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20,399 parallel translation
No, don't use that profanity with me.
No, no uses vulgaridades conmigo.
I'm not gonna use those words directly, because that wouldn't be prudent.
No usaré esas palabras, no sería prudente.
And he could really use that right now.
Eso me vendría muy bien ahora.
And you can't use that damn thing in court.
Y no puedes utilizar eso en un tribunal.
Learn their routines, then they use that knowledge to try to escape.
Aprender sus rutinas, luego usan ese conocimiento para tratar de escapar.
Maybe she can use that.
Tal vez pueda usar eso.
Revalue the expected profit and use that to get loans from the bank.
Revalorizar el beneficio esperado y usarlo para lograr préstamos del banco.
Daddy, don't use that language in this house.
Papi, no uses ese lenguaje en esta casa.
Don't use that as an excuse to come in and steal books.
No usar eso como una excusa para entrar y robar libros.
We can't use that Sander and Ulrik may have worked together once.
No podemos usar que Sander y Ulrik pueden haber trabajado juntos alguna vez.
You would use that lady and her baby as a human shield?
¿ Usarías a esa mujer y a su bebé como escudo humano?
Bet you could use that two million now.
Apuesto a que ahora podrías utilizar esos dos millones.
Uh, Dad, we could use that money.
Papá, nos vendría bien ese dinero.
I had to live in a box and I only left the box when I wanted to go to the bathroom or to use the shower, otherwise I stayed in that box day and night.
Cuando vivía en la jaula de Faraday... tenía que vivir en una caja y sólo salía de la caja... cuando quería ir al baño... o ducharme. Si no, me quedaba en la caja el día entero.
and she goes "That IP address you gave me to do the file transfer is not inside Motorola's campus, it's outside, and because of that I can't transfer the file because we need to use a special proxy server to do so and I don't have an account".
Dice : "La dirección IP que me diste para que hiciera la transferencia... no está dentro del Campus de Motorola, está fuera... y, debido a eso, no puedo transferir el archivo... porque necesitamos utilizar un servidor especial para eso... y no tengo una cuenta".
Whether we use science or ancient Greek or philosophy, it's those tools that are important.
Ya sea que usemos la ciencia o el griego antiguo... o la filosofía... son esas herramientas las importantes.
Those are the things that people are gonna be able to use in the future.
Esas cosas son las que las personas podrán utilizar en el futuro.
The dollars and cents I'm comfortable with right now, because I manage to make enough from the concert tours and so forth, publishing, to pay for the equipment that I use, and to pay the people who are making the music.
De los dólares y los centavos, no me quejo, gano bastante con las giras y los discos para pagar el equipo, y para pagar a los músicos.
But We Haven't Found The Exact Script That We Want To Use. - Interviewer :
Soul Train 5 / 10 / 1975 pero no encontramos el guion que queremos usar.
It's The Song That I Use When I Need To Be Motivated.
dream hampton Crítica cultural Es la canción que uso cuando necesito motivarme.
They've been thoroughly cursed, so they can't use the fountains, but that hasn't stopped them from finding other employment.
Están completamente maldecidos, y por eso no pueden usar las fuentes, pero eso no les impidió conseguir otro empleo.
We intend to use every second of that time, and we're not putting up with any more of your nonsense.
Pretendemos usar cada segundo de ese tiempo y no vamos a aguantar ninguna otra de sus tonterías.
I'm gonna refer to you as John B in the course of this interview, so that we don't use your name.
Durante esta entrevista, me referiré a ti como John B, así no usamos tu nombre.
- that you would use- -
- que utilizara su...
To use darkness for light, that may be possible.
Usar la oscuridad para la luz, eso puede ser posible.
- And what use is that work, Edmund Reid?
- ¿ Y de qué sirve ese trabajo, Edmund Reid?
It's-it's like one of those RFID chips that shelters use to identify cats and dogs, but these actually track the animals that they're implanted in.
