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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ U ] / Unresponsive

Unresponsive tradutor Espanhol

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Spine's intact, but... she's unresponsive.
De la columna vertebral intacta,, pero... ella no responde.
No responde.
When I first investigated this case, the problem of how to hypnotize... an unresponsive person was the major one.
Cuando empecé a investigar este caso, el problema de cómo hipnotizar... a una persona que no responde fue lo más difícil.
He's totally unresponsive.
Está inconsciente.
- No, sir. The ship is unresponsive.
No, señor, la nave no responde.
He's useless, completely unresponsive.
Es un inútil. Incapaz de reacción alguna.
Within an hour, the patient became unresponsive and diaphoretic... and was raced up to Intensive Care, with an irregular pulse of 150... blood pressure 90 over 60, respiration rapid and shallow.
En menos de una hora, ya no respondía y se puso diaforético... inmediatamente, se lo llevó a Terapia Intensiva, con un pulso de 150... con una presión de 9 / 6, respiración rápida y débil.
Police describe Garretson's answers as stuporous and unresponsive.
Según la policía, las respuestas de Garretson son inciertas e indiferentes.
Make light of the offer if she's unresponsive.
Actúa como si nada si no responde.
Sir, helm growing unresponsive.
El timón no responde.
On the surface, Heather Duke was the vivacious young lady we all knew her to be... but her soul was in Antarctica, freezing with the knowledge of the way fellow teenagers can be cruel... the way that parents can be unresponsive... and as she writes so eloquently in her suicide note,
Aparentemente, Heather Duke era aquella joven vivaracha que todos conocíamos pero su alma estaba en la Antártida, congelándose al ver lo crueles que pueden ser los adolescentes lo indiferentes que pueden ser los padres y, tal como escribe de forma tan elocuente en su nota, que la vida puede ser un asco.
Just a pattern of unresponsive neural cells in the cerebellum and cerebral cortex.
Sólo veo una desconexión entre las neuronas del cerebelo y las de la corteza cerebral.
¿ Una desconexión?
The cluster remains unresponsive.
El cúmulo sigue adelante.
Who wants a cold, unresponsive whore?
¿ Quién quiere a una puta fría e insensible?
Mr. Chairman, this witness has been unresponsive and hostile to this Committee.
Este testigo no responde y es hostil al comité.
Completely unresponsive.
- Ni responde.
You said he was unresponsive. He never did "the little things".
Dijo que no hablaba, que no atendía a "los pequeños detalles".
It's been unresponsive ever since.
No responde desde entonces.
What a queer, unresponsive little thing.
Que pequeña, extraña y descarada cosita.
Move to strike. Unresponsive.
Solicito se elimine la respuesta.
One-year-old found unresponsive.
No respondía.
- Conscious but unresponsive.
- Consciente, pero no responde.
Doug, paramedics are at the back door with an infant, unresponsive.
Doug, ha llegado una ambulancia con un niño inconsciente.
Unresponsive at scene.
No respondía.
He's unresponsive to pain.
No responde al dolor.
She's unresponsive.
No responde.
She's unresponsive, shallow resps at eight.
No responde, casi no respira Pulso : 13.
- We've got an unresponsive infant.
- Nos traen a un bebé con parada.
His vital signs seem stable, but he's unresponsive to stimuli.
Los signos vitales parecen estables, pero no responde a ningún estímulo.
Unresponsive pupils, progressive loss of muscular control, - escalating tremors...
Las pupilas no responden, pérdida de control muscular, convulsiones...
- Unresponsive.
- No responde.
The temperature's been a constant 90 degrees, and yet she's still completely cold and unresponsive.
La temperatura ha estado constante en 32ºC, y todavía está completamente fría y sin reacción.
Pupils are unequal and unresponsive.
Las pupilas disparejas y no responden.
- She's unresponsive!
- ¡ No responde!
- He's unresponsive.
- No responde.
Unresponsive to all.
No responde a nada.
Basically motor skills has diminished and he's been unresponsive to external stimuli for hours.
Las habilidades motoras disminuyeron y no ha respondido a estímulos externos desde hace horas.
It's been five days, and she's as unresponsive as she was before.
Han pasado cinco días y sigue sin responder.
Dr Powell is unresponsive.
El Dr. Powell no responde.
- Unresponsive since the Valium.
- No reacciona desde el Valium.
Found her in V-fib, unresponsive to defibrillation.
La encontramos fibrilando. No respondió a tres intentos de desfibrilación.
Eight-year-old male found unresponsive in bed at home.
Niño de ocho años encontrado en su cama, no responde.
Pupils dilated and unresponsive.
Pupilas dilatadas y sin reacción.
Well, the computers are unresponsive.
Las computadoras no responden.
- She's unresponsive.
- No responde.
- He's unresponsive to direct questioning.
- No responde a preguntas directas.
"Highly unresponsive."
"Altamente insensible."
When Brady first arrived at the hospital he was unresponsive to verbal stimuli.
Brady llegó al hospital sin responder a estímulos verbales.
They administered Thorazine on this guy for three weeks... at 300 milligrams a day, and he was unresponsive?
Le administraron Thorazina durante tres semanas... ¿ 300 miligramos al día y no respondió al tratamiento?
- She's too unresponsive.
- ¿ Emético?

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