problablemente le esté haciendo dar vueltas alrededor de su dedito
I would like to protest the counsel's twisting of words.
Deseo protestar por su forma de manipular las palabras.
Sheriff, I can put you away in two seconds by twisting your arm again.
Sheriff, en dos segundos te dejo fuera de combate doblándote el brazo.
- I don't want to. - Nobody's twisting your arm.
- No quiero cantar la cancion.
And all the little twisting paths... lead back to Mr. Brown.
Todos sus corredores llegan al Sr. Brown.
You're twisting my words.
Está tergiversando mis palabras.
Just by twisting it.
Se los retorcieron.
- I'm twisting nothing.
- No le doy la vuelta.
As long you're being so nice about twisting my arm.
Adelante, ya que has tenido la amabilidad de obligarme.
He is twisting that which is holy into something dark and purposeless.
Está convirtiendo algo sagrado en algo oscuro y sin propósito.
─ Mr Briggs. You're twisting the thing to make it seem I'm grubbing for some recognition.
Usted manipula las cosas para humillarme.
I'm not twisting your arm to buy.
no tiene por qué comprar un traje.
He's twisting the facts.
Está tergiversando los hechos.
He didn't say that. You're twisting it.
- Estás liándolo todo.
She's twisting you around her little finger!
¡ Está jugando contigo!
Stop twisting your father.
Deja de atormentar a tu padre.
If you're twisting my arm...
Bueno, si insiste...
Water flows pure crystalline trees that are looking yourself at them, green meadow full of shade, birds that sow your complaints here, ivy on the trees, twisting step by its green inside...
Corrientes aguas puras, cristalinas, árboles que os estáis mirando en ellas, verde prado de fresca sombra lleno, aves que aquí sembraréis vuestras querellas, hiedra que por los árboles caminas, torciendo el paso por su verde seno...
I was standing by a canal, watching my own reflection in the water pulling and twisting.
Estaba de pie junto a un canal, observando mi propio reflejo en el agua estirado y distorsionado.
You got the hook in him. Now don't let me catch you twisting it around.
Ahora que le has cazado no tontees por ahí.
You're twisting my arm, lieutenant.
¿ Nos quedamos aquí?
Twisting the truth to further a particular cause, or client.
¿ Y si empezases a forzar los hechos, a falsear la verdad por un motivo particular o por un cliente?

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