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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ V ] / Vengan

Vengan tradutor Espanhol

17,298 parallel translation
Bring them with me.
Que vengan conmigo.
Okay, hands in.
Vengan esas manos.
What's it, what does it mean?
- Vengan. - ¿ Qué significa?
Come on down.
Vengan abajo.
"Come meet Lionel Ellison as Rawdilly."
"Vengan a conocer a Lionel Ellison como rawdilly."
Or, you can let them come to you.
O bien, pueden dejar que vengan a Uds.
Come on.
- No. Amir and Hamid Shahin, come at here.
Amir y Hamid Shahin, vengan.
- I'll get people to come to the gig.
- Haré que vengan.
I'll pay someone to get people to come to the gig.
Le pagaré a alguien para que vengan.
Come through.
Come on already!
¡ Vengan ya!
So, why don't you wait till the squad detectives come back, and get into all that with them.
¿ Por qué no esperas a que vengan los detectives, y se lo comentas a ellos?
So, starting tonight and every night you come down here, you're no longer business majors or fucking trust fund babies.
Entonces, comenzando esta noche Y cada noche que vengan aquí, no son más estudiantes de negocios o malditos hijos de papá, no.
Thing is, Chad, you and your Kelly and the kids are welcome up here. But we can't be having your old man and his whole lot pitching up.
El asunto es, Chad, que tu Kelly, los niños y tú son bienvenidos aquí, pero no podemos permitir que vengan tu hombre y los demás.
the talent hunters will come to see you at the next race.
Convencí a los organizadores del torneo que vengan a verte en tu próxima pelea.
Come on!
You'll be giving the Captain a lesson after these men come in.
Le darás una lección al capitán luego de que vengan estos hombres.
Come on, let's go.
Vengan, deprisa.
Come on in, you guys!
¡ Vengan, chicos!
Come on!
¡ Vengan!
Come on, you two.
Vengan, los dos.
Have them search for weapons, treasure...
Que vengan a buscar armas, tesoros...
Okay, gather up, gather, here's what we're gonna do.
Vale. Vengan, vengan, esto es lo que vamos a hacer.
Tell them to come and finish me.
Diles que vengan y acaben conmigo.
Elisabeth, Margaux, Come here.
Elisabeth, Margaux. Vengan acá.
Come and kiss her.
Vengan a besarla.
Kids, you can come.
Niños, vengan.
You better both come with me.
Será mejor que ambos vengan conmigo.
Listen to me, all right, you need to call the police... then hide until they get here.
Escúchame. ¿ Está bien? Tienes que llamar a la policía, y después escóndete hasta que vengan.
Look, if we get people to come to the shop, I don't care what neighborhood they from.
Mira, si tenemos clientes no me importa de qué vecindario vengan.
Please come down to Calvin's Shop tonight for the community summit, because dreams apparently are being deferred even as we speak.
Vengan a la Barbería de Calvin para la reunión comunitaria porque los sueños, parece se difunden ahora mismo.
So come on down to Mooseheart.
Vengan a Mooseheart.
It's like telling the feds, come arrest us, come take us to jail.
Es como decirle a los federales : "Vengan a arrestarnos. Llévennos presos".
Come and help me!
¡ Vengan a ayudarme!
Come here, they beat him up.
Vengan acá. Les han pegado.
Come, let's see.
Vengan. Veamos.
C'mon, both of you.
Vamos, vengan los dos
So everybody come this way.
Vengan por aquí.
Please come, right away.
Por favor, vengan, inmediatamente.
I'll just stay right here until they do.
Me quedaré aquí hasta que vengan.
All fighters, on me.
Todos los cazas, vengan conmigo.
You're coming with me.
¡ Vengan conmigo!
Everyone get over here.
¡ Vengan todas!
Come, come.
Vengan. Vengan.
Come on up.
- Baby, let's go, come on.
- Vámonos, vengan.
Gather around.
Vengan acá.
You're missing the fight. Get over here.
Vengan acá.
Let's go!
¡ Vengan!

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