Es como uno de esos chips RFID que se utilizan en los refugios para identificar a gatos y perros, pero de hecho este en particular además rastrea al animal que lo tiene implantado.
That's the 25 Boys, named after caliber they like to use on the back of people's heads.
Son los 25 Boys, nombrados por el calibre que les gusta usar en la parte trasera de la cabeza de las personas.
- Bimse, we can't use that money, okay?
¿ vale?
But I didn't want to use any of the money that you saved to die.
Igual no queria usar nada de lo que ahorraste para morir.
It's fantastic that you can use sign language!
Es fantastico que uses lenguaje de signos!
That pretty much sums it up, but I could use your help finding an enclosure to simulate the inside of a car.
Eso lo resume bastante bien, pero podría usar tu ayuda para encontrar un recinto para simular el interior de un auto.
"Seeing the error of his ways," that was a line that we would use whenever we had run-ins with angry feminists.
"lo equivocado que estaba", es una frase que utilizábamos cuando teníamos roces con feministas furiosas.
The stuff that they use to defrost the streets when it snows?
¿ El material que usan para descongelar las calles cuando nieva?
Yet this school ignores the fact that boys and girls use washrooms differently.
Pero esta escuela ignora que los chicos y chicas no usan el baño igual.
[Mrs. Lin] So, remember, you can use any or part of this pattern to suggest that an action or verb is in progress.
CHINO MODERNO Pueden usar este patrón para una acción en progreso. La masturbación es la estimulación de los genitales.
Maya, can you please tell her that I need to use this bathroom?
Maya, ¿ puedes decirle que necesito usar este baño?
Zig, there are four other perfectly good boys'bathrooms that you could use.
Zig, hay otros cuatro baños de hombres en buen estado que puedes usar.
Is that what you use to doodle? Oh, this...
¿ Con eso dibujas?
Darling, you can't use a public occasion to take a dig at your sister like that.
Querida, no puedes lanzar un dardo así a tu hermana en público.
Too much for a woman on a fixed income and I ain't got no extra money to be wasting on no canes like these. So I gotta use these so that I don't have to go back to the hospital.
Yo no tengo dinero extra para desperdiciar en bastones así, así que debo usarlos para no regresar al hospital.
And there are those that would use it against me.
Y están los que lo utilizarían contra mí.
Part of a weapon that our army will use to fight if we're ever attacked.
Parte de un arma que nuestro ejército utilizará para combatir si somos atacados.
I think it's critical that you use your platform, whatever that is, blogs, Twitter, social media, whatever, to empower as well as... as educate.
Creo que es fundamental que uses tu plataforma, sea la que sea, blogs, Twitter, redes sociales, lo que sea... para fortalecer la educación.
A rebel cell has reported an Imperial carrier over their world. If we can steal that ship, we can use it to house all our fighters.
Una célula rebelde ha informado de una transporte imperial que va de camino, si podemos robar esa nave, podría servirnos para albergar todos nuestros cazas.
A bill that, if passed, will make the use of powers illegal.
Una ley que, si se aprueba, ilegalizará el uso de poderes.
And we can use the Shodan Map to find you, but I'm gonna need the make and model of that camera.
Y podemos usar el mapa Shodan para encontrarte, pero voy a necesitar la marca y el modelo de esa cámara.
So you're saying everything he's been doing is so that he can use it against you?
¿ Quieres decir que todo lo que ha hecho es para poder usarlo en tu contra?
How to take that information and use it against him, bury him.
Cómo tomar esa información y usarla contra él, enterrarlo.
Anyway, that's my goal, and without further ado, Algoma, with this... ceremonial tomahawk, we're gonna... we're gonna break this thing open and use this money for good.
En cualquier caso, ese es mi objetivo, y sin más preámbulos, Algoma, con este tomahawk ceremonial, vamos a romper esta cosa y a utilizar este dinero.
Mandy, I think that Eve should be able to use the basement, too.
Mandy, creo que Eve debería ser capaz de utilizar el sótano, también.
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
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that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
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that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16