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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ V ] / Victimized

Victimized tradutor Espanhol

235 parallel translation
I've been fleeced and victimized and I'm going to the district attorney.
Me han arruinado y hundido, me voy a ver al fiscal.
Lady, we've been victimized.
Señorita, hemos sido tratados injustamente.
Charity's one thing, but I hate to see a person victimized.
La caridad es una cosa, pero odio ver cómo estafan a una persona.
I would say a small part of that victimized group has now redressed the balance.
Ahora una de tus víctimas se ha desquitado engañándote a ti.
I don't believe I need to identify the gentleman who victimized him.
No necesito identificar a la persona de quien fue víctima.
You've been framed, victimized, flimflammed.
Haz sido inculpado, victimizado, engañado.
"Despite the fact that each can be detected by careful and alert citizens." "Thousands of people are needlessly victimized every year."
A pesar de que un ciudadano alerta y cuidadoso podría haberlos detectado, miles de personas son engañadas todos los años.
Moreover, the plaintiffs maintain they were victimized
El señor Aoye reclama conocer la verdad.
Besides which, we were forced off the road by that police car and then victimized by a towing truck that suddenly and magically appeared.
Ademas fui forzado a salir de la carretera por el patrullero. luego fui victima de un remolcador que repentina y magicamente aparecio
From the first, unsuspecting males have been victimized by the fighting mixtures bubbling in my veins.
Desde el principio, los muchachos han sido víctimas... de la mezcla que corría por mis venas.
Now, knowing him, I figure you were victimized.
Conociéndolo, supuse que era su víctima.
Did wecome from all corners of the world, to be victimized... by his crazy sense of humour?
¿ Está bromeando? ¿ Hemos venido de distintas partes del mundo para ser víctimas de su extraño sentido del humor?
But just wait until you've been victimized!
Pero espere a estar usted en mi situación.
We'll be victimized until we organize a union.
¿ Lo estáis viendo, chicas? Siempre seremos las víctimas, mientras no organicemos nuestro sindicato.
I should know, I've been victimized by it myself.
Yo lo conozco bien Soy una víctima.
You've victimized your last number-two man of CONTROL.
Este número dos de CONTROL fue tu última víctima.
We were both victimized by that... that... that brute, that... that... that...
Ambos fuimos víctimas de esa... esa bestia, esa... esa... esa...
What's left for someone like me? Hated and victimized as businessman...
Qué otra cosa puede hacer quien, como yo, vive odiado y sacrificado como empresario.
You've been victimized.
Has sido sacrificado.
It may even happen that innocent people are victimized.
Hasta es posible que algunos inocentes sean sus víctimas.
At the same time, many women have been victimized.
Paralelamente, muchas mujeres cayeron víctimas de ellos.
Personally to ask you to discover the secret of the late Mr. Bowen's success... in order to make certain... that we are never victimized in such a manner again.
Que descubras el secreto del éxito del Sr. Bowen... para asegurarnos... de que no nos vuelvan a engañar.
This young lady, Chelsea Deardon has been victimized by some very unscrupulous people.
Esta jovencita, Chelsea Deardon ha sido victimizada por alguna gente muy inescrupulosa.
She was victimized by a notion of preferring sons to daughters
Fue víctima de la tradición de preferir hijos en lugar de hijas.
Kenzo Okuzaki is here on the Emperor's Birthday... to console the countless souls who were victimized by...
¡ Kenzo Okuzaki está aquí en el cumpleaños del Emperador... para consolar a las incontables almas que fueron sacrificadas por...
Ah Bo was victimized.
Po ha sido una víctima.
I just showed you what you can never remember. What it feels like to victimized.
Acabo de mostrarte lo que jamás puedes recordar... lo que se siente al ser víctima.
Many don ´ t know they ´ ve been victimized until it ´ s too late.
Muchos ni se enteran del robo hasta que es tarde.
.. that have been victimized by lust and greed, and are..
.. que han sido victimizadas por la lujuria y la codicia, y son..
I victimized you in a moment of weakness and now justice is done.
Se acabó la fiesta. Te engañé en un momento de debilidad... y ahora se hizo justicia, así que ayúdame.
In fact, there's a pretty good chance that he's also been victimized by her, destined to die in her dungeon.
De hecho, hay muchas posibilidades de que él también sea una de sus víctimas. Destinado a morir en una de sus mazmorras.
These men were victimized, sir. "Victimized"?
Estos hombres son víctimas, señor.
Exactly, sir, they were victimized.
"Victimas"? Exactamente, señor, fueron víctimas.
Diana was unstable victimized by her older sister. It's perfect.
Diana era una chica inestable dominada por su hermana mayor.
"from southern rope to northern dope. " Too many black youths have been victimized "by pushing dope into their veins instead of hope into their brains."
"Hemos permitido que la muerte cambie su nombre...... de soga sureña a droga norteña...... muchos jovenes negros han sido victimas de drogas en ves de esperanzas"....
I mean, you shouldn't punish Nat for being victimized by circumstances beyond his control. He feels bad enough as it is.
No debes castigar a Nat por ser víctima de circunstancias que no puede controlar.
I came to play an intelligent game, not be victimized by some power freak with penis envy.
He venido a jugar a un juego inteligente, no a ser víctima de una loca con envidia fálica.
That's where the security is. Women go around feeling victimized by men all the time.
Ahí está la seguridad las mujeres se sienten victimizadas por los hombres todo el tiempo.
It is always women like you who are most victimized by anti-choice... indigent women, third-world women, women of color.
Siempre son mujeres como tí las más victimizadas por los "Anti-Elección"... mujeres indigentes, del tercer mundo, mujeres de color.
It hurt me to wake up and see my beautiful black people suffer, victimized by the oppressive, harsh realities of the hood.
- Me duele despertarme y ver a mi hermosa gente negra sufrir, - víctimas de realidades opresivas, asperas del vecindario.
Oh yes, two perfectly lovely women victimized by an unjust system.
Ah sí, dos mujeres adorables víctimas de un injusto sistema.
This is about these poor, victimized children.
Se trata de estos pobres niños, son víctimas.
They feel that it's the first time that they can sit down as a family and view a woman in a leadership role as a family without having to carry on a conversation about who's being victimized or what does she stand for.
Sienten que es la primera vez que pueden reunirse como una familia y ver a una mujer en un rol principal como una familia, sin tener que mantener una conversación sobre quién es la víctima o ¿ por qué lo hace? .
Victimized by the repression performed by his superiors...
Víctimado por la represión realizada por sus superiores...
She was victimized because the women thought she looked too sexy.
Fue discriminada por ser muy atractiva.
You did what you did to get the child back, but you feel compassion and sympathy for everybody you victimized.
Hiciste lo necesario para recuperar al niño pero sientes compasión por todos a los que victimizaste.
Now you know how I feel about these women being victimized by meat markets.
Sabes lo que pienso de las mujeres víctimas del mercado de la carne.
The laws are meant to prevent women from being victimized.
Las leyes de acoso impiden que sean víctimas.
She has been victimized.
Ella lo ha sido.
Though the law does not yet cover her claim the spirit of the law is to prevent women from being victimized by sexually charged environments.
Aunque la ley no regula la demanda... intenta evitar que las mujeres sean discriminadas... por sexo.

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