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Vanities tradutor Espanhol

97 parallel translation
- I got two tickets for Vanities.
- Tengo dos boletos para Vanidades.
The latest edition of the Vanities
La nueva edición de Vanities
" You were going to take me to the opening of the Vanities.
" Me ibas a llevar al estreno de Vanities.
It's your pal, Jack Ellery, at the Vanities calling.
Llama su amigo, Jack Ellery, de Vanities.
Oh, boy, the Vanities.
- Vaya, Vanities.
Why, he killed two of them and played a part in the Vanities in the same night.
Mató a las dos y actuó en Vanities, todo en la misma noche.
"Vanity of vanities. All is vanity."
" Vanidad de vanidades.
- Why not? Even accusation of that kind stirs some men's vanities.
Un acusación de esa índole halaga la vanidad de un hombre.
"Vanity of vanities. All is vanity and vexation of spirit."
Vanidad, todo es vanidad y se lo lleva el viento.
After all, one can't waste too much time over the vanities of life.
Al fin y al cabo, uno no puede perder el tiempo con vanidades.
Well, have you been to Earl Carroll's Vanities?
Bueno, ¿ habéis ido a ver Las Vanidades de Earl Carroll?
" Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher.
"Vanidad de vanidades", dice Cohélet "todo es vanidad".
- Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.
- Vanidad de vanidades, todo es vanidad.
One of the vanities of kings is that they think virtue can be rewarded with a bauble.
Los reyes son tan vanos que creen... que una baratija puede recompensar la virtud.
Just something to satisfy their selfish lusts and vanities because she's weaker.
Solo algo para satisfacer su egoísmo, su lujuria y vanidad solo porque ella es débil.
Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.
Vanidad de vanidades, todo es vanidad.
I renounce the world and all its vanities.
Renuncio al mundo y a todas sus vanidades.
Every great feeling is full of little vanities
Cada gran sentimiento está lleno de pequeñas vanidades.
I see your remaining days as a tedious collection of hours full of useless vanities.
Y los días que le quedan serán una tediosa colección de horas llenas de inútiles vanidades.
" Now is life's artful triumph of vanities destroyed... for the spirit has vanished from its tabernacle.
" Han desaparecido las vanidades, ya que el espíritu ha dejado su tabernáculo.
The vanities.
Las vanidades.
"Vanity of vanities," saith the preacher ; "All is vanity."
"Vanidad de vanidades", dijo el predicador ; "Todo es vanidad".
It's a fight of two vanities. Why should we get in the crossfire?
¿ Es una presunción que deberíamos estar luchando por el fuego cruzado?
- I wonder. Such vanities mean little to me if I may serve you.
- Me pregunto si... tales vanidades significan algo, comparadas con vuestro servicio.
And your vocation to give a shining example of wisdom to all those foolish virgins whose thoughts dwell on perishable vanities.
Darás ejemplo de sabiduría a todas esas monjas tontas que no piensan más que en vanidades peredecederas. Y ahora : debo ir a confesar.
- "Vanity of vanities."
- "Vanidad de las vanidades."
She tired of vanities that I did not absorb and quench,... I returned to Rome to say goodbye my husband-brother.
Cansada de las vanidades que te absorben y no te sacian,... regresé a Roma para decir adiós a mi esposo-hermano.
It's a still life. Still life pictures are vanities.
- Sí, es mi reloj, el que llevo ahora mismo al cuello.
Vanities in the baroque sense...
¿ Por qué fotografías como ésta?
Vanity of vanities all is vanity.
Vanidad de vanidades todo es vanidad.
Vanity of vanities.
# # Vanidad de vanidades #
.. always pursuing happiness, healthy, cheerful, and carefree... Vanity of vanities.
Siempre perseguir la felicidad, saludable, alegre y sin preocupaciones... #
Vanity of vanities.
# Vanidad de vanidades. #
Vanity of vanities.
Vanidad de vanidades. #
I never saw him again and know not what became of him but I pray always that God received his soul and forgave the many little vanities to which he was driven by his intellectual pride.
Nunca le volví a ver y no sé qué fue de él pero rezo siempre porque Dios recibiera su alma y perdonara la vanidad a la que había conducido su orgullo intelectual.
You've seen through the vanities of the world
Tu has mirado a través de las vanidades del mundo.
Oh ye, most vain of the vain and all vanities!
Vanidad de vanidades, y todo vanidades.
But he has his human vanities.
Pero el tiene sus futilidades humanas.
and it will be our pleasure to watch their combats and vanities.
y ese será nuestro placer, contemplar sus combates y sus vanidades.
Vanities and privileges of the orders of high finance.
Vanidades y privilegios a las órdenes de las altas finanzas.
I wrote Bonfire of the Vanities.
Escribí La hoguera de las vanidades.
The vanities were stripped away so he might be opened to the light.
Fue desnudado de sus vanidades para poder abrirse a la luz.
Bonfire of the Vanities!
¡ "La hoguera de las vanidades"!
Vanity of vanities.
La vanidad de vanidades.
The book is the mirror of our vanities.
El libro es el espejo de nuestras vanidades.
Then, vanity of vanities I realized I was being observed in turn by someone focused on me.
Entonces, vanidad de vanidades me di cuenta de que estaba siendo observado a su vez por una persona enfocada a mí.
" I was hiding behind all kinds of defenses, hypocrisies and vanities.
" Me escondía detrás de toda clase de defensas, hipocresías y vanidades.
" Vanity of vanities.
" Vanidad de vanidades.
He forsook all earthbound vanities... home, family and love. And that isn't all.
Y eso no es todo.
Vanity of vanities.
Siempre perseguir la felicidad, saludable, alegre y sin preocupaciones... #
The world and its vanities fade away, the world which lying day illuminates for us, then, confronting cheating illusion, I myself am the world :
De tu hechizo suavemente revestido, ante tus ojos dulcemente desvanecido, corazón con corazón, boca sobre boca, en un solo aliento estrechamente unidos, se vidria mi mirada cegada de delicias, palidece el mundo con su deslumbrar :

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