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Vinson tradutor Espanhol

107 parallel translation
Mr. Myers, attorney for the estate, and Peter Vinson, dad's secretary. How do you do, Lieutenant?
El Sr. Myers, nuestro abogado, y Peter Vinson, secretario de mi padre.
One of them was Crawford Gowrie.. The other was Vinson the younger brother
Crawford Gowrie y Vinson, el más pequeño.
Take it easy, Vinson
¡ Cálmate, Vinson!
Maybe because Vinson Gowrie was white, and I was white Lucas Beauchamp was not
Quizá porque Vinson y yo éramos blancos y Lucas no lo era.
Right in these woods on a Saturday afternoon a few weeks later He killed Vinson Gowrie, shot him in the back
Unas semanas más tarde en ese mismo bosque, disparó a Vinson Gowrie por la espalda.
They'll wait for the Gowries They won't do a thing without the Gowries and the Gowries are going to bury Vinson before they do anything to anybody that isn't a Gowrie
Seguro que no empezarán sin los Gowrie y los Gowrie ahora están enterrando a Vinson.
Now tell me exactly why you killed Vinson Gowrie?
¿ Por qué mataste a Vinson?
Vinson Gowrie was one of them
Vinson Gowrie era uno.
Vinson Gowrie was doing a lumber deal. Who was the other man?
¿ Quién más compraba madera aparte de Vinson?
Vinson Gowrie was the only one what's public here
Vinson era el único que conocía.
Then I tell you, you went to Fraser's store again and met Vinson Gowrie
Lo contaré yo. Fuiste a buscar a Vinson a la tienda.
I know what happened, he killed Vinson Gowrie no matter what provocations and he probably had plenty
Yo sé la verdad : mató a Vinson. Tendría sus razones, pero es asesinato.
We buried Vinson this morning, and do you know how he was killed?
Enterramos a Vinson hoy. ¿ Sabes cómo lo mató?
Dig up Vinson Gowrie out of ground he's been prayed and consecrated into?
¿ Sacarlo de la tierra donde ha sido consagrado?
Looks like he might be innocent He could have killed Vinson Gowrie but he never dug him up
Puede ser inocente o culpable, pero él no ha desenterrado a Vinson.
Because Vinson wasn't buried until Sunday afternoon. By that time Lucas had been locked up in that cell for almost six hours
Enterraron a Vinson el domingo, para entonces Lucas llevaba seis horas en la cárcel.
- Vinson isn't in that grave But officially he is By the county records he is
- Vinson no está en su tumba, pero según las actas oficiales sí que está ahí.
Somebody who couldn't or wouldn't let Vinson rest Had to take him out and hide him somewhere
Quien fuera desenterró a Vinson y debió de esconderlo.
Somebody who knew that Vinson was never shot with Lucas Beauchamp 41 colt
Sabía que habían disparado a Vinson con otra arma.
It is Vinson's partner in the lumber deal whoever that is Because Lucas won't tell at least not to his lawyer
Podría ser el socio de Vinson, pero Lucas no dice quién es.
Who is Vinson's partner?
¿ Quién es el socio?
That's Vinson all right
Es Vinson, sin duda.
I've never seen no man shoot Vinson Gowrie
- No vi quién disparó a Vinson.
And one was Vinson Gowrie, yes, and the other?
- Uno era Vinson Gowrie, ¿ y el otro?
Two miles later when I come in sight of Fraser's store there was Vinson Gowrie
Al rato, ya en los terrenos de Fraser, vi a Vinson Gowrie.
He could have picked me out and shut me up but he picked Vinson
Podría haberme matado a mí, pero mató a Vinson.
He murdered the man from whom he stole the money to see you lynched for that very same murder So he would be safe and you and Vinson would be dead
Aprovechó para matar al ladrón e inculparte, así él estaría a salvo.
I don't know what you have done with Lucas but we got something out of Vinson Gowrie
Hemos conseguido sacar la bala del cuerpo de Gowrie.
Is this the gun that killed your brother Vinson?
¿ Mataste a tu hermano con esto?
That's right, he killed him
Es verdad, él mató a Vinson.
The name's Truett Vinson.
A nombre de Truett Vinson.
Did you say your name was Truett Vinson?
¿ Ha dicho que se llama Truett Vinson?
Chester Vinson is a mean man.
Chester Vinson era mal hombre.
Suspect's name is Lucille Vinson age 34.
Rojo brillante. Lucille Vinson edad, 34.
Sister Vinson?
¿ Hermana Vinson?
Mrs. Vinson, I told you at the arraignment that you cannot enter a plea of not guilty by reason of sanity.
Sra. Vinson, ya le he dicho que no puede declarase inocente por motivo de cordura.
Now when you arrived at the Vinson residence on May the 5th you found the body of a man who had been decapitated. Is that correct?
Bien cuando llegó a casa de los Vinson el 5 de mayo encontró un cadáver decapitado. ¿ Correcto?
And you have identified this man as Chester Vinson?
¿ Identificó a ese hombre... Exacto.
- Isn't it true that you have always planned to use Mrs. Vinson to keep her brother in line?
- ¿ No es cierto que había pensado usar a la Sra. Vinson para callar a su hermano?
Chester Vinson didn't cut off his own head! Did he?
Chester Vinson no se cortó solo la cabeza, ¿ no?
Let me ask you, Mrs. Vinson why you decided to take your husband's head with you to California.
Quiero preguntarle, Sra. Vinson por qué decidió llevar la cabeza de su marido a California.
Mr. Bullis, you've testified that Mrs. Vinson has trouble telling the difference between what's real and what's not.
Sr. Bullis, ha testificado que la Sra. Vinson no consigue distinguir entre lo real y lo que no es real.
But Chester Vinson was not good to her!
¡ Pero Chester Vinson la trataba mal!
Last night I wrote down a list of every single bad thing... -...
Anoche hice una lista con todas las cosas malas que Chester Vinson me hizo.
Chester Vinson ever did to me. - I fail to see the relevance.
- No tiene relevancia.
You're guilty, but I haven't seen a shred of evidence that says you are a danger to anybody or anything except Chester Vinson.
Es culpable, pero no he visto prueba alguna de que sea un peligro para nadie más que para Chester Vinson.
An air contact believed to have originated in the North Pole has been spotted and is inbound to USS Carl Vinson.
Un contacto aéreo se cree originado en el Polo Norte Ha sido detectado y tiene rumbo entrante hacia el USS Carl Vinson.
My sister Carol's on the Carl Vinson.
Y mi hermana Carol en el portaaviones Vinson.
There's a battle-carrier group, the Carl Vinson, on its way to the Arabian Gulf.
Hay un portaviones, el Carl Vinson, camino al Golfo Pérsico.
We ain't found Vinson yet
- ¿ Y el cuerpo?
I met Truett Vinson this weekend.
Seguro que a los grajeros les ha venido bien. Este fin de semana conocí a Truett Vinson

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