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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ U ] / Unblock

Unblock tradutor Espanhol

89 parallel translation
- Why didn't you try to unblock it?
¿ Por qué no has tratado de desbloquearlo tú?
I was explaining to these people how to unblock it. Coming!
Estoy explicándole a los señores cómo sucede el bloqueo. ¡ Voy enseguida!
No, he meant to re-accustom myself, to open up, to unblock myself again.
¡ Vamos! Por supuesto, yo no tengo intención de escucharlo.
And he is the one that will unblock it.
Es él quien lo va a desbloquear.
She thinks I'd unblock if I stopped seeing you for a time.
Cree que me desbloquearía si dejara de verte por un tiempo.
Hell, Polly, I don't suggest that I'd believe what Esther says, but if we did stop seeing each other for a little while and I unblock, that might prove something.
No es que crea lo que dijo Esther, pero si dejáramos de vernos por un tiempo... y yo me desbloqueara, eso probaría algo.
If I didn't unblock that would prove that she was wrong.
Y si no, probaría que ella está equivocada.
Here did you unblock that periscope?
Has desbloqueado el periscopio?
You're not going to unblock it, are you?
Vas a destaparlo, ¿ verdad?
Your job is to unblock so things flow.
Su trabajo es desbloquearnos para que las cosas funcionen.
Organize this and unblock the passage.
¡ Qué desorden! ¡ Haber si limpias todo esto!
Unblock her!
¡ Desbloquéala!
He was welcomed with all the delirium we reserve for somebody who comes to unblock your toilet.
Recibió una bienvenida con todo el delirio que se reserva para alguien que viene a desatascar el inodoro.
Dewey, how would you like to unblock golden boy?
Dewey, ¿ Te importaría desatascar al chico de oro?
At which time you will telex to unblock the money in his Swiss account.
En ese instante enviará un télex para desbloquear el dinero en su cuenta suiza.
Look, the municipality has to unblock all the Jewish property for lease for five years.
Escuche. El municipio tiene que autorizar el arrendamiento de las propiedades.
Don't unblock the exits!
iYa no disparan!
We get the coolant pressure up, and if MacGyver could unblock that reactor feed, she should cool down.
Subimos la presión del refrigerante y si MacGyver puede desobstruir la alimentación de ése reactor entonces debería bajar la temperatura.
I bet we could unblock it with a pickax.
Apuesto que podemos desbloquearlo con un piquete.
Then, you unblock the street!
Luego desbloquea la calle.
Unblock it.
So, I've been thinking of things to help you write... to unblock.
He estado pensando en cosas para ayudarte a escribir... para desbloquearte.
Marie, unblock his cock.
Marie, descongestiónale el puerro.
Oh, yeah. I, uh I had a bit of a block, so I went there to unblock.
Sí fui a despejarme un poco la mente.
And I'm looking forward to seeing you next week at that thing. hen I can unblock that angered wish and then hopefully...
Quiero verte la semana próxima en esa historia para desbloquear esa ira.
Then reprogramme it so it will unblock it.
Entonces, reprográmela para que la desbloquee.
Unblock it.
Desatasca la aguja.
If I can unblock the energy, then I can prevent the onset or escalation of an illness.
Si se logra desbloquear esa energía, se puede evitar o curar una dolencia.
Drop your gun and unblock the door.
Baje el arma y abra la puerta
So? - I didn't unblock it.
¡ Y yo no lo arreglé!
- Yes. And did you unblock the sink?
- ¿ Y desatascaste el grifo?
All right. He can unblock the sink at my place.
Bien, así me desatascará MI tubería.
What did you do in my apartment besides shorten the bells and unblock the sink - thanks for that.
¿ Qué hacías aquí aparte de recortarme las campanitas...? ¿... y desatascarme el grifo? Te lo agradezco.
But if Leo did do something to block Piper's pain, how do we unblock it without him?
Si Leo hizo algo para bloquear el dolor de Piper ¿ cómo lo desbloqueamos sin él?
We need to take you upstairs and unblock the vessel with a catheter.
Señor Dressler, parece que está teniendo un ataque al corazón.
We were about to move him up to the Cath lab to unblock the main artery when he went into cardiac arrest.
¿ Ha muerto? Íbamos a subirlo a Vascular para que le desbloquearan la arteria pero entró en parada cardíaca.
Sometimes chi just comes out by itself after you unblock it.
Algunas veces el ch'i sale solo cunado lo desblockeas.
It's a procedure where they take a balloon and unblock a blocked artery in the heart.
Consiste en introducir un globo para desbloquear una arteria del corazón.
He's not processing his emotions in a healthy way, and I think therapy could help unblock him.
No está procesando sus emociones de manera saludable y la terapia le ayudaría a desbloquearse.
The cardiologist will thread a catheter through your groin into your heart and unblock the vessel.
El cardiólogo le meterá un catéter desde la ingle hasta el corazón y desbloqueará el tapón.
How about you unblock these beautiful breasts?
Que tal desbloquear estos lindos pechos.
- You haven't got anything to unblock drains,
- ¿ No tendrás algo para...
Then I need you to unblock them.
Pues necesito desbloquearlos.
So, I'd suggest you unblock your gush by Thursday.
Así que sugeriría que desbloquearas tu chorro para el jueves.
Well, I don't blame you for not trusting a politician but I assure you that in the next 48 hours I will do what I can to unblock these present laws So that this sector can regain it's dignity and an important part in our society.
Bueno, imagino que no le creerán mucho a los políticos pero les aseguro que en las próximas 48 horas haré lo que pueda para desbloquear las leyes precedentes para que su sector vuelva a tener toda su dignidad y un lugar destacado en nuestra sociedad.
I've got them to unblock it.
He conseguido desbloquearlo.
Well, go and unblock the loo
Bien, vaya y desatasque el water
But can you unblock?
¿ Sabes desbloquear?
Unblock your emotions!
Creo que continuaré con mi auxilio terapéutico. Desbloqueen sus emociones!
I had to unblock a drain putty a window, and rehang a tile. That?
Eso es trabajo de la policía.
You able to unblock it? Traced it to her cell phone.
¿ Pudiste desbloquearlo?

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