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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ V ] / Vire

Vire tradutor Espanhol

153 parallel translation
Look out you don't get thrown out when I make this turn.
"Ten cuidado de no caerte cuando vire".
Turn left 180 degrees!
Vire a la izquierda 180 grados.
When you want to turn right, you bring your foot down on his right shoulder.
Si quieres que vire a la derecha, písale el hombro derecho.
To turn left, put your foot on his left shoulder.
Si quieres que vire a la izquierda, písale el hombro izquierdo.
Run up the black flag and head her around.
Iza la bandera negra, y vire a ellos.
Straight down the road about 12 miles. Then you turn to the right towards the hill.
Recorra unos 20 km y vire a la derecha, hacia la colina.
Left full rudder, Quartermaster.
- Vire a la izquierda, Cabo.
Get the Quartermaster below. Steer 40.
Que baje el cabo de mar y vire 40 grados.
Steer 40 and signal when you're ready.
Vire 40 grados y avise.
- I told you to come left, and fast.
- He dicho que vire a babor. Rápido.
Bring her around to 124.
Vire a 124.
Reverse course and take it up to 50.
Vire en redondo y suba a 50.
Give her a right 15 degree rudder.
Rumbo 140. Que vire 15 grados a estribor.
Port back, full. Left, full rudder.
Vire todo el timón a babor.
Then you take the left fork.
Ahí, vire en la bifurcación a su izquierda.
Tell him to turn right onto a heading of 3-0-5.
Dígale que vire a la derecha, rumbo 3-0-5.
Please turn right onto a new heading of 3-0-5.
Por favor vire a la derecha hasta el nuevo rumbo de 3-0-5.
Port a little!
- ¡ Vire a babor!
Mr. Dean, turn the ship round.
Señor Dean, vire en redondo.
Right full rudder, come right to course 3-3-0.
Timón a estribor, vire a rumbo 3-3-0.
Right full rudder, come right to course 0-3-0.
Timón a estribor, vire a rumbo 0-3-0.
Right standard rudder, come right to course 0-4-5.
Timón a estribor, vire a estribor a 0-4-5.
- Come right to course 2-8-0.
- Vire a estribor a rumbo 2-8-0.
- Come right to 2-9-7.
- Vire a estribor al 2-9-7.
- Come to course 0-8-9.
- Vire a rumbo 0-8-9.
Come to course 0-4-1.
Vire a rumbo 0-4-1.
- Come right to course 0-8-9.
- Vire a estribor al 0-8-9.
Right standard rudder, come right to course 0-6-9.
Timón a estribor, vire a estribor al 0-6-9.
Turn left, keep straight, there be Whitewood.
Vire a la izquierda, siga derecho, y llegará a Whitewood.
Straight ahead. Fork in the road, you see a sign, Turn left...
Siga derecho hasta encontrar un letrero y vire a la izquierda.
Turn left, takes you right in.
- vire a la izquierda y así llegará.
Boatswain, stand by to wear ship!
Contramaestre, ¡ vire el buque!
Officer of the deck, turn left to 3-1-5.
Oficial de cubierta, vire a la izquierda 3-1-5.
I can't get her round.
No puedo conseguir que vire.
- Veer off.
- Vire.
Give me some distance.
Vire. Aléjese.
Sulu, bring her to 143, mark 2.
Vire a 143, marca 2.
Bring her around, he's going for our flank.
- ¡ A estribor, Sulu! ¡ Vire!
Mr. Sulu, prepare on my order to turn quickly to port.
Cuando dé la orden, vire a babor.
Bring the ship about now.
Vire la nave ahora.
Turn right to 300 degrees.
Vire a estribor 300 grados.
For radar vector, turn right to 340 degrees.
Para el vector por radar, vire a estribor 340 grados.
... the always very elegant Countess of Vire.
... la siempre elegantísima Condesa de Vire.
Turn 32 North.
Vire a 32 norte.
Turn left into 185 and up to 30.000 feet.
Vire a la izquierda, hacia 185 y suba a los 30.000 pies.
Make turns for eight knots.
Vire ocho nudos.
It's because I didn't put about to pick up Flannigan here and Kinsella.
Es porque no viré para recoger a Flannigan y a Kinsella.
All right. Now I'll tell you why I didn't put about to pick you up.
Les diré por qué no viré para recogerlos.
- I turned to avoid them.
- Viré para evitar una colisión.
Don't drive too fast at the fork, Prokofyich, I toppled over there only yesterday.
Prokófich, no arrees el caballo en el cruce, pues ayer me viré allí.
I turned around - I didn't want to lose sight of that spot.
Viré, para no perderlo de vista.

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