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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ U ] / Upham

Upham tradutor Espanhol

37 parallel translation
- Mr. Upham, how are you?
- Sr. Upham, ¿ cómo está?
I mean, six months from now, I can't see myself missing Nige any more than I might miss Ross McLachness or Ronnie Pudding or Danny Uppam or Danny Schindler or any of those.
Dentro de seis meses, no me visualizo extrañando a Nigel... como no extraño a Ross McLochness... a Ronnie Pudding, a Danny Upham, a Danny Schindler o cualquiera de ellos.
I'm looking for Corporal Upham, Timothy E.
Busco al cabo Upham, Timothy E.
I'm Upham, sir.
Upham, señor.
Upham's talking about our duty as soldiers.
Upham se refiere a nuestro deber como soldados.
Upham, over there.
Upham, por allí.
- Go. Upham.
- Adelante, Upham.
Hey, Upham, careful you don't step in the bullshit.
oye, Upham, te estás metiendo en un jardín.
Upham, tell them to show themselves.
Upham, dígales que se muestren.
Upham, how do you say, "It's okay"?
Upham, ¿ cómo se dice "Tranquila"?
Upham, canteens. Fill them up.
Upham, llene las cantimploras.
- Upham.
- Upham.
Upham, switch off with Jackson, and you linger in the rear.
Upham, vaya con Jackson y quédense detrás.
Upham, grab the gear. Get up here!
Upham, coja sus cosas. ¡ Venga aquí!
Upham, give me your canteen!
¡ Upham, dame tu cantimplora!
- I don't care what he says, Upham.
- No me importa lo que diga, Upham.
- Upham, shut your mouth.
- Cállate, Upham.
- Hey, Upham.
- oye, Upham.
- Again, Upham...
- Mira, Upham...
Jesus, Upham, any more songs like this, the krauts aren't going to have to shoot me.
Joder, Upham, otra canción como esa y los alemanes no tendrán que dispararme.
You know, you're a strange bird, Upham.
Pues sí que eres raro, Upham.
- Upham, get some cover.
- Upham, a cubierto.
¡ Upham!
- Corporal Upham?
- ¿ Cago Upham?
Cover, Upham!
¡ Cúbrase, Upham!
Upham, ammo, God damn it!
¡ Upham, munición, maldita sea!

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