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Vicariously tradutor Espanhol

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Stop living vicariously in what you think I do.
¡ Pare, y viva su propia vida!
Janet, for 12 years, you've lived vicariously as "poor Clara," "poor Gail," "poor Madeline,"
- Doce años. Durante doce años has sufrido por la pobre Clara, Gail, Marie y todas las otras con las que se casó.
In all of you perhaps. All of you vicariously thrilled by Kay's little weekends. But secretly violated in your nice little souls.
Todas emocionadas por los fines de semana de Kay, pero violadas en secreto en vuestras pequeñas almas.
He lived vicariously.
Vivía una vida interpuesta.
- Until now he acted vicariously, through the use of the cursors.
Hasta ahora obraba a través de palancas.
I've been living vicariously off of you for years.
Vivo de tus experiencias desde hace años.
Take away our bowlers and school ties, remove us from our cities where others kill our meat, from our books and films, where we vicariously live out our baser emotions, set us down in the African bush where every living thing is killing or being killed,
Nos quitas los bombines y las corbatas, nos apartas de las ciudades donde otros sacrifican animales por nosotros, de los libros y las películas, que nos sirven de válvula de escape, nos pones en la jungla africana donde todos los seres vivos matan o mueren,
It's possible, Dawn, that your husband is living a vicariously freer life through the presence of this displaced person he's brought home.
No es posible que su marido busque una vida más libre mediante la presencia del mendigo que ha llevado a casa? ?
you live vicariously.
vives indirectamente.
I was telling you that you live vicariously.
Te estaba diciendo que vives indirectamente.
Why don't I live vicariously through your conquests?
¿ Porqué no vivo a través de tus conquistas?
The trouble With fathers is... they sometimes try to live vicariously... through their children.
El problema con los padres es que a veces tratan de vivir vicariamente a través de sus hijos.
I'm going to live the life I should have had vicariously through Aaron.
Voy a vivir la vida que debería haber tenido Indirectamente a través de Aaron.
Not being of so-called average height does not mean I must get my thrills vicariously.
No tener la altura promedio no significa que nadie se interesa en mí.
Let me live vicariously!
¡ Déjame vivir a través de ti!
Therefore, vicariously he loves you Even if...
Así que indirectamente te quiere a ti Aunque...
Therefore, vicariously he loves you!
IAsí que indirectamente te quiere a ti!
Don't worry, she'll get to live it all vicariously when the bills arrive.
No te preocupes, ya lo vivirá cuando le lleguen las facturas.
Oh, please. Please. Let's live vicariously, please!
¡ Por favor, déjanos experimentarlo!
In lieu of any actual social life of their own, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte had all stopped by to live vicariously through my first official date with Mr Big.
Al no tener vida social propia Samantha, Miranda y Charlotte habían venido a presenciar los preparativos para mi primera cita con el Sr. Big.
- Well, I'm about to have a nervous breakdown living vicariously through you, so...
Pues yo lo tendré viéndote así, de modo que...
I love you Therefore, vicariously, he loves you
El me quiere y yo le quiero. Por tanto y por ende, él te quiere a ti.
You are living your life vicariously through Tammy Wynette... - and that is just not healthy.
Vives la vida de Tammy Wynette... y eso no es sano.
I'm totally living vicariously through you.
Vivo a traves de tu experiencia.
Perhaps you can enjoy it vicariously.
Quizás pueda disfrutarla indirectamente.
So this technology is living vicariously through you.
Así que, esta tecnología funciona a través de ustedes.
So, we're living through it vicariously.
Así que vivíamos en carencia.
Now I've got a lot older, they tingle vicariously.
Ahora con más edad, las cosquillas son idirectas.
Well, I'm single again, so I have no choice but to live vicariously through your love life.
Estoy soltera de nuevo as ´ i que no tengo otra elección que vivir mi vida a través de la tuya.
A juicy little morsel to tide me over so I can keep living vicariously through you.
Un jugoso bocado para seguir viviendo mi vida a través de ti.
Will you mind if I live vicariously through Joey?
¿ Le molesta si vivo esta experiencia a través de Joey?
Now, I don't need to live vicariously through your achievements.
No necesito vivir a través de tus triunfos.
You trying to live vicariously maybe?
¿ intentas vivir a través de otros?
This is David vicariously doing what he really what he had time for!
Ése era David haciendo, indirectamente, lo que realmente... ¡ Lo que tenía tiempo de hacer!
You live vicariously through me.
Vives indirectamente a través de mí.
That way I can live vicariously through you.
Así puedo disfrutar yo a través de ti.
I need to live vicariously through somebody.
Vivir a través de alguien.
You know I be reading vicariously through you.
Vamos, sabes que leo gracias a lo que me cuentas.
- Living vicariously.
- Vivo indirectamente.
I live vicariously through you, remember?
Vivo indirectamente a través tuyo. ¿ Recuerdas?
- Let me live vicariously. You aren't, are you?
- Déjame vivir tu vida un rato. ¿ Lo eres?
I like to live vicariously.
Viviré a traves de otros.
I have to live vicariously through you.
Debo vivir a través de ti.
Being linked some way to my conquests, living vicariously through me... is always what's gotten you off.
Estar relacionado de alguna manera con mis conquistas, vivir a través de mí es siempre lo que te ha excitado.
I guess I'll just keep living vicariously through you.
Creo que seguiré viviendo a través de ti.
In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate.
A primera vista, un humilde veterano de vodevil en el papel de víctima y villano por vicisitudes del destino.
Then stop trying to live vicariously through me.
Entonces, deja de vivir a través de mí.
Living vicariously.
Vivimos indirectamente.
It means to extract vicariously.
Significa extraer indirectamente.
And Larry has a tendency to live vicariously through his students which I find rather pathetic.
Y Larry tiene la tendencia a vivir a través de sus estudiantes lo cual me parece patético.
I'm living a little vicariously.
Vivo un poco como un ermitaño.

